

MondAy, octoBer 24, 20222WWAs functioning properlyto ensure EPZ workers'rights: Law MinisterIn Sunamganj, there was a human chain and a protest meeting to demand the arrest of extortionistswho did repeated attacks on journalist Shaheen and his family, grabbed their land, and looted theirhouse at Bazarghat.Photo: AK MilonSweden to partner UNFPA inprojects worth over $10 millionDHAKA : UNFPA and Sweden on Sundaylaunched and signed a new partnershipagreement to support midwifery andsexual and reproductive health and rights(SRHR) in Bangladesh.The signing ceremony of the newproject was held at the Embassy ofSweden, Dhaka in the presence ofAlexandra Berg von Linde, theAmbassador of Sweden to Bangladesh,and Kristine Blokhus, the Representativeof UNFPA in Bangladesh, reports UNB.The partnership aims to supportUNFPA's efforts to strengthen the qualityand access to midwives andcomprehensive sexual and reproductivehealth services (SRHR) in Bangladesh,including in the most remote areasaffected by climate change.The new collaboration between Swedenand UNFPA with a funding of over US$10 million for the period 2022-2026 willestablish and strengthen midwifery-ledcomprehensive SRHR-services tosupport the efforts of the government ofBangladesh.Currently, around 2550 midwives aredeployed by the government and 300midwives are deployed through NGOs.They serve in crises including floods,cyclones, and in refugee situations.They provide lifesaving support andSRHR services with innovative methodssuch as telemedicine. More midwives areneeded to give safe and accessible care tomothers and children in Bangladesh.Through the Swedish funding, UNFPAaims to equip Bangladesh's health systemwith competent and empoweredmidwives to ensure that women and girlscan access the gender-transformativehealth care that is their right.This care will include support to safeand wanted pregnancies and births, theprevention and response to sexualviolence, as well as prevention andtreatment of reproductive infections andcancers.Midwives will also ensure access toSRHR-services in the most remote andclimate-affected areas.Swedish ambassador Linde saidSweden has a long history of midwiferyand has supported Bangladesh midwivesfor over a decade."We are pleased to continue workingwith UNFPA and the government ofBangladesh to further strengthenmidwifery led care in the country," shesaid.The envoy hoped that this new fouryearproject will improve the education ofmidwives and the quality and access toSRHR-services, to make health careenvironmentally resilient, and ultimatelyimprove the health of women andchildren in Bangladesh.UNFPA Representative, KristineBlokhus said the generous, long-termsupport we have received from thegovernment of Sweden over the lastdecade has enabled us to support theMinistry of Health of Bangladesh todevelop a professional cadre of midwiveseducated to international standards - andto integrate these lifesaving humanresources into the national healthsystem."We are deeply grateful to thegovernment of Sweden, which over manyyears has been a close ally of UNFPA inour mission to protect and improve thelives of women and girls ensuringcomprehensive and lifesaving SRHRservices."Blokhus said with this partnership theybegin a new chapter in their longpartnership. "Together we will continueour support to the government ofBangladesh in ensuring that everypregnancy is wanted, and everychildbirth is safe."ICMAB signs MoUwith Bogura AzizulHaque College topromote CMA studiesDHAKA : The Institute ofCost and ManagementAccountants of Bangladesh(ICMAB) on Sunday signeda Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) withthe Government