Pembangunan Jaya Ancol GA 31 Des 2020

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Untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir Pada Tanggal

31 Desember 2020 dan 2019

(Dalam Rupiah Penuh, Kecuali Dinyatakan Lain)

Penambahan aset tetap pada tahun 2020 sebagian

besar berasal dari inovasi wahana Karussell, wahana

Mola-Mola, renovasi Kantor Ocean Dream

Samudera, inovasi Kitchen Banquet dan renovasi

Restoran Nyiur, inovasi Sarana dan Prasarana Putri

Duyung Ancol, renovasi Front Office Putri Duyung

Ancol, inovasi Penataan Kawasan Pantai Timur,

Sentral Parkir Carnaval, Symphony of The Sea,

renovasi Kantor Pintu Gerbang Utama Taman

Impian, inovasi Kawasan Dunia Kartun inovasi

Wahana Kereta Misteri, renovasi Kantor

Maintenance dan perbaikan mesin wahana Dunia

Fantasi, serta pembelian peralatan inventaris kantor

PT. Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

Penambahan aset tetap pada tahun 2019 sebagian

besar berasal dari inovasi wahana Asthatirta Atlantis

Water Adventures, penambahan sarana prasarana

Pintu Gerbang Baru Dunia Fantasi, Inovasi wahana

Kereta Misteri, Baling-Baling, Karavel, Kolibri, New

Ontang–Anting, Paralayang, Turbo Drop, Zig-Zag,

serta Mushola, Games & Retail Kawasan Dunia

Kartun Dunia Fantasi, Penguin Kingdom, Wahana

Karussell, Wahana Mola-Mola, dan Wahana Cinema

5D Ocean Dream Samudera.

Penambahan aset tetap yang berasal dari

penambahan utang lain-lain pada tahun 2020 dan

2019 masing-masing sebesar Rp40.816.872.410 dan

Rp59.097.141.086 (Catatan 46).

Aset dalam penyelesaian pada tanggal 31 Desember

2020 sebesar Rp914.581.080.911 dengan

penurunan bersih sebesar Rp53.165.620.632 pada

tahun berjalan sebagian besar atas penyelesaian

aset berupa Wahana Indoor Coaster, Renovasi

Kantor Ocean Dream Samudera, Inovasi Kitchen

Banquet, Saranan dan Prasarana Putri Duyung

Ancol, Penataan Kawasan Pantai Timur, Sentral

Parkir Carnaval, Symphony of the Sea.

Aset dalam penyelesaian pada tanggal 31 Desember

2019 sebesar Rp967.746.701.543 dengan kenaikan

bersih sebesar Rp442.303.532.662 pada tahun

berjalan sebagian besar atas pengadaan sarana

prasarana Taman Impian, inovasi wahana Atlantis

Water Adventures, Ocean Dream Samudera dan

Dunia Fantasi, inovasi wahana dan perbaikan mesin

wahana Dunia Fantasi.

Aset dalam penyelesaian untuk proyek reklamasi

pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 dan 2019 masingmasing

sebesar Rp489.822.847.935 dan

Rp489.638.257.935. Pada tanggal 24 Februari 2020,

Gubernur DKI Jakarta secara resmi mengumumkan

izin perluasan pengembangan kawasan seluas 155





For the Years Ended

December 31, 2020 and 2019

(In Full of Rupiah, Unless Otherwise Stated)

Addition of fixed assets in 2020 mainly comes from the

innovation attraction from Karussell, Mola-Mola, the

renovation of the Ocean Dream Samudera Office, the

Kitchen Banquet innovation and the Nyiur Restaurant

renovation, the innovation of facilities and

infrastructure for Putri Duyung Ancol, the renovation of

the Ancol Princess Front Office, innovation

Arrangement of the East Coast Area, Carnaval

Parking Center, Symphony of The Sea, renovation of

the Main Gate Office of the Dream Park, the

Innovation of the Cartoon World Area, the Wahana

Kereta Misteri innovation, the renovation of the

Maintenance Office and the repair of Dunia Fantasi

rides, and the purchase of office equipment for

PT. Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

Addition of fixed assets in 2019 mainly comes from

the innovation of attraction from Asthatirta Atlantis

Water Adventures, addition facilities of new Dunia

Fantasi Gate, the innovation of attraction from Mystery

Train, Propellers, Karavels, Hummingbirds, New

Ontang-Anting, Paragliding, Turbo Drop, Zig-Zag, and

Mushola, Games & Retail of World Cartoon of Dunia

Fantasi, Penguin Kingdom, Karussell, Mola-Mola, and

Cinema 5D Ocean Dream Samudra.

Addition in fixed assets along with addition in

other payables in 2020 and 2019 are amounted

to Rp40,816,872,410 and Rp59,097,141,086,

respectively (Note 46).

Construction in progress on December 31, 2020

amounting to Rp940,323,908,774 with a net decrease

of Rp27,422,792,769 in the current year, most of the

assets were completed in the form of Wahana Indoor

Coaster, Ocean Dream Samudera Office Renovation,

Kitchen Banquet Innovation, Ancol Princess Facilities

and Infrastructure, East Coast Area Arrangement,

Carnaval Parking Central, Symphony of the Sea.

Construction in progress as of December 31, 2019

amounted to Rp967,746,701,543 with a net increase

amounted to Rp442,303,532,662 in the current year

mostly consist of the facilities procurement of Taman

Impian, innovation of attraction from Atlantis Water

Adventures, Ocean Dream Ocean and Dunia fantasi,

innovation of the attraction and engine repairments of

Dunia Fantasi.

Construction in progress for reclamation project as of

December 31, 2020 and 2019, amounted to

Rp489,822,847,935 and Rp489,638,257,934,

respectively. On February 24, 2020, the Governor of

DKI Jakarta officially announced the permit to expand

the development of an area of 155 hectares.


SiMay 31, 2021 72 Paraf/ Sign:

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