

MONdAY, OcTOBER 24 202210Chandni in‘Family Distance’after 6 yearsTBT REPORTMehbooba Mahnoor Chandni, a popular actress and dancer,regularly acted in plays and movies at one time. However,she was away from acting for a long time due to personalreasons. Last year, Chandni acted in a short film titled'Oshomapto Cha'.Chandni last acted in the 'House Wife' serial drama in2016. After 6 long years, this actress signed a new TVseries titled 'Family Distance' directed by Akram Khan.Earlier, Chandni was offered to work in severalserial dramas but turned it down. Regardingreturning to the serial, Chandni said, "The story ofthe drama is based on a family. So, I worked onthis." "Now, there are no dramas or serialswith family-centered stories in the traditionaldramas.However, our audience wants to see thesefamily-centric stories on screen. Most of thepopular dramas in the country are familyoriented,"Chandni also said. Chandni isplaying the role of a doctor in the drama. Apartfrom her, Abul Hayat, Dolly Johur, WahidaMollick Jolly, Saberi Alam, Shahed Ali, and othersstarred. The drama will be aired on Boishakhi TVthree days a week from November.Man of Steel 2 with Henry getspromising updateMan of Steel 2 with Henry Cavillgets a very promising update as anew report states that WarnerBros. is looking for a writer for theDCEU sequel.Warner Brothers has given a verypromising update on Man of Steel 2.The first Man of Steel film premieredin 2013, and is considered to be thefirst film in the DC ExtendedUniverse. Man of Steel grossed $668million worldwide, making it thehighest-grossing Superman film inhistory, and the second hightestgrossingfilm reboot ever after 2012'sThe Amazing Spider-Man. The filmreceived mixed reviews, with criticsdivided on everything from HenryCavill's performance as Superman, tothe special effects.Though Man of Steel wasn'tcritically acclaimed, it was profitableenough - and beloved by enough fans- to encourage Warner Bros. to pursueother films in the DCEU. It wasoriginally intended for Man of Steel tohave a trilogy of Superman-focusedfilms, similar to the Dark Knighttrilogy, however, the MarvelCinematic Universe's success withcharacter crossover films like TheAvengers inspired DC to follow suit.Man of Steel was quickly followed upby Batman v Superman: Dawn ofJustice in 2016, which saw Cavillreprising his role against Ben Affleck'siteration of Batman, along with GalGadot's Wonder Woman. ThoughCavill's Superman has appeared in afew other DCEU films, any ideas for asequel to Man of Steel were seeminglyshelved for the time, though may begetting back on track.In a report from The HollywoodReporter, sources claim that WarnerBros. is looking towards a CavillSuperman film, which wouldessentially be Man of Steel 2. Theproject is being produced by majorDCEU producer Charles Roven, andthe film is currently searching forwriters. Director James Gunn is alsoin talks with Warner Bros. to do amystery film where "DC is definitelyin play," according to an insidersource.Dwayne Johnson, the star of DC'snext upcoming film Black Adam,has also vocalized his desire to seeCavill return to the DCEU. Johnsonhas been very eager for a BlackAdam versus Superman film, andhas teased that Cavill's Supermanwill be making a cameo appearancein Black Adam. Whether Cavill'srumored appearance in the film willspark a crossover of its own, orsimply become a launching point forMan of Steel 2, is currentlyunknown.Though there is excitementamong some DCEU fans over apotential Black Adam versusSuperman fight, many are worriedthat it may just be a repeat ofBatman v Superman: Dawn ofJustice, a film which was very poorlyreceived by critics and fans alike.However, a simple cameo in BlackAdam could be the jumping-off pointthat Cavill needs to slowly reintroducehis Superman into theDCEU, to make audiences eager for aMan of Steel sequel. With WarnerBros. potentially on board with theproject, and Gunn potentially in talksto direct, Superman fans can restassured knowing that Man of Steel 2is slowly in the works.Source: ColliderMinar Rahman's new song'Meghe Bhasa Din' releasedTBT REPORTPopular singer MinarRahman's new song 'MegheBhasa Din' has