AzizulHaque College, Bogura topromote the CMAprofession and offer easyaccess to CMA program forthe aspiring professionalaccountants.ICMAB PresidentMamunur Rashid andcollege Principal Prof MdShajahan Ali signed theMoU in Bogura, said amedia release.Both the organisationshoped that the partnershipwill result in mutualbenefits for the institutionsin developing the humancapital of Bangladesh.Highlighting severalaspects of the CMAprofession, the ICMABpresident said there is aspecial need for the CMAdegree holders in theadministration and otherdepartments including theaccounting department ofvarious multinationalorganisations, businessesandproductiondepartment of industrialestablishments.He said that theenrollment of new studentsin the study center willstart from the next session.Anisul Huq, MP, Minister for Law,Justice and Parliamentary Affairs said,Workers Welfare Associations (WWA) ofthe EPZ enterprises are functioningpeacefully and properly to ensure legalrights of the workers. He made thecomment recently during visiting DhakaEPZ.The Law Minister said, thegovernment has enacted BangladeshEPZ Labour Act 2019 to ensure rightsand privileges of the workers whichestablished a congenial, safe and decentworking atmosphere in the EPZ. Thispeaceful working atmosphereencourages investors to set up factoriesin the EPZs, he added. He appreciatedthe contribution of the EPZ workers tothe development of the country by theirvibrant working activities, a press releasesaid.He also lauded the role of BEPZA inflourishing private sector of the countryby attracting investment, boosting exportthrough product diversification andgenerating employment withempowering women. He hoped that thecombined effort of workers, investorsalong with BEPZA would help to becomea developed country as dreamt by theHon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.The Law Minister visited DEPZ toobserve the existing harmoniousworking environment and workersowners-managementsynergy along withimplementation of "Bangladesh EPZLabor Act, 2019".The Executive Chairman of BEPZAMajor General Abul Kalam MohammadZiaur Rahman, ndc, psc briefed the LawMinister on overall activities of BEPZAincluding tremendous achievement inexport, investment & employment,labour rights & industrial relations,decent workplace, cohesive teamworketc. He thanked Law Minister for playingan important role in enacting a timelyEPZ Labour Act 2019 and formulatingEPZ Labour Rules 2022.The Executive Chairman said, theinvestors and workers are the maindriving forces of BEPZA's success.Mentioning the peaceful workingenvironment prevailing in the EPZ hehoped that the full implementation of EPZLabour Act & Labour Rules wouldimprove more the congenial & decentworking atmosphere.Later, he visited three garments factoryi.e. British Virgin Island owned HopyickBD. Ltd., Japanese YKK (BD) Pte. Ltd.and British Shanta Industries Ltd. Heobserved the production process, workingenvironment along with Daycare Centersof those factories. He also visited DhakaEPZ Hospital to see the medical facilitiesof the workers.Among others, Secretary, Legislativeand Parliamentary Affairs Division ofMinistry of Law, Justice & Parliamentaryaffairs Md. Moinul Kabir, Member(Investment Promotion) of BEPZA AliReza Mazid, Executive Director (PublicRelations) Nazma Binte Alamgir,Executive Director (Enterprise Services)Md. Khorshid Alam, Executive Director(Security) Lt Col ASM Quamruzzaman,PBGM, Executive Director (Dhaka EPZ)Md. Abdus Sobhan investors and workersrepresentatives of DEPZ along with highofficials were present during this time.†kL nvwmbvi g~jbxwZMÖvg kn‡ii DbœwZGD-1713/22 (6x4)GD-1714/22 (13x4)

MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 20223John Kerry praises Bangladeshfor climate change adaptation,mitigation initiativesDHAKA : US SpecialPresidential Envoy forClimate John Kerry hasapplauded Bangladesh for itsambitious climate changeadaptation and mitigationinitiatives despite beingtraditionally an insignificantemitter, reports UNB.His appreciation came in arecent letter to ForeignMinister Dr AK AbdulMomen.In the letter of 13 October2022, John Kerry alsohighlighted a number ofBiden administration'sactions in combatting climatechange, including the newlegislation InflationReduction Act (IRA).While appreciatingBangladesh for its climateactions and goals, John Kerryalso urges it to join several USclimate initiatives so thatBangladesh can set a positiveexample for other largeemitters and encourage themto meaningfully participate inthe global climate process.He thanked Bangladesh forits ambitious NationallyDetermined Contribution(NDC) submitted last yearbefore COP26 in Glasgow andrequested for furtherambitions ahead of COP27 inSharm El Sheikh inNovember this year. He alsoOn Sunday, the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) under the overallsupervision of the Office of the Evaluation, Faculty and CurriculumDevelopment (OEFCD) was inaugurated at the Bijoy Auditorium ofBangladesh University of Professionals (BUP).Photo : CourtesyRights activists at a programmecalled for taking necessarysteps for the production ofsustainable and improvedsmart white cane for visuallyimpaired people at both publicand private level in the country.At present, smart cane, whichis more helpful to visuallypeople, is mainly importedfrom abroad. But the importedcanes are costly and it is toughfor the disabled people to get it,as most of them are poor, theyobserved.Steps should also be taken sothat those poor people caneasily get it at chief price, theysaid this while addressing adiscussion meeting andcultural programme in thecapital.If made at home, price ofsmart cane would come down,benefitting the disabled people.Measures should be taken sothat the cane users get supportin their movement outside,they added.Blind Education andRehabilitation DevelopmentOrganization (BERDO), anorganization working forimproving the socio-economiccondition of people withdisabilities, organized the eventat its Rupnagar office, markingWorld White Cane Safety Day-2022.On the occasion, BERDOalso held a rally and a workshopthe whole day on Saturday.White canes are used byblind people, who want tosafely travel and maintain theirindependence. It helps normalpeople to identify blind peoplewalking on the streets and beassured support of the USgovernment in terms offinding ways to implement theNDC goals.In the letter, Special EnvoyJohn Kerry also hailedBangladesh for itsannouncement of cancellingten new coal power plants lastyear.He promised US support forBangladesh's energy security,clean energy and energyaccess goals, includingthrough the Clean EDGE AsiaInitiative.He mentioned that the USState Department's Bureau ofEnergy Resources looksforward to establishing a newpartnership between thePower Grid Company ofBangladesh and PacificNorthwest Laboratory toimprove operations andplanning to ensure gridstability and reliability tosupport increased use ofrenewables; and scheduling adate to launch newcollaboration on carboncapture, utilization andstorage and blue hydrogendevelopment withPetrobangla.John Kerry appreciatedBangladesh for being the firstcountry in South Asia to jointhe Agriculture InnovationMission for Climate (AIM4C),more careful towards them.In his speech, Md. SaidulHuq, Executive Director ofBERDO who is visuallyimpaired, stressed on buildinga rights-based inclusive society,and implementing job quotafor people with disabilities andPersons with Disabilities Rightsand Protection Act 2013, andraising monthly disabilityallowance at minimum Tk.5000.There are about 1.50 crorepeople with different kinds ofdisabilities in the country. Ofthem, 20 lakh are visuallyimpaired. If they are neglected,it would be tough for us toachieve SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) asSDGs focuses on leaving nonebehind, said Saidul Huq.Md. Musherraf HossainMazumder, a Supreme Courtlawyer who is visuallyimpaired, demanded includingpeople with disabilities into thea US-led initiative that putforward robust innovationinvestment commitmentsthat can help to acquire USD 8billion worth of climatefinance by COP 27.He also thankedBangladesh for thecommitment made at the OurOcean Conference in April2022, including harnessingmarineresourcessustainability under BlueEconomy for inclusivedevelopment and theannouncement of theNational Plan of Action forIUU Fishing.Earlier on 12 October 2022,Foreign Minister Momen wrotea letter to Special Envoy JohnKerry informing Bangladesh'sdecision to join GlobalMethane Pledge, a US and EUledjoint initiative to curb globalmethane