

THrUsdAY, OCTOBer 20, 20222On the occasion of the 33rd death anniversary of late Yunus Ali, a FreedomFighter who hoisted the national flag as second person of Bangladesh onMarch 12, 1971, and the organizer of the liberation war, a memorial meetingand Milad Mahfil was held at Phulbari, Kurigram yesterday. Hasen Ali,President of Naodanga Union Awami League and the Chairman of the UnionParishad is addressing in the program.Photo : CourtesyDU alumni celebrateuniversity's centenaryin United KingdonDHAKA : Dhaka UniversityAlumni Association UK(DUAAUK) has celebratedthe university's centenary inLondon of United Kingdom(UK) with colorfulprogrammes.More than 800 alumni ofthe University of Dhaka alongwith their family membersfrom the UK and beyondattended the grandprogramme on Sunday,according to a press releasereceived.The programme began withwelcome speech by theDUAAUKpresidentMuhammad Enamul Huq,secretary Anwar Kabir Khanand DU centennialcelebrations convener BulbulHasan.Among others, renownedeconomist Dr Selim Jahan,senior alumnus Dolly Islam,DU Alumni Associationpresident Anwar-ul AlamChowdhury (Parvez), formersecretary general RanjanKarmakar, DUAA executiveAnupam Roy were present asguests.Speakers said DhakaUniversity has been offeringhigher education to a crosssection of people in oursociety over the last 100 yearsand left an indelible imprintin a nation's path toindependence.For next 100 years, theuniversity has to be set for thefourth industrial revolutionand can play a unique role inovercoming the challengesahead, they said.The formal inauguration ofthe event began throughplaying a documentary on theglorious past of the university.Later, a multi-instrumentalperformance also had takenplace that conjures a wholespectrum of memories of theuniversity days.A special publication waslaunched during the event tomark the 100 years journey ofDU edited by the DUAAUKfounding alumni SyedaSaima Ahmed.The cultural segment of theevent includes performancesby noted musician ShafinAhmed and the alumnithemselves ranging from1960s until recent years.The enthusiast audience,featuring a great number ofboth young and middle-agedfans of Miles, seemed verymuch captivated by ShafinAhmed's performance.Earlier, 15 children of theDU alumni members wereawarded for their outstandingresults in GCSE and A levelexams.Bangladesh mission inNew Delhi celebratesSheikh Russel DayDHAKA : Bangladesh HighCommission in New Delhihas celebrated "SheikhRussel Day" in a befittingmanner marking the 59thbirthday of Father of theNation Bangabandhu SheikhMujibur Rahman's youngestson Shaheed Sheikh Russel.To mark the day, the HighCommission organised an artcompetition along withscreening of a documentaryon Tuesday. A discussion onthe life of Sheikh Russel washeld after reading outmessages issued by PresidentAbdul Hamid and PrimeMinister Sheikh Hasinamarking the day, said amedia release onWednesday.Newly appointed HighCommissioner of Bangladeshto India Md. MustafizurRahman and Minister(Press) Shaban Mahmoodtook part in the discussion.Later, the HighCommissioner along with hisspouse and children ofofficers, employees and staffcut a cake marking the day.High CommissionerMustafizur Rahman said thaton August 15, 1975 theassassins also killed theinfant Russel with theirbrutal bullets, which is thetragic history of BangaliNation.ASM Fakhrul Islam madenew VC of BSMRAAUAir Vice Marshal ASM Fakhrul Islam, OSP,GUP, ndc, afwc, psc, GD(P) has beenappointed as the new Vice Chancellor ofBangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur RahmanAviation and AerospaceUniversity (BSMRAAU) -country's first specialisedpublic university for aviationand aerospace studies. Theoutgoing Vice Chancellor alongwith Pro-VC and other seniorofficials of BSMRAAUwelcomed him on his arrival tothe University campus, a pressrelease said. The new VC sought thecooperation of all concerned and urged themto continue working with sincerity,GD-1698/22 (6x4)weAvBWweøDwUwm/Rm/18/2022-23GD-1700/22 (9x4)Air Vice Marshal ASM Fakhrul Islamcommitment and devotion to makeBSMRAAU a centre of excellence for aviationand aerospace studies and research. A fighterpilot by profession, Air Vice Marshal A S MFakhrul Islam has been associatedwith the military aviation andaerospace sector of Bangladesh formore than three decades. He hasshouldered progressively broaderresponsibilities within the militarywith proven records of team building,enhancing new capabilities,encouraging innovations whileleading large formations. He haslogged more than 3000 flying hours in varioustypes of fixed wing aircraft. He is a qualifiedflying instructor and CAT-A fighter pilot.Madhumati Bridge:Tk 23,34,000 tollcollected in 7 daysGOPALGANJ: Thegovernment has collected Tk23,34,000 as toll revenuefrom various vehiclescrossing Madhumati Bridgein the last seven days, reportsBSS.As many as 25,587 vehiclescrossed the bridge during theperiod, said MohammadZahid Hossain, ExecutiveEngineer of Gopalganj Roadsand Highways Department.Prime Minister SheikhHasina inaugurated the sixlanebridge virtually onOctober 10 and it was openedto traffic the next day.†kL nvwmbvi gyjbxwZMÖvg kn‡ii DbœwZ794 19.10.2022

THRUSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 20223DU VC Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman visiting a stall of science carnival after inaugurating it at DUUdyan School.Photo : CourtesyGlobal Youth ClimateSummit set to kick off inBangladesh on Oct 20Global Youth LeadershipCenter, an internationalnon-profit organisation, isall set to embark on itsjourney from Bangladesh onOctober 20 with theinauguration of its firstprogramme-the GlobalYouth Climate Summit. Thethree-day summit will beheld at Ava Center inKhulna, one of Bangladesh'smost climate vulnerableregions, bringing together650 youths from 70countries to explore howtoday's youth can lead thefight against climate change,a release said.Some 150 people between18 and 24 years of age areexpected to participatedirectly and 500 virtually.Addressing the media inDhaka on Tuesday, EjajAhmad, the founder andchief executive officer ofGlobal Youth LeadershipCenter, said, "Climatechange is the biggest crisisfacing humanity today. Toaddress a complex challengelike climate change, we willall have to work globally andat scale.""Our mission is to expandthe youth's knowledge aboutclimate science, equip themwith leadership skills to takeindividual and collectiveaction, and enable them tolaunch businesses thatcontribute to climatemitigation or adaptation,"he said.To empower the youth totake climate action, he said10 delegates at the summitwill receive a grant of 1,000US dollars each toimplement their climatemitigation or adaptationproject.The organisation'schairman, Neal Walker,said, "Young people not onlydemand climate changeaction, they lead the way."Bangladesh Embassy inWashington DC observes‘Sheikh Russel Day’DHAKA : BangladeshAmbassador to the USA,Muhammad Imran, hascalled upon youths todevelop themselves asgood citizens and work forestablishing a prosperousBangladesh imbued withthe ideology ofBangabandhu, reportsUNB.The BangladeshEmbassy in WashingtonDC on Tuesday observed"Sheikh Russel Day",marking the 59th birthdayof Father of the NationBangabandhu SheikhMujibur Rahman'syoungest son SheikhRussel in a befittingmanner.The embassy arrangedprogrammes in memoryof Sheikh Russel at theBangabandhu Auditoriumin the afternoon.Taking part in thediscussion, AmbassadorImran highlightedShaheed Sheikh Russel'sunique virtues which hedemonstrated in his shortlife.In spite of being a child,Shaheed Sheikh Russelhad great love in his heartfor the people,Ambassador Imran noted.The Ambassador alsopaid deepest homage tothe Father of the Nationand other members of hisfamily who were brutallyassassinated in the 15August 1975 carnage.Sheikh Russel, theyoungest brother of PrimeMinister Sheikh Hasina,was born on October 18 in1964 at the historicBangabandhu Bhaban onDhanmondi Road 32 inthe capital.He was brutallyassassinated along withmost of his familymembers, including hisfather Bangabandhu, onAugust 15, 1975 when hewas a student of class fourat University LaboratorySchool.The programmes of theEmbassy included placingof floral wreaths at theportrait of Sheikh Russeland organising a paintingcompetition for children.The programmes beganwith laying of floralwreaths at the portrait ofShaheed Sheikh Russel bythe BangladeshAmbassador to the UnitedStates Muhammad Imran.Officials and employees ofthe Embassy were presentat that time.Then, messages fromthe President and PrimeMinister on this occasionwere read out by DefenceAttache? Brig Gen MdShahedul Islam andMinister (Press) AZMSajjadHossainrespectively.The programmes endedwith distribution of prizesby the Ambassador amongthe winners of thepainting competition.Earlier, a documentaryon the life of ShaheedSheikh Russel wasscreened.A special prayer wasoffered, seeking eternalpeace for the departedsoul of Shaheed SheikhRussel and othersmartyred on the fatefulnight of 15 August 1975.Counsellor MohammadMoniruzzaman conductedthe programmes.Apart from officials andemployees of the Mission,their family memberswere also present at thefunction.India's experiencesin SME can be usedin Bangladesh:SpeakersDHAKA : Bangladesh mayuse the Indian experiencein the development of theirSmall and Medium Enterprises(SMEs).Speakers opined this at adiscussion meeting held onWednesday morning withCII and FMC delegation atthe Federation ofBangladesh Chambers ofCommerce and Industry(FBCCI), said a pressrelease.For developing cooperation,SME FoundationManaging Director MdMafizur Rahman called forsigning an MoU betweenSME foundation and itscounterpart in India.While chairing the meeting,FBCCI President