beenreleased. The song wasreleased on the YouTubechannel of AZ Multimediaon Thursday night.Written by IsteaqueAhmed, the song has beencomposed by Minar himselfwhile Amjad Hossain hasarranged the music of thetrack.The filming of the musicvideo of the song took placeat Film Valley at Savar nearDhaka. Directed by IsteaqueAhmed, the music videofeatured modelsNazimuddin Tamur andPapri Payel.About the song, AZMultimedia head TajulIslam Rajib said, "Wewanted to start our newchannel with somethinggood. I'm very happy to beable to do it with the songs ofpopular singer MinarRahman.Hopefully, the audiencewill see quality works in ourchannel."It may be mentioned thatMiner's song 'KaroneOkarone' written by IsteaqueAhmed, has crossed 19million views on YouTube.‘Rohingya’ featuring persecution on Myanmarethnic group hits cinema hallsTBT REPORT'Rohingya', a Bangla film on brutalpersecution on ethnic Rohingyapopulation of Myanmar who tookrefuge in Bangladesh, hit the country'smajor cinema halls, reports BSS.Syed Wahiduzzaman Diamond, anational film award winning director,directed the film which was entirelyshot in Teknaf Rohingya camp andsurrounding areas in southeasternCox's Bazar district.The movie was released on Saturdaysimultaneously at leading cinema hallsin the capital Dhaka including JamnuaFuture Park Blockbuster,Bashundhara Star Cineplex, SonySquare Cineplex at Mirpur, LionCinemas at Keraniganj, Madhumita atMotijheel, Chitra Mahal in the old Partof the capital and Chandrima at Savar,the outskirts of the capital.'Rohingya' also hit major two cinemahall in the port city Chattogram-SilverScreen Cineplex and Cinema Palace,Shankho and Chitrali in southwesterndivisional city Khulna and severalother cinema halls in different placesof the country.Richa surprises Ali Fazal bygetting his name tattooedRicha Chadha gave a glimpse of her new tattoo in recent photos from her and Ali Fazal's weddingcelebrations. The actor surprised her husband by getting his name inked on her wrist during thefestivities. Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal celebrated their wedding with grand receptions, parties andceremonies in Delhi, Lucknow and Mumbai. Richa recently gave a glimpse on social media of hermehendi-covered hand, where her new tattoo with Ali's name written in Urdu is visible. Theactor got Ali's name inked on her wrist around their recent wedding celebrations asshe wanted it to be a surprise for him. Previously, Richa had inked her parentsname on her other wrist.The couple legally married in 2020, but could not celebrate theirunion for two years owing to the Covid-19 pandemic andpersonal reasons. Ali had proposed to Richa Chadha in2019 after seven years of dating, and they had registeredtheir marriage in 2020. Finally, the two celebrated in agrand style with multiple events across three cities.Earlier this month, Richa and Ali's weddingreception in Mumbai was graced by their co-actors,friends and family. The attendees includedseveral celebs like Tabu, Hrithik Roshan, SabaAzad, Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal,among others.Ali and Richa made their firstappearance as a married couple at actorAyushmann Khurrana's recent Diwali bashin Mumbai. In a recent interview, Ali hadshared that he had not seen manymarriages work in real life. He said heintended to do the opposite in his case.In a conversation with GQ, Ali sharedhis views about marriage, when asked toname the biggest myth about marriagethat he hopes to break. Ali had said, "I'veseen very few marriages work in my life, soI'd like to disprove that… But aside fromthat, there's something spiritual I sharewith Richa. Source: Hindustan TimesThe film starred actress ArshiHossain and actor Omer Aiaz Ony inthe lead roles while co-starred Sagar,Brishti, Tanjid, Shakiba,Hayatuzamman and Golam Rabbani.Trailer of the movie was releasedrecently in a gala ceremony atBangladesh Film DevelopmentCorporation (BFDC) in the city.H O R O s c O P EARIEsYour head should be quite clear today,Aries, and your witty comments willbe met with appreciation andlaughter. Your smile will delighteveryone you encounter. Don't be afraid to let yourfeelings out to