emission by onaverage at least 30 percentfrom 2020 levels by 2030.By now more than 100counties and most of CVFcountries joined it. In theletter, Minister Momenreminded Kerry of the latter'sassurance of supportingBangladesh with criticaltechnologies to mitigate anyadverse effects on theproductivity in the agricultureand livestock sectors forreducing methane emissions.Production of sustainable and smart whitecane for visually impaired people demandedmainstream of society andmaking all structures suitablefor their use.Mohammad Jashim Uddin,Executive Secretary ofBangladesh National SocialWelfare Council, who attendedas the chief guest, lauded theproposal of producing smartcane at home, saying that itwould also save our foreignBlind Education and Rehabilitation DevelopmentOrganization (BERDO), an organization working forimproving the socio-economic condition of people with disabilities,organized an event at its Rupnagar office, markingWorld White Cane Safety Day-2022. Photo : Courtesycurrency.He underscored on raisingawareness on ensuring therights of people withdisabilities.Chaired by Md. JahangirAlam, executive councilmember of BERDO, Husne AraBegum, Treasurer of BERDO,Selim Uddin, Deputy Directorof BERDO, and a number ofvisually impaired participantsalso spoke at the discussion.On behalf of BERDO, smartcanes were distributed amongfive visually impaired studentsat the event.Journalist AUMFakhruddin's 2nddeath anniversarytodayDHAKA : The 2nd deathanniversary of eminentjournalist AUM Fakhruddinwill be observed today.Starting his news mediajourney as a convener of'Kochi Kanchar Asor' in1958, Fakhruddin wrotenumerous articles for thenow defunct dailies-ThePakistan Observer, TheMorning News and theBangladesh Times.He held important posts atvarious national dailies.Besides, he was acorrespondent of The DailyMirror (London) from 1969to 1975.Fakhruddin's Bengalitranslation of Shakespeare's"Sonnet" was publishedbefore his graduation.Noted British journalistand author John Pilger haddevoted about three pages ofhis famous book, "Heroes",to Fakhruddin with aphotograph of him. Thebook contained first-handaccount of contemporaryworld events. It was firstpublished by JonathonCape, London, in 1986, andby Pan Books Limited,London in 1989.A song of patrioticinspiration "O Amar BanglaMa Tor Akool Kora RooperShova", written by him wasrecorded in 1972. It gainedimmense popularity athome and aboard.Later, he worked as anAssociate Editor of theWeekly Holiday until hisdeath. On the occasion,Qurankhwani and DoaMahfil will be held at hisDhanmondi residence in thecity.Relatives and well-wishershave been requested to prayfor the departed soul.Faculty DevelopmentProgrammeinaugurated at BUPOn Sunday, the FacultyDevelopment Programme(FDP) under the overallsupervision of the Office ofthe Evaluation, Faculty andCurriculum Development(OEFCD) was inauguratedat the Bijoy Auditorium ofBangladesh University ofProfessionals (BUP), a pressrelease said.Thismonth-longprogrammewas held toimprove quality andintellectual development ofnewly recruited FacultyMemberswhich will end on14 December 2022.BUPVC Major General MdMahbub-ul Alam, ndc, afwc,psc, MPhil, PhD was presentas the Chief Guest andconducted a session titled'Expectation from Teachers:Guardian's Perspective' atthe inaugural function.All senior officials of BUP,newly recruited facultymembers, faculty members,and officials were present inthe inauguration ceremony.Marine engineerfound dead incity's DhanmondiDHAKA : A 51-year-old manwas found dead in the city'sDhanmondi area earlySunday.The deceased was identifiedShahadat Hossain Majumdar.He used to work as chiefengineer in a foreign ship.Police recovered the bodyfrom Dhanmondi lake areaaround 2:30 am, said EkramAli, officer-in-charge (OC) ofDhanmondi police station.He went out for an eveningwalk in the lake area onSaturday and didn't returnhome.The body was sent to DhakaMedical College and Hospital(DMCH) morgue for autopsy,said the hospital's outpost inchargeinspector Bacchu Mia.Four stab injury marks werefound on his body, he said.'Narsingdi 06 08 Mega Festival 2022' was organized on Friday atDream Holiday Park Chaitaba, Panchdona, Narsingdi. The formerParliament Member, Narsingdi-3, Shibpur and Advisor of SheikhRussel Shishu Kishore Parishad Md Sirajul Islam Mollah waspresent as the chief guest in the program. With a view to gatheringthe students of SSC 06 and HSC 08 batch across the country,this program was arranged.Photo: CourtesyFilm is a powerful medium forsocial change: Palak"Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority isbuilding 13 cinema halls in Bangladeshto screen movies and by this year acineplex will be inaugurated in Rajshahi.The remaining twelve will beconstructed by 2025. Besides, theproduction of a film titled "Antarjal"which means "Internet" in English isnearing completion as one of theinitiatives from the ICT Division to makethe