MdJashim Uddin said,"Bangladesh has hugepotential in the clusterbasedSME. Both the countriescan benefit ifBangladesh can harnessthe Indian experience inflourishing SMEs."Eighty percent of thebusinesses operating inBangladesh are SMEs, headded.Hence, he said, there isno alternative to SMEdevelopment to keep theeconomic pace afloat.He urged the banks tocome forward to disbursemore loans to SMEs.The Federation chief recommendedimplementinga "one district, one product"campaign and developingclusters based onraw materials available inthe districts.Senior advisor of theFoundation of MSMECluster (FMC) in India Dr.Tamal Sarkar made a powerpoint presentation highlightingthe development ofIndian SMEs.Veteran Freedom Fighter, Former Secretary and PSC Member Siraj Uddin Ahmed addressing as thechief guest at the discussion session 'Sheikh Russel Nirmalatar Protik Duranta Pranbanta Nirvik'organized by Daffodil International University.Professor Dr. M Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor,Professor Dr. M A Rahim, Adjunct Professor of Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering, Dr.Nadir Bin Ali, Registrar and Md. Anowar Habib Kazal, Senior Assistant Director (Public Relations),Daffodil International University are also seen in the picture.Photo : CourtesyGovt providingfacilities to investorsin Bangladesh: TipuDHAKA : CommerceMinister Tipu Munshiyeseterday informed that thegovernment is providing allfacilities and ensuringsecurities to the investors inBangladesh, reports UNB."About four billion peoplelive in the Asia Pacificregion. The Asian TradePromotion Forum (ATPF)can play an important role inthe economic developmentof the region," he said whilespeaking as the chief guest atthe two-day long 35th ChiefExecutive Officer (CEO)meeting of the ATPF inSonargaon hotel in the city,said a press release.In his speech, Tipuinformed that under theinstruction of PrimeMinister Sheikh Hasina, thework of establishing 100Special Economic Zones(SEZs) in important placesof the country is progressingrapidly."Bangladesh isprogressing rapidly. Thedevelopment of Bangladeshis now visible," he added.He said Bangladesh hassufficient skilled manpowerand the country is a bigmarket of about seventeencrore people.Call to ensure safe migrationto avoid human traffickingin economic interestDHAKA: Terming remittance sent bymigrant workers as greatly helpful to thecountry's economy, speakers at aprogramme called for ensuring their safemigration to avoid human trafficking ineconomic interest.Vulnerable migrants are often the target oftraffickers and find themselves in situationsthat can result in debt bondage, forcedlabour, sexual exploitation, forced and illegalmarriages, losing lives and other forms ofmodern slavery, they observed.Bangladesh is a source, transit, anddestination country for men, women, andchild victims of human trafficking. Allconcerned particularly those at thegrassroots level need to focus their effortsaimed at preventing exploitation ofindividuals by trafficking networks, theysaid."If the safe migration of migrants is notensured, it would be a great setback to oureconomy", they remarked while addressing aopinion exchange meeting titled "Counter-Trafficking Committee (CTC) Orientation" atNo. 1 Hazratpur union parishad bhaban inKeraniganj Model thana of Dhaka district.With the support of U.S Department ofState, INCIDIN Bangladesh, a rights-basedorganization, and TdH Netherlands, aNetherlands-based developmentorganization, jointly organized the event onTuesday afternoon.Md. Anwar Hossain Aynal, Chairman ofHazratpur Union Parishad; attended as thechief guest, while A.K.M. Masud Ali,Executive Director of INCIDIN, chaired it.As part of an anti-trafficking programmesupported by U.S. Department of State,under the guidance of National Plan ofAction to combat human trafficking inBangladesh, Hazratpur Union Parishadrecently formed a 35-member CTCcomprising people from differentprofessions, including publicrepresentatives.Sophia Meulenberg, Political Officer, U.S.Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh; AndrewGrimmer, Foreign Affairs Officer, StateDepartment's Office to Monitor and CombatTrafficking in Persons; who came hereshared their views with the new CTC at themeeting.Both Sophia and Andrew hoped that CTCwill perform their due role in combatingtrafficking.Terming human trafficking as a serioushuman rights violation, other speakers said,all concerned must join their hands as thefight against trafficking and smuggling ofmigrants requires multi-stakeholderengagement. Mahmudul Kabir, BangladeshCountry Director of Tdh Netherlands; Md.Ishtiak Ahmed, a lawyer; Rabindranath Das,Principal of Hazratpur High School; amongothers, spoke at the event.INCIDIN Bangladesh, a rights-based organization, and TdH Netherlands, a Netherlands-baseddevelopment organization, jointly organized an event titled titled "Counter-Trafficking Committee(CTC) Orientation" on Tuesday afternoon.Photo : CourtesyFamily, friends remember artistKalidas on 3rd death anniversaryDHAKA : KalidasKarmakar, theinternationally acclaimedpainter and printmakerwho significantlyadvanced Bangladeshi artthrough his fascinatingart, shocked the worldwith his sudden demiseon October 18, 2019, atthe age of 73, reportsUNB.The artist wasremembered on the thirdanniversary of his deathin an exclusivecommemorative event onTuesday night at hisBangla Motor residencein the capital.In remembrance andcelebration of the belovedartist - fondly called "KaliDa" - several acclaimedartists and renownedpersonalities joined theevent, discussing themajestic life of KalidasKarmakar.The vibrant list ofspeakers and guestsincluded WildTeamChairman Enam UlHaque, veteran artistBiren Shome, EkusheyPadak winningBangladeshi artist DrFarida Zaman, AssistantProfessors of DhakaUniversity Faculty of FineArts Drawing andPainting DepartmentKamal Uddin andBishwajit Goswami, NewYork-based eminent artistKhurshid Alam Saleem,legendary artistHamiduzzaman Khan,Gallery Cosmos ExecutiveArtistic Manager SouravChowdhury and others."Kalidas Karmakar ismy classmate fromFaridpur High School andhas been a lifelong friendof mine. He and I sharedso many memorableincidents, and because ofhis inspiration, Ishowcased myphotographs in threeexhibitions, including myexpedition to Antarctica.He had always been anunimaginably cheerfulman, aside from being alegend in the Bangladeshiart scene," Enam UlHaque said at the event.Freedom fighter andveteran artist BirenShome said, "Right afterthe Liberation War in1971, Kalidas Karmakarwas one of the pioneersbringing the energy in ourart sphere. He was a manwho always embodiedfreedomandyouthfulness."Kalidas Karmakar'seldest daughter Dr KonkaKarmakar reminiscedabout her father, saying,"Everyone knows him as alegendary artist, but Ihave been fortunate to gethis love as his elderdaughter. He was a largerthan life soul, a greatcook, a traveller; acomplete role model - notonly as an artist but alsoas a father."At the event, Dr KonkaKarmakar and BirenShome alongside, GalleryCosmos Executive ArtisticManager SouravChowdhury, jointlyhanded over thecertificates and prizemoney to two young andpromising artists, FakhrulIslam Mazumder and MdRafiqul Islam, asrecipients of the 'KaliArtist Residency Grant.'The yearly grant waslaunched on the seconddeath anniversary ofKalidas Karmakar lastyear, allowing itsrecipients Tk 2,00,000and access to practice atthe Cosmos Atelier71 forthree months, along withother artistic facilities.The recipients haverecently rounded up theirworking projects at theAtelier71.Handing over the grant,Sourav Chowdhury said,"For our Gallery Cosmosand Cosmos Atelier71,Kalidas Karmakar hasalways been a familymember and a guardianangel since its inception.Though his suddendeparture has left us witha void, we are glad tohonour his legacy bypresenting these tokens ofour appreciation to thesetwo amazing artists, andwe know that Kali da isalways with us in spirit."A maestro ofprintmaking, especiallyviscosity printing, KalidasKarmakar's diverseartworks featuringmetallic and otherobjects, handmade paper,and oil on canvas printshave been widelyexhibited throughoutSouth Asia, the MiddleEast, Europe, the UnitedStates and many otherplaces across the world.His maiden solo artexhibition was held atBangladesh ShilpakalaAcademy on August 7,1976.Throughout hisacclaimed career, hereceived multipleprestigious scholarshipsand fellowships includingthe Polish GovernmentScholarship in GraphicArt at the WarsawAcademy of Fine Art,Warsaw University; theFrench GovernmentSuperior Scholarship inFine Arts for research inmulticolour etching atAtelier-17, in Paris; JapanFoundation Fellowshipon Japanese WoodblockPrinting at TokyoNational University ofFine Arts and Music;ICCR Special Scholarshipfor research inContemporary ModernSculpture, West BengalLalit Kala AcademyStudio; and AsianCultural Council NewYork, Fellowship withArtist Residency programin the US.For his remarkablecontribution to theBangladeshi fine arts,Kalidas Karmakar wasawarded the ShilpakalaPadak in 2016 and theEkushey Padak in 2018.