those who need to hear them. Focusyour energy on the ones you love. Your heart iswarm and generous, so share it with other peopletoday.TAURUsDon't worry about probing too deeplytoday, Taurus. Trust people more thanyou normally would. You will find thatthings go much more smoothly if youapproach them from a neutral or positive and notaccusatory position. Listen to the people you care aboutthe most. They're trying to convey importantinformation. You might not want to hear it now, but inthe long run, it's in everyone's best interests that you do.GEMINIYou might consider taking a short triptoday, Gemini. Perhaps you need to getout of the house and go across town.Whatever it is, introduce your brain to anew reality. It's time to expand and explore. You itchto see new places and experience new things, eitherphysically or mentally. Perhaps a religious sanctuaryor quiet place in grove of trees is what you need inorder to quench this inner thirst.cANcERYour mind might be stimulated today,Cancer, so stay alert and open to newinformation. If you feel tired, take ashort nap. It's better to operate at topspeed and full capacity than go through your dayonly half present. Don't rely on external stimulantslike caffeine to pick you up. These things willdeceive your body and do damage to your nervoussystem.LEOCommunication is flowing smoothlytoday, Leo, so take advantage of thisand get the word out. It's importantfor you to make connections withother people now. Run with your instincts andfeel free to enter into debates. Your words andtone of voice are very convincing. You could sellanything to anyone today.VIRGODon't let fear of failure or fear ofsuccess hold you back, Virgo. Eventhough you may feel a naturaltendency to want to shrink into thebackground and take the easiest route, you mightbe sacrificing your true purpose when you do.Become the leader instead of following the leader.Rid yourself of all fear and take control of yourdestiny.LIBRAPowerful thoughts are runningthrough your brain. You will find thatthis information can be transforming,Libra. The key is to learn from othersand incorporate opposing viewpoints into your stateof mind. Don't automatically disregard the opinionof another just because it contradicts your ownbeliefs. Teamwork is the name of the game on a daylike today.scORPIOInformation coming your way todaymight be unreliable, Scorpio. It could behard for you to take a solid hold on themessages you get. Keep in mind thatthere are important answers waiting to be heard. Theseanswers will come to you when you least expect them.Keep your mind open to new possibilities and the pathwill open up and become clear. Don't compromise yourconsciousness with abusive substances.sAGITTARIUsBe careful about being manipulated byanother person today, Sagittarius. It'spossible that someone is putting wordsin your mouth in order to get you to acta certain way. Don't fall into this trap. Be your ownperson and think for yourself. Your mind issusceptible and vulnerable now. Use your eyes andears as a filter and don't let people unload theirgarbage on you.cAPRIcORNInformation you receive today may getyou stirred up, Capricorn. Rememberthat it takes two to start an argument.You play an equal part in anydisagreement. If you want to promote peace andharmony, your words and body language mustshow this. If peace and harmony aren't yourultimate goal, you may need to look inside yourselfto explore the reasons why.AQUARIUsThere's a great deal of power to yourwords today, Aquarius, so be carefulhow you use them. You may end upmanipulating another's choices if youaren't careful with your conduct. Make sure you giveothers the freedom and empowerment to decidethings for themselves. Be open and honest about allthe facts that might influence their decisions in anyway.PIscEsAnswers may not be crystal cleartoday, Pisces. They probably won't belaid out in a neat and organizedmanner. Get out in the open air and join friendsfor a long bike ride. Fly a kite or feel the wind blowthrough your hair on top of a mountain peak. Theanswer is flowing through the air around you.Stop looking down at the ground for theinformation you seek.