cyber world safe and raise awarenessamong the citizens." The State Ministerfor the ICT Division Zunaid AhmedPalak MP shared this information in hisspeech after the screening of actionthrillerBangladeshi film "OperationSundarban" at the Star Cineplex locatedin SKS Tower, Mohakhali, Dhaka onSaturday night.He said that the young people ofBangladesh are doing great in the filmarena. They are taking the entireBangladesh to the global stage which isreally a matter of pride for us. Our youthwill build a progressive non-communalSonar Bangla of Bangabandhu and thatjourney has only just begun. He also said,"There is still a long way to go. For thisreason, I would say that film is apowerful medium for social change. Andonly through this film, we can make thecitizens of the society aware and at thesame time provide healthyentertainment."He also said in his speech, "Be itBengali or English, I am crazy aboutmovies since childhood. For a long time,we could not really watch Bengalimovies. Once the environment in themovie theater was ruined. Thatenvironment has radically changed. Wehope that we will all come to the cinemahall, watch the movie, enjoy it with thewhole family and also hope thatBangladeshi cinema will take over theworld."Finally, the state minister thanked thedirector of "Operation Sundarban"Dipankar Dipon and all the actors andsaid, "We want our youth to win thehearts of the people of our country withtheir creativity and talent, to providehealthy entertainment, to make thesociety a progressive non-communalBangladesh and let our art, literature andcinema conquer the world."It is to be noted that 'OperationSundarban' is created based on RAB'sdaring operation to rid the Sundarbansof bandits. The movie starred RiazAhmed, Siam Ahmed, Nusrat Faria,Ziaul Roshan, Manoj Pramanik, RaisulIslam Asad and many others.In this special show of "OperationSundarban" on Saturday, the film'sdirector Dipankar Dipon, among others,Monir Khan Shimul, Siam Ahmed, ZiaulRoshan, Vidya Sinha Meem and otherswere present.State Minister for the ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak MP addressing after the screening of actionthrillerBangladeshi film "Operation Sundarban" at the Star Cineplex located in SKS Tower,Mohakhali, Dhaka on Saturday night.Photo : CourtesyNorwegian Ambassador to Bangladesh Espen Rikter Svendsen paid a courtesy callon Industries Minister Nurul Majid Humayun yesterday.Photo : PIDBNP hatching afresh conspiracyto thwart polls : HanifDHAKA : Awami League Joint GeneralSecretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif yesterdaysaid BNP is hatching afresh conspiracy tofoil the next parliamentary polls."Bangladesh is now a stable state and rolemodel of development before the world.When there is no violence in the country,people can safely go to their workplaces andlive peacefully, but BNP has startedhatching afresh conspiracy," he said.Hanif added: "All anti-liberation forcesare hatching conspiracy standing on asingle platform. Their target is to foil theelection as they don't want any polls".He was addressing the triennial councilsof the party's Sabujbagh than unit and itsward no 4,5,73 and 74 units at MadartekAbdul Aziz School and College ground inthe capital. The AL leader said BNP's targetof ousting the government will never besuccessful."There will be no benefit to see suchdaydreaming. The next polls will be held asper the constitution. If people cast their votesin favour of you (BNP), you will go to power.And If the people don't vote you, there is noother way to go to power," he said.AL Organising Secretary Mirza Azamspoke on the occasion as the special guestwhile Sabujbagh than AL President MdAshrafuzzaman Farid chaired the councilsession moderated by Chittranjan Das.Dhaka-9 lawmaker Saber HossainChowdhur and Dhaka City South ALGeneral Secretary Humayun Kabir alsoaddressed it.HC upholds deathof husband in caseover wife's murderDHAKA : The High Court(HC) yesterday uphelddeath sentence of a Barishalman in a case lodged overhis wife's murder in 2015.A High Court divisionbench comprising JusticeSheikh Hassan Arif andJustice Biswajit Debnathpronounced the judgmentafter holding hearing ondeath reference and criminalappeal in the case."Dismissed," said the HighCourt in its short judgment,upholding death sentence ofthe convict Sumon Munshifrom Mehendiganj, Barishal.Advocate SM Nurul IslamShamim moved the appealfor Munshi, while DeputyAttorney General Harun UrRashid and AssistantAttorney General JahidAhmed Hero stood for thestate.According to the casedocuments, Sumon Munshiand his family used totorture his wife Sathi fordowry and killed her onJune 20, 2015. They tried tomake the murder as suicideby hanging Sathi's body withthe ceiling of the room.Sensing the matter, thevictim's father filed the casewith Mehendiganj PoliceStation on June 21, 2015 andpolice on November 27,2015, filed charge-sheetagainst Sumon Munshi.