DU VC Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman visiting a stall of science carnival after inaugurating it at DU

Udyan School.

Photo : Courtesy

Global Youth Climate

Summit set to kick off in

Bangladesh on Oct 20

Global Youth Leadership

Center, an international

non-profit organisation, is

all set to embark on its

journey from Bangladesh on

October 20 with the

inauguration of its first

programme-the Global

Youth Climate Summit. The

three-day summit will be

held at Ava Center in

Khulna, one of Bangladesh's

most climate vulnerable

regions, bringing together

650 youths from 70

countries to explore how

today's youth can lead the

fight against climate change,

a release said.

Some 150 people between

18 and 24 years of age are

expected to participate

directly and 500 virtually.

Addressing the media in

Dhaka on Tuesday, Ejaj

Ahmad, the founder and

chief executive officer of

Global Youth Leadership

Center, said, "Climate

change is the biggest crisis

facing humanity today. To

address a complex challenge

like climate change, we will

all have to work globally and

at scale."

"Our mission is to expand

the youth's knowledge about

climate science, equip them

with leadership skills to take

individual and collective

action, and enable them to

launch businesses that

contribute to climate

mitigation or adaptation,"

he said.

To empower the youth to

take climate action, he said

10 delegates at the summit

will receive a grant of 1,000

US dollars each to

implement their climate

mitigation or adaptation


The organisation's

chairman, Neal Walker,

said, "Young people not only

demand climate change

action, they lead the way."

