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letters according to Donald Laycock in The Complete Enochian Dictionary. (It has to be

said that no single author that myself or Satyr has consulted appears to fully grasp the

facts here nor relates them in a satisfactory fashion, suffice it to say that one such table

is printed on p 24 of Turner’s Elizabethan Magic, a square from Liber Logæth, Sloane

ms. 3189, and this contains only English letters and single-digit numbers.) The angel

conveyed the appropriate square on the table in a complex fashion that is not particularly

clear (not simply by rank and column as Crowley and Regardie suggested). When the

message was complete, it was to be rewritten backwards, it had in fact been dictated

backwards. The backwards dictation continued until the first four Keys had been received,

the angel then went forwards. The resultant texts were conjurations in a language vulgarly

called “Enochian”, originally simply “Angelic”, which translated into truly profound

passages such as this extract referring to Babalon (bábâlond, “Harlot” [BABALOND])

evoking an image of a whore’s bed as a sanctuary after a kind of cataclysm that has

reduced the world to a wasteland, which accords with one of my own deep experiences

with Babalon 12 years before I even knew of the existence of this passage in an Enochian


The reasonable creatures of Earth, or Men,

Let them vex and weed out one another;

And the dwelling places, let them forget their names.

The work of man and his pomp, let them be defaced.

His buildings, let them become caves for the beasts of the field.

Confoundeth Her understanding with darkness.

For why? It repenteth me I ever made Man.

One while let Her be known, and another while a stranger,

Because Hers is the bed of Babalon, dwelling place of him that is Fallen.

This passage is from the 19 th Key, ie the Call or Key of the 30 Æthyrs. In the last line I

have made a slightly different translation from usual according to my own contextual

understanding. The received translation is: “Bycause she is the bed of an Harlot, and

the dwelling place of him that is faln”. To me this seems cockeyed, how can “she” be a

“bed”?—it seems more straightforward to render it “Because Hers is the bed of Babalon”.

(I write more on the identity of “Him that is Fallen”, Telocvovim [TELOCVOVIM],

further on in KAOS.) Note that Crowley in the 2 nd Æthyr in The Vision and the Voice

says that the sentence “It repenteth me I ever made Man” should really be translated as

“It rejoiceth me concerning the Virgin and the Man”. Crowley claims Kelly didn’t

understand the Call and altered what the angel told him to fit his own interpretation.

(On the principle that Crowley supposedly knew what the angel originally said to Kelly,


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