John Kerry praises Bangladesh

for climate change adaptation,

mitigation initiatives

DHAKA : US Special

Presidential Envoy for

Climate John Kerry has

applauded Bangladesh for its

ambitious climate change

adaptation and mitigation

initiatives despite being

traditionally an insignificant

emitter, reports UNB.

His appreciation came in a

recent letter to Foreign

Minister Dr AK Abdul


In the letter of 13 October

2022, John Kerry also

highlighted a number of

Biden administration's

actions in combatting climate

change, including the new

legislation Inflation

Reduction Act (IRA).

While appreciating

Bangladesh for its climate

actions and goals, John Kerry

also urges it to join several US

climate initiatives so that

Bangladesh can set a positive

example for other large

emitters and encourage them

to meaningfully participate in

the global climate process.

He thanked Bangladesh for

its ambitious Nationally

Determined Contribution

(NDC) submitted last year

before COP26 in Glasgow and

requested for further

ambitions ahead of COP27 in

Sharm El Sheikh in

November this year. He also

On Sunday, the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) under the overall

supervision of the Office of the Evaluation, Faculty and Curriculum

Development (OEFCD) was inaugurated at the Bijoy Auditorium of

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP).

Photo : Courtesy

Rights activists at a programme

called for taking necessary

steps for the production of

sustainable and improved

smart white cane for visually

impaired people at both public

and private level in the country.

At present, smart cane, which

is more helpful to visually

people, is mainly imported

from abroad. But the imported

canes are costly and it is tough

for the disabled people to get it,

as most of them are poor, they


Steps should also be taken so

that those poor people can

easily get it at chief price, they

said this while addressing a

discussion meeting and

cultural programme in the


If made at home, price of

smart cane would come down,

benefitting the disabled people.

Measures should be taken so

that the cane users get support

in their movement outside,

they added.

Blind Education and

Rehabilitation Development

Organization (BERDO), an

organization working for

improving the socio-economic

condition of people with

disabilities, organized the event

at its Rupnagar office, marking

World White Cane Safety Day-


On the occasion, BERDO

also held a rally and a workshop

the whole day on Saturday.

White canes are used by

blind people, who want to

safely travel and maintain their

independence. It helps normal

people to identify blind people

walking on the streets and be

assured support of the US

government in terms of

finding ways to implement the

NDC goals.

In the letter, Special Envoy

John Kerry also hailed

Bangladesh for its

announcement of cancelling

ten new coal power plants last


He promised US support for

Bangladesh's energy security,

clean energy and energy

access goals, including

through the Clean EDGE Asia


He mentioned that the US

State Department's Bureau of

Energy Resources looks

forward to establishing a new

partnership between the

Power Grid Company of

Bangladesh and Pacific

Northwest Laboratory to

improve operations and

planning to ensure grid

stability and reliability to

support increased use of

renewables; and scheduling a

date to launch new

collaboration on carbon

capture, utilization and

storage and blue hydrogen

development with


John Kerry appreciated

Bangladesh for being the first

country in South Asia to join

the Agriculture Innovation

Mission for Climate (AIM4C),

more careful towards them.

In his speech, Md. Saidul

Huq, Executive Director of

BERDO who is visually

impaired, stressed on building

a rights-based inclusive society,

and implementing job quota

for people with disabilities and

Persons with Disabilities Rights

and Protection Act 2013, and

raising monthly disability

allowance at minimum Tk.


There are about 1.50 crore

people with different kinds of

disabilities in the country. Of

them, 20 lakh are visually

impaired. If they are neglected,

it would be tough for us to

achieve Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs) as

SDGs focuses on leaving none

behind, said Saidul Huq.

Md. Musherraf Hossain

Mazumder, a Supreme Court

lawyer who is visually

impaired, demanded including

people with disabilities into the

a US-led initiative that put

forward robust innovation

investment commitments

that can help to acquire USD 8

billion worth of climate

finance by COP 27.

He also thanked

Bangladesh for the

commitment made at the Our

Ocean Conference in April

2022, including harnessing



sustainability under Blue

Economy for inclusive

development and the

announcement of the

National Plan of Action for

IUU Fishing.

Earlier on 12 October 2022,

Foreign Minister Momen wrote

a letter to Special Envoy John

Kerry informing Bangladesh's

decision to join Global

Methane Pledge, a US and EUled

joint initiative to curb global

methane emission by on

average at least 30 percent

from 2020 levels by 2030.

By now more than 100

counties and most of CVF

countries joined it. In the

letter, Minister Momen

reminded Kerry of the latter's

assurance of supporting

Bangladesh with critical

technologies to mitigate any

adverse effects on the

productivity in the agriculture

and livestock sectors for

reducing methane emissions.

Production of sustainable and smart white

cane for visually impaired people demanded

mainstream of society and

making all structures suitable

for their use.

Mohammad Jashim Uddin,

Executive Secretary of

Bangladesh National Social

Welfare Council, who attended

as the chief guest, lauded the

proposal of producing smart

cane at home, saying that it

would also save our foreign

Blind Education and Rehabilitation Development

Organization (BERDO), an organization working for

improving the socio-economic condition of people with disabilities,

organized an event at its Rupnagar office, marking

World White Cane Safety Day-2022. Photo : Courtesy


He underscored on raising

awareness on ensuring the

rights of people with


Chaired by Md. Jahangir

Alam, executive council

member of BERDO, Husne Ara

Begum, Treasurer of BERDO,

Selim Uddin, Deputy Director

of BERDO, and a number of

visually impaired participants

also spoke at the discussion.

