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COPY LINK DOWNLOAD ----------------------------------- https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/B08MMZYKKZ ----------------------------------- The Goddess leaps forth from these black and red inked pages of Kali Samadhi MMXX. Kalavati Devi has opened gateways and channeled powerful images and transmissions from deep meditational trance states. Each enigmatic illustration, poem and prose emerged from an altered state of consciousness in the cave of the Mother. The trance messages are encoded, revealing, fierce, provoking, and erotic. Many of the sacred mantras used to manifest this divine grimoire have been included. Each serve as a vibrational tool to connect with disincarnate intelligences which unlock alchemical evolution. The author and artist, Kalavati Devi, also known as Christie Smirl, has spent most of her life dedicated to multidimensional healing and transformation. She spent over 30 years in Acute Care Medicine witnessing the suffering and miracles of life and death working in all arenas ranging from the Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, Wound Healing and hospice. After completing her Doctorate degree in Ayurveda and advanced yoga teacher training, she passed through deeper states of evolution that changed her physical, mental and spiritual existence. Under the guidance of her Holiness 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj, Kalavati Devi dove deeper in




The Goddess leaps forth from these black and red inked pages of Kali Samadhi MMXX. Kalavati Devi has opened gateways and channeled powerful images and transmissions from deep meditational trance states. Each enigmatic illustration, poem and prose emerged from an altered state of consciousness in the cave of the Mother. The trance messages are encoded, revealing, fierce, provoking, and erotic. Many of the sacred mantras used to manifest this divine grimoire have been included. Each serve as a vibrational tool to connect with disincarnate intelligences which unlock alchemical evolution. The author and artist, Kalavati Devi, also known as Christie Smirl, has spent most of her life dedicated to multidimensional healing and transformation. She spent over 30 years in Acute Care Medicine witnessing the suffering and miracles of life and death working in all arenas ranging from the Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, Wound Healing and hospice. After completing her Doctorate degree in Ayurveda and advanced yoga teacher training, she passed through deeper states of evolution that changed her physical, mental and spiritual existence. Under the guidance of her Holiness 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj, Kalavati Devi dove deeper in


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Kali Samadhi MMXX: MMXX




Kali Samadhi MMXX: MMXX

The Goddess leaps forth from these black and red inked pages of Kali Samadhi MMXX. Kalavati Devi

has opened gateways and channeled powerful images and transmissions from deep meditational trance

states. Each enigmatic illustration, poem and prose emerged from an altered state of consciousness in

the cave of the Mother. The trance messages are encoded, revealing, fierce, provoking, and erotic. Many

of the sacred mantras used to manifest this divine grimoire have been included. Each serve as a

vibrational tool to connect with disincarnate intelligences which unlock alchemical evolution. The author

and artist, Kalavati Devi, also known as Christie Smirl, has spent most of her life dedicated to

multidimensional healing and transformation. She spent over 30 years in Acute Care Medicine

witnessing the suffering and miracles of life and death working in all arenas ranging from the Emergency

Department, Intensive Care Unit, Wound Healing and hospice. After completing her Doctorate degree in

Ayurveda and advanced yoga teacher training, she passed through deeper states of evolution that

changed her physical, mental and spiritual existence. Under the guidance of her Holiness 1008

Mahamandaleshwar Adishakti Satigiri Ji Maharaj, Kalavati Devi dove deeper into traditional rituals and

esoteric studies. The music album, also titled Kali Samadhi MMXX, contains the vocal transmissions that

accompany the otologic drawings and mystical emissions.

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