Bangladesh Embassy in

Washington DC observes

‘Sheikh Russel Day’

DHAKA : Bangladesh

Ambassador to the USA,

Muhammad Imran, has

called upon youths to

develop themselves as

good citizens and work for

establishing a prosperous

Bangladesh imbued with

the ideology of

Bangabandhu, reports


The Bangladesh

Embassy in Washington

DC on Tuesday observed

"Sheikh Russel Day",

marking the 59th birthday

of Father of the Nation

Bangabandhu Sheikh

Mujibur Rahman's

youngest son Sheikh

Russel in a befitting


The embassy arranged

programmes in memory

of Sheikh Russel at the

Bangabandhu Auditorium

in the afternoon.

Taking part in the

discussion, Ambassador

Imran highlighted

Shaheed Sheikh Russel's

unique virtues which he

demonstrated in his short


In spite of being a child,

Shaheed Sheikh Russel

had great love in his heart

for the people,

Ambassador Imran noted.

The Ambassador also

paid deepest homage to

the Father of the Nation

and other members of his

family who were brutally

assassinated in the 15

August 1975 carnage.

Sheikh Russel, the

youngest brother of Prime

Minister Sheikh Hasina,

was born on October 18 in

1964 at the historic

Bangabandhu Bhaban on

Dhanmondi Road 32 in

the capital.

He was brutally

assassinated along with

most of his family

members, including his

father Bangabandhu, on

August 15, 1975 when he

was a student of class four

at University Laboratory


The programmes of the

Embassy included placing

of floral wreaths at the

portrait of Sheikh Russel

and organising a painting

competition for children.

The programmes began

with laying of floral

wreaths at the portrait of

Shaheed Sheikh Russel by

the Bangladesh

Ambassador to the United

States Muhammad Imran.

Officials and employees of

the Embassy were present

at that time.

Then, messages from

the President and Prime

Minister on this occasion

were read out by Defence

Attache? Brig Gen Md

Shahedul Islam and

Minister (Press) AZM




The programmes ended

with distribution of prizes

by the Ambassador among

the winners of the

painting competition.

Earlier, a documentary

on the life of Shaheed

Sheikh Russel was


A special prayer was

offered, seeking eternal

peace for the departed

soul of Shaheed Sheikh

Russel and others

martyred on the fateful

night of 15 August 1975.

Counsellor Mohammad

Moniruzzaman conducted

the programmes.

Apart from officials and

employees of the Mission,

their family members

were also present at the


India's experiences

in SME can be used

in Bangladesh:


DHAKA : Bangladesh may

use the Indian experience

in the development of their

Small and Medium Enterprises


Speakers opined this at a

discussion meeting held on

Wednesday morning with

CII and FMC delegation at

the Federation of

Bangladesh Chambers of

Commerce and Industry

(FBCCI), said a press


For developing cooperation,

SME Foundation

Managing Director Md

Mafizur Rahman called for

signing an MoU between

SME foundation and its

counterpart in India.

While chairing the meeting,

FBCCI President Md

Jashim Uddin said,

"Bangladesh has huge

potential in the clusterbased

SME. Both the countries

can benefit if

Bangladesh can harness

the Indian experience in

flourishing SMEs."

Eighty percent of the

businesses operating in

Bangladesh are SMEs, he


Hence, he said, there is

no alternative to SME

development to keep the

economic pace afloat.

He urged the banks to

come forward to disburse

more loans to SMEs.

The Federation chief recommended


a "one district, one product"

campaign and developing

clusters based on

raw materials available in

the districts.

Senior advisor of the

Foundation of MSME

Cluster (FMC) in India Dr.

Tamal Sarkar made a power

point presentation highlighting

the development of

Indian SMEs.

Veteran Freedom Fighter, Former Secretary and PSC Member Siraj Uddin Ahmed addressing as the

chief guest at the discussion session 'Sheikh Russel Nirmalatar Protik Duranta Pranbanta Nirvik'

organized by Daffodil International University.Professor Dr. M Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor,

Professor Dr. M A Rahim, Adjunct Professor of Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering, Dr.