On behalf of BERDO, smart

canes were distributed among

five visually impaired students

at the event.

Journalist AUM

Fakhruddin's 2nd

death anniversary


DHAKA : The 2nd death

anniversary of eminent

journalist AUM Fakhruddin

will be observed today.

Starting his news media

journey as a convener of

'Kochi Kanchar Asor' in

1958, Fakhruddin wrote

numerous articles for the

now defunct dailies-The

Pakistan Observer, The

Morning News and the

Bangladesh Times.

He held important posts at

various national dailies.

Besides, he was a

correspondent of The Daily

Mirror (London) from 1969

to 1975.

Fakhruddin's Bengali

translation of Shakespeare's

"Sonnet" was published

before his graduation.

Noted British journalist

and author John Pilger had

devoted about three pages of

his famous book, "Heroes",

to Fakhruddin with a

photograph of him. The

book contained first-hand

account of contemporary

world events. It was first

published by Jonathon

Cape, London, in 1986, and

by Pan Books Limited,

London in 1989.

A song of patriotic

inspiration "O Amar Bangla

Ma Tor Akool Kora Rooper

Shova", written by him was

recorded in 1972. It gained

immense popularity at

home and aboard.

Later, he worked as an

Associate Editor of the

Weekly Holiday until his

death. On the occasion,

Qurankhwani and Doa

Mahfil will be held at his

Dhanmondi residence in the


Relatives and well-wishers

have been requested to pray

for the departed soul.

Faculty Development


inaugurated at BUP

On Sunday, the Faculty

Development Programme

(FDP) under the overall

supervision of the Office of

the Evaluation, Faculty and

Curriculum Development

(OEFCD) was inaugurated

at the Bijoy Auditorium of

Bangladesh University of

Professionals (BUP), a press

release said.



programmewas held to

improve quality and

intellectual development of

newly recruited Faculty

Memberswhich will end on

14 December 2022.

BUPVC Major General Md

Mahbub-ul Alam, ndc, afwc,

psc, MPhil, PhD was present

as the Chief Guest and

conducted a session titled

'Expectation from Teachers:

Guardian's Perspective' at

the inaugural function.

All senior officials of BUP,

newly recruited faculty

members, faculty members,

and officials were present in

the inauguration ceremony.

Marine engineer

found dead in

city's Dhanmondi

DHAKA : A 51-year-old man

was found dead in the city's

Dhanmondi area early


The deceased was identified

Shahadat Hossain Majumdar.

He used to work as chief

engineer in a foreign ship.

Police recovered the body

from Dhanmondi lake area

around 2:30 am, said Ekram

Ali, officer-in-charge (OC) of

Dhanmondi police station.

He went out for an evening

walk in the lake area on

Saturday and didn't return


The body was sent to Dhaka

Medical College and Hospital

(DMCH) morgue for autopsy,

said the hospital's outpost incharge

inspector Bacchu Mia.

Four stab injury marks were

found on his body, he said.

'Narsingdi 06 08 Mega Festival 2022' was organized on Friday at

Dream Holiday Park Chaitaba, Panchdona, Narsingdi. The former

Parliament Member, Narsingdi-3, Shibpur and Advisor of Sheikh

Russel Shishu Kishore Parishad Md Sirajul Islam Mollah was

present as the chief guest in the program. With a view to gathering

the students of SSC 06 and HSC 08 batch across the country,

this program was arranged.

Photo: Courtesy

Film is a powerful medium for

social change: Palak

"Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority is

building 13 cinema halls in Bangladesh

to screen movies and by this year a

cineplex will be inaugurated in Rajshahi.

The remaining twelve will be

constructed by 2025. Besides, the

production of a film titled "Antarjal"

which means "Internet" in English is

nearing completion as one of the

initiatives from the ICT Division to make

the cyber world safe and raise awareness

among the citizens." The State Minister

for the ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed

Palak MP shared this information in his

speech after the screening of actionthriller

Bangladeshi film "Operation

Sundarban" at the Star Cineplex located

in SKS Tower, Mohakhali, Dhaka on

Saturday night.