MOnDAy, OCTOBeR 24, 202211Hasina felicitates PresidentXi Jinping on re-election asCPC general secretaryDHAKA : Prime Minister SheikhHasina, who is also the president ofruling Awami League, on Sundaycongratulated Chinese president XiJinping on his reelection as theGeneral Secretary of the CommunistParty of China."Your reelection is undoubtedly afitting recognition of the trust andconfidence reposed on you for yourable leadership, achievements, andvision by the people of China and theCPC," the prime minister said in acongratulatory letter to President Xi."I also convey my sincerecongratulations on the successfulconclusion of the 20th Congress ofthe CPC," she said.Hasina stated that Bangladeshobserved with great admiration therealization of the First Centenary goalof the CPC- building a moderatelyKali PujatodayDHAKA : Kali Puja or ShyamaPuja, the second largest festivalof Bangalee Hinducommunity, will be celebratedacross the country today withdue religious fervor andenthusiasm.Kali Puja is also calledDeepabali or Diwali, the festivalof lights.Usually, Kali Puja,worshipping the Goddess ofstrength, wisdom andenlightenment, is celebrated atthe night of Amavasya of theBanglamonth of Kartik (October orNovember).At the night of the festival,members of the Hinducommunity light earthenlamps (Pradeep) at theirhouses and crematoriums inmemory of their departedelderly persons.In the capital city, theShyama Puja will be celebratedat Dhakeshwari NationalTemple, Siddheshwari KaliTemple, Sri Sri BaradeshwariKalimata Temple underSabujbagh police station,Ramna Kali Mandir, RadhaGobinda Jeo's Thakur Templeat Banagram, Postogolacrematorium, RamkrishnaMission, Biharilal Jeo's Templeat Sutrapur, Gautam Mandir,Ramseeta Mandir,ShibmandiratShankharibazar, Tanti Bazarand Bangla Bazar.According to puja schedule,Ramkrishna Mission andRamkrishna Math, Dhaka, theworship of goddess Kali willbegin in the night today at themission, which will be followedby offering of anjali and 'homjoggo'.prosperous society in all respects by2020- as set when President Xi firsttook over the position of the CPC'sGeneral Secretary in 2012."We commend your resolve andguidance in taking China on a newjourney toward building a modernsocialist country in all respectsthrough innovation, economicpolicies,people-centereddevelopment philosophy, and multisectoralreforms," she wrote.She continued: "We welcome yourendeavors to build a community ofshared futures and appreciate yourcontinued support of thesocioeconomic developmentaspirations of developing countries. Ibelieve you will contribute further tomaintaining peace and stabilityacross the globe in this challengingtime."PM Hasina recalled Xi's historicvisit to Bangladesh in October 2016.She stated that the visit was markedby the transformation of bilateralrelations between the two friendlycountries into a 'Strategic Partnershipof Cooperation.'She also recalled her visit to Chinain 2019, when she had a veryproductive meeting with the ChinesePresident.Hasina looked forward to workingin close cooperation with the ChinesePresident to enhance the bilateralengagements further, strengthen thebonds of friendship between the twocountries and peoples, and promotepeace and stability in the region andthe world.She wished Xi Jinping continuedsuccess and good health in thecoming days.A train conductor named Imrul Kayes has been arrested by the Detectiveof West Division of the Chattogram Metropolitan Police on the charge ofselling cannabis at Chattogram railway station. Another of his accompliceswas also arrested.Photo: Mazharul Islam RanaMajor Hurricane Roslyn headsfor hit on Mexico's coastMEXICO CITY : Hurricane Roslyn grew toCategory 4 force on Saturday as it headed for acollision with Mexico's Pacific coast, likely northof the resort of Puerto Vallarta.The U.S. National Hurricane Center saidRoslyn's maximum sustained winds stood at130 mph (215 kph) early Saturday evening,reports UNB.The storm was centered about 90 miles (145kilometers) southwest of Cabo Corrientes - thepoint of land jutting into the Pacific south ofPuerto Vallarta - and moving north at 10 mph(17 kph).The forecast called for Roslyn to beginshifting to a northeast movement, putting it onpath that could take it close to Cabo Corrientesand the Puerto Vallarta region late Saturdaybefore making landfall in Nayarit state earlySunday.Hurricane Orlene made landfall Oct. 3 a littlefarther north in roughly the same region, about45 miles (75 kilometers) southeast of the resortof Mazatlan.Hurricane-force winds extended out 30 miles(45 kilometers) from Roslyn's core, whiletropical storm-force winds extended out to 80miles (130 kilometers), the U.S. hurricanecenter said.Mexico issued a hurricane warning coveringa stretch of coast from Playa Perula south ofCabo Corrientes north to El Roblito and forthe Islas Marias. Seemingly oblivious to thedanger just hours away, tourists ate atbeachside eateries around Puerto Vallarta andsmaller resorts farther north on the Nayaritcoast, where Roslyn was expected to hit."We're fine. Everything is calm, it's allnormal," said Jaime Canton, a receptionist atthe Casa Maria hotel in Puerto Vallarta. Hesaid that if winds picked up, the hotel wouldgather up outside furniture "so nothing will goflying."Baitul Izzah Tahfizul Qur'an Madrasa and Orphanage of Muradnagar area of Rangunia Municipalityof Chattogram organized the celebration of Holy Miladunnabi (PBUH), distribution of certificatesceremony among the students in the hall of the madrasa on Sunday.Photo: Jaglul HudaBangladesh reportsanother Coviddeath, 139 casesDHAKA : Bangladeshreported another Covidlinkeddeath and 139 morecases in 24 hours till Sundaymorning.With the new numbers, thetotal fatalities rose to 29,413while the caseload to2,034,141, according to theDirectorate General of HealthServices (DGHS).The daily case test positivityrate declined to 4.44 per centfrom Saturday's 5.49 per centas 3,134 samples were testedduring the period.GD-1712/22 (5x4)Mother, son injured in Chapainawabganjcrude bomb blastCHAPAINAWABGANJ : A woman andher son sustained injuries as a crudebomb exploded in a house in Sadarupazila of Chapainawabganj district onSaturday night.Besides, valuables of the house werealso damaged in the explosion.The injured were identified as FahminaBegum, 55, and Shahidul Islam Shaheed,42, residents of Zianagar area in Sadarupazila.Ajema Begum, step-mother ofShaheed, said they heard a big bang intheir house around 8.45 pm.Later, locals rescued them from thehouse and rushed to Sadar Hospital andlater shifted to Rajshahi Medical CollegeHospital for better treatment, she said.AKM Alamgir Jahan, officer-in-chargeof Chapainawabganj Sadar Model PoliceStation, said on information they went tothe spot and collected samples from thespot.A case was filed against Shaheed underthe Explosives Substances Act."We are investigating the matter andlegal action will be taken followinginvestigation," he added.†kL nvwmbvi g~jbxwZMÖvg kn‡ii DbœwZGD-1708/22 (6x4)GD-1709/22 (7x4)