Nadir Bin Ali, Registrar and Md. Anowar Habib Kazal, Senior Assistant Director (Public Relations),

Daffodil International University are also seen in the picture.

Photo : Courtesy

Govt providing

facilities to investors

in Bangladesh: Tipu

DHAKA : Commerce

Minister Tipu Munshi

yeseterday informed that the

government is providing all

facilities and ensuring

securities to the investors in

Bangladesh, reports UNB.

"About four billion people

live in the Asia Pacific

region. The Asian Trade

Promotion Forum (ATPF)

can play an important role in

the economic development

of the region," he said while

speaking as the chief guest at

the two-day long 35th Chief

Executive Officer (CEO)

meeting of the ATPF in

Sonargaon hotel in the city,

said a press release.

In his speech, Tipu

informed that under the

instruction of Prime

Minister Sheikh Hasina, the

work of establishing 100

Special Economic Zones

(SEZs) in important places

of the country is progressing


"Bangladesh is

progressing rapidly. The

development of Bangladesh

is now visible," he added.

He said Bangladesh has

sufficient skilled manpower

and the country is a big

market of about seventeen

crore people.

Call to ensure safe migration

to avoid human trafficking

in economic interest

DHAKA: Terming remittance sent by

migrant workers as greatly helpful to the

country's economy, speakers at a

programme called for ensuring their safe

migration to avoid human trafficking in

economic interest.

Vulnerable migrants are often the target of

traffickers and find themselves in situations

that can result in debt bondage, forced

labour, sexual exploitation, forced and illegal

marriages, losing lives and other forms of

modern slavery, they observed.

Bangladesh is a source, transit, and

destination country for men, women, and

child victims of human trafficking. All

concerned particularly those at the

grassroots level need to focus their efforts

aimed at preventing exploitation of

individuals by trafficking networks, they


"If the safe migration of migrants is not

ensured, it would be a great setback to our

economy", they remarked while addressing a

opinion exchange meeting titled "Counter-

Trafficking Committee (CTC) Orientation" at

No. 1 Hazratpur union parishad bhaban in

Keraniganj Model thana of Dhaka district.

With the support of U.S Department of

State, INCIDIN Bangladesh, a rights-based

organization, and TdH Netherlands, a

Netherlands-based development

organization, jointly organized the event on

Tuesday afternoon.

Md. Anwar Hossain Aynal, Chairman of

Hazratpur Union Parishad; attended as the

chief guest, while A.K.M. Masud Ali,

Executive Director of INCIDIN, chaired it.

As part of an anti-trafficking programme

supported by U.S. Department of State,

under the guidance of National Plan of

Action to combat human trafficking in

Bangladesh, Hazratpur Union Parishad

recently formed a 35-member CTC

comprising people from different

professions, including public


Sophia Meulenberg, Political Officer, U.S.

Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh; Andrew

Grimmer, Foreign Affairs Officer, State

Department's Office to Monitor and Combat

Trafficking in Persons; who came here

shared their views with the new CTC at the


Both Sophia and Andrew hoped that CTC

will perform their due role in combating


Terming human trafficking as a serious

human rights violation, other speakers said,

all concerned must join their hands as the

fight against trafficking and smuggling of

migrants requires multi-stakeholder

engagement. Mahmudul Kabir, Bangladesh

Country Director of Tdh Netherlands; Md.

Ishtiak Ahmed, a lawyer; Rabindranath Das,

Principal of Hazratpur High School; among

others, spoke at the event.

INCIDIN Bangladesh, a rights-based organization, and TdH Netherlands, a Netherlands-based

development organization, jointly organized an event titled titled "Counter-Trafficking Committee

(CTC) Orientation" on Tuesday afternoon.

Photo : Courtesy

Family, friends remember artist

Kalidas on 3rd death anniversary

DHAKA : Kalidas

Karmakar, the

internationally acclaimed

painter and printmaker

who significantly

advanced Bangladeshi art

through his fascinating

art, shocked the world

with his sudden demise

on October 18, 2019, at

the age of 73, reports


The artist was

remembered on the third

anniversary of his death

in an exclusive

commemorative event on

Tuesday night at his

Bangla Motor residence

in the capital.