He said that the young people of

Bangladesh are doing great in the film

arena. They are taking the entire

Bangladesh to the global stage which is

really a matter of pride for us. Our youth

will build a progressive non-communal

Sonar Bangla of Bangabandhu and that

journey has only just begun. He also said,

"There is still a long way to go. For this

reason, I would say that film is a

powerful medium for social change. And

only through this film, we can make the

citizens of the society aware and at the

same time provide healthy


He also said in his speech, "Be it

Bengali or English, I am crazy about

movies since childhood. For a long time,

we could not really watch Bengali

movies. Once the environment in the

movie theater was ruined. That

environment has radically changed. We

hope that we will all come to the cinema

hall, watch the movie, enjoy it with the

whole family and also hope that

Bangladeshi cinema will take over the


Finally, the state minister thanked the

director of "Operation Sundarban"

Dipankar Dipon and all the actors and

said, "We want our youth to win the

hearts of the people of our country with

their creativity and talent, to provide

healthy entertainment, to make the

society a progressive non-communal

Bangladesh and let our art, literature and

cinema conquer the world."

It is to be noted that 'Operation

Sundarban' is created based on RAB's

daring operation to rid the Sundarbans

of bandits. The movie starred Riaz

Ahmed, Siam Ahmed, Nusrat Faria,

Ziaul Roshan, Manoj Pramanik, Raisul

Islam Asad and many others.

In this special show of "Operation

Sundarban" on Saturday, the film's

director Dipankar Dipon, among others,

Monir Khan Shimul, Siam Ahmed, Ziaul

Roshan, Vidya Sinha Meem and others

were present.

State Minister for the ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak MP addressing after the screening of actionthriller

Bangladeshi film "Operation Sundarban" at the Star Cineplex located in SKS Tower,

Mohakhali, Dhaka on Saturday night.

Photo : Courtesy

Norwegian Ambassador to Bangladesh Espen Rikter Svendsen paid a courtesy call

on Industries Minister Nurul Majid Humayun yesterday.

Photo : PID

BNP hatching afresh conspiracy

to thwart polls : Hanif

DHAKA : Awami League Joint General

Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif yesterday

said BNP is hatching afresh conspiracy to

foil the next parliamentary polls.

"Bangladesh is now a stable state and role

model of development before the world.

When there is no violence in the country,

people can safely go to their workplaces and

live peacefully, but BNP has started

hatching afresh conspiracy," he said.

Hanif added: "All anti-liberation forces

are hatching conspiracy standing on a

single platform. Their target is to foil the

election as they don't want any polls".

He was addressing the triennial councils

of the party's Sabujbagh than unit and its

ward no 4,5,73 and 74 units at Madartek

Abdul Aziz School and College ground in

the capital. The AL leader said BNP's target

of ousting the government will never be


"There will be no benefit to see such

daydreaming. The next polls will be held as

per the constitution. If people cast their votes

in favour of you (BNP), you will go to power.

And If the people don't vote you, there is no

other way to go to power," he said.

AL Organising Secretary Mirza Azam

spoke on the occasion as the special guest

while Sabujbagh than AL President Md

Ashrafuzzaman Farid chaired the council

session moderated by Chittranjan Das.

Dhaka-9 lawmaker Saber Hossain

Chowdhur and Dhaka City South AL

General Secretary Humayun Kabir also

addressed it.

HC upholds death

of husband in case

over wife's murder

DHAKA : The High Court

(HC) yesterday upheld

death sentence of a Barishal

man in a case lodged over

his wife's murder in 2015.

A High Court division

bench comprising Justice

Sheikh Hassan Arif and

Justice Biswajit Debnath

pronounced the judgment

after holding hearing on

death reference and criminal

appeal in the case.

"Dismissed," said the High

Court in its short judgment,

upholding death sentence of

the convict Sumon Munshi

from Mehendiganj, Barishal.

Advocate SM Nurul Islam

Shamim moved the appeal

for Munshi, while Deputy

Attorney General Harun Ur

Rashid and Assistant

Attorney General Jahid

Ahmed Hero stood for the


According to the case

documents, Sumon Munshi

and his family used to

torture his wife Sathi for

dowry and killed her on

June 20, 2015. They tried to

make the murder as suicide

by hanging Sathi's body with

the ceiling of the room.

Sensing the matter, the

victim's father filed the case

with Mehendiganj Police

Station on June 21, 2015 and

police on November 27,

2015, filed charge-sheet

against Sumon Munshi.

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