MOnDAy, OCTOBeR 24, 2022


Hasina felicitates President

Xi Jinping on re-election as

CPC general secretary

DHAKA : Prime Minister Sheikh

Hasina, who is also the president of

ruling Awami League, on Sunday

congratulated Chinese president Xi

Jinping on his reelection as the

General Secretary of the Communist

Party of China.

"Your reelection is undoubtedly a

fitting recognition of the trust and

confidence reposed on you for your

able leadership, achievements, and

vision by the people of China and the

CPC," the prime minister said in a

congratulatory letter to President Xi.

"I also convey my sincere

congratulations on the successful

conclusion of the 20th Congress of

the CPC," she said.

Hasina stated that Bangladesh

observed with great admiration the

realization of the First Centenary goal

of the CPC- building a moderately

Kali Puja


DHAKA : Kali Puja or Shyama

Puja, the second largest festival

of Bangalee Hindu

community, will be celebrated

across the country today with

due religious fervor and


Kali Puja is also called

Deepabali or Diwali, the festival

of lights.

Usually, Kali Puja,

worshipping the Goddess of

strength, wisdom and

enlightenment, is celebrated at

the night of Amavasya of the


month of Kartik (October or


At the night of the festival,

members of the Hindu

community light earthen

lamps (Pradeep) at their

houses and crematoriums in

memory of their departed

elderly persons.

In the capital city, the

Shyama Puja will be celebrated

at Dhakeshwari National

Temple, Siddheshwari Kali

Temple, Sri Sri Baradeshwari

Kalimata Temple under

Sabujbagh police station,

Ramna Kali Mandir, Radha

Gobinda Jeo's Thakur Temple

at Banagram, Postogola

crematorium, Ramkrishna

Mission, Biharilal Jeo's Temple

at Sutrapur, Gautam Mandir,

Ramseeta Mandir,



Shankharibazar, Tanti Bazar

and Bangla Bazar.

According to puja schedule,

Ramkrishna Mission and

Ramkrishna Math, Dhaka, the

worship of goddess Kali will

begin in the night today at the

mission, which will be followed

by offering of anjali and 'homjoggo'.

prosperous society in all respects by

2020- as set when President Xi first

took over the position of the CPC's

General Secretary in 2012.

"We commend your resolve and

guidance in taking China on a new

journey toward building a modern

socialist country in all respects

through innovation, economic



development philosophy, and multisectoral

reforms," she wrote.

She continued: "We welcome your

endeavors to build a community of

shared futures and appreciate your

continued support of the

socioeconomic development

aspirations of developing countries. I

believe you will contribute further to

maintaining peace and stability

across the globe in this challenging


PM Hasina recalled Xi's historic

visit to Bangladesh in October 2016.