In remembrance and

celebration of the beloved

artist - fondly called "Kali

Da" - several acclaimed

artists and renowned

personalities joined the

event, discussing the

majestic life of Kalidas


The vibrant list of

speakers and guests

included WildTeam

Chairman Enam Ul

Haque, veteran artist

Biren Shome, Ekushey

Padak winning

Bangladeshi artist Dr

Farida Zaman, Assistant

Professors of Dhaka

University Faculty of Fine

Arts Drawing and

Painting Department

Kamal Uddin and

Bishwajit Goswami, New

York-based eminent artist

Khurshid Alam Saleem,

legendary artist

Hamiduzzaman Khan,

Gallery Cosmos Executive

Artistic Manager Sourav

Chowdhury and others.

"Kalidas Karmakar is

my classmate from

Faridpur High School and

has been a lifelong friend

of mine. He and I shared

so many memorable

incidents, and because of

his inspiration, I

showcased my

photographs in three

exhibitions, including my

expedition to Antarctica.

He had always been an

unimaginably cheerful

man, aside from being a

legend in the Bangladeshi

art scene," Enam Ul

Haque said at the event.

Freedom fighter and

veteran artist Biren

Shome said, "Right after

the Liberation War in

1971, Kalidas Karmakar

was one of the pioneers

bringing the energy in our

art sphere. He was a man

who always embodied




Kalidas Karmakar's

eldest daughter Dr Konka

Karmakar reminisced

about her father, saying,

"Everyone knows him as a

legendary artist, but I

have been fortunate to get

his love as his elder

daughter. He was a larger

than life soul, a great

cook, a traveller; a

complete role model - not

only as an artist but also

as a father."

At the event, Dr Konka

Karmakar and Biren

Shome alongside, Gallery

Cosmos Executive Artistic

Manager Sourav

Chowdhury, jointly

handed over the

certificates and prize

money to two young and

promising artists, Fakhrul

Islam Mazumder and Md

Rafiqul Islam, as

recipients of the 'Kali

Artist Residency Grant.'

The yearly grant was

launched on the second

death anniversary of

Kalidas Karmakar last

year, allowing its

recipients Tk 2,00,000

and access to practice at

the Cosmos Atelier71 for

three months, along with

other artistic facilities.

The recipients have

recently rounded up their

working projects at the


Handing over the grant,

Sourav Chowdhury said,

"For our Gallery Cosmos

and Cosmos Atelier71,

Kalidas Karmakar has

always been a family

member and a guardian

angel since its inception.

Though his sudden

departure has left us with

a void, we are glad to

honour his legacy by

presenting these tokens of

our appreciation to these

two amazing artists, and

we know that Kali da is

always with us in spirit."

A maestro of

printmaking, especially

viscosity printing, Kalidas

Karmakar's diverse

artworks featuring

metallic and other

objects, handmade paper,

and oil on canvas prints

have been widely

exhibited throughout

South Asia, the Middle

East, Europe, the United

States and many other

places across the world.

His maiden solo art

exhibition was held at

Bangladesh Shilpakala

Academy on August 7,


Throughout his

acclaimed career, he

received multiple

prestigious scholarships

and fellowships including

the Polish Government

Scholarship in Graphic

Art at the Warsaw

Academy of Fine Art,

Warsaw University; the

French Government

Superior Scholarship in

Fine Arts for research in

multicolour etching at

Atelier-17, in Paris; Japan

Foundation Fellowship

on Japanese Woodblock

Printing at Tokyo

National University of

Fine Arts and Music;

ICCR Special Scholarship

for research in

Contemporary Modern

Sculpture, West Bengal

Lalit Kala Academy

Studio; and Asian

Cultural Council New

York, Fellowship with

Artist Residency program

in the US.

For his remarkable

contribution to the

Bangladeshi fine arts,

Kalidas Karmakar was

awarded the Shilpakala

Padak in 2016 and the

Ekushey Padak in 2018.

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