She stated that the visit was marked

by the transformation of bilateral

relations between the two friendly

countries into a 'Strategic Partnership

of Cooperation.'

She also recalled her visit to China

in 2019, when she had a very

productive meeting with the Chinese


Hasina looked forward to working

in close cooperation with the Chinese

President to enhance the bilateral

engagements further, strengthen the

bonds of friendship between the two

countries and peoples, and promote

peace and stability in the region and

the world.

She wished Xi Jinping continued

success and good health in the

coming days.

A train conductor named Imrul Kayes has been arrested by the Detective

of West Division of the Chattogram Metropolitan Police on the charge of

selling cannabis at Chattogram railway station. Another of his accomplices

was also arrested.

Photo: Mazharul Islam Rana

Major Hurricane Roslyn heads

for hit on Mexico's coast

MEXICO CITY : Hurricane Roslyn grew to

Category 4 force on Saturday as it headed for a

collision with Mexico's Pacific coast, likely north

of the resort of Puerto Vallarta.

The U.S. National Hurricane Center said

Roslyn's maximum sustained winds stood at

130 mph (215 kph) early Saturday evening,

reports UNB.

The storm was centered about 90 miles (145

kilometers) southwest of Cabo Corrientes - the

point of land jutting into the Pacific south of

Puerto Vallarta - and moving north at 10 mph

(17 kph).

The forecast called for Roslyn to begin

shifting to a northeast movement, putting it on

path that could take it close to Cabo Corrientes

and the Puerto Vallarta region late Saturday

before making landfall in Nayarit state early


Hurricane Orlene made landfall Oct. 3 a little

farther north in roughly the same region, about

45 miles (75 kilometers) southeast of the resort

of Mazatlan.

Hurricane-force winds extended out 30 miles

(45 kilometers) from Roslyn's core, while

tropical storm-force winds extended out to 80

miles (130 kilometers), the U.S. hurricane

center said.

Mexico issued a hurricane warning covering

a stretch of coast from Playa Perula south of

Cabo Corrientes north to El Roblito and for

the Islas Marias. Seemingly oblivious to the

danger just hours away, tourists ate at

beachside eateries around Puerto Vallarta and

smaller resorts farther north on the Nayarit

coast, where Roslyn was expected to hit.

"We're fine. Everything is calm, it's all

normal," said Jaime Canton, a receptionist at

the Casa Maria hotel in Puerto Vallarta. He

said that if winds picked up, the hotel would

gather up outside furniture "so nothing will go


Baitul Izzah Tahfizul Qur'an Madrasa and Orphanage of Muradnagar area of Rangunia Municipality

of Chattogram organized the celebration of Holy Miladunnabi (PBUH), distribution of certificates

ceremony among the students in the hall of the madrasa on Sunday.

Photo: Jaglul Huda

Bangladesh reports

another Covid

death, 139 cases

DHAKA : Bangladesh

reported another Covidlinked

death and 139 more

cases in 24 hours till Sunday


With the new numbers, the

total fatalities rose to 29,413

while the caseload to

2,034,141, according to the

Directorate General of Health

Services (DGHS).

The daily case test positivity

rate declined to 4.44 per cent

from Saturday's 5.49 per cent

as 3,134 samples were tested

during the period.

GD-1712/22 (5x4)

Mother, son injured in Chapainawabganj

crude bomb blast


her son sustained injuries as a crude

bomb exploded in a house in Sadar

upazila of Chapainawabganj district on

Saturday night.

Besides, valuables of the house were

also damaged in the explosion.

The injured were identified as Fahmina

Begum, 55, and Shahidul Islam Shaheed,

42, residents of Zianagar area in Sadar


Ajema Begum, step-mother of

Shaheed, said they heard a big bang in

their house around 8.45 pm.

Later, locals rescued them from the

house and rushed to Sadar Hospital and

later shifted to Rajshahi Medical College

Hospital for better treatment, she said.

AKM Alamgir Jahan, officer-in-charge

of Chapainawabganj Sadar Model Police

Station, said on information they went to

the spot and collected samples from the


A case was filed against Shaheed under

the Explosives Substances Act.

"We are investigating the matter and

legal action will be taken following

investigation," he added.

†kL nvwmbvi g~jbxwZ

MÖvg kn‡ii DbœwZ

GD-1708/22 (6x4)

GD-1709/22 (7x4)

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