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assumed the modest title “His Most Sacred Majesty”. Breeze, ironically, holds an A∴A∴

lineage from Marcello Motta. The late Ellic Howe, the occult and masonic historian,

met Breeze in 1987 and wrote: “I have no reason to believe that he [Breeze] is informed

about the early history of the oto or European affairs generally.” (Letter dated 7/10/87

from Howe to Koenig.)

In a 1987 essay in Starfire prompted by a flowchart published in Nuit-Isis magazine

in the UK showing the Caliphate oto to be the legitimate heirs of Aleister Crowley

(odd since the magazine’s publisher Chris “Mogg” Morgan aka Katon Shual was in the

Typhonian oto), Michael Staley, defending the Typhonian oto’s claim to legitimacy,

said a very wise thing:

In essence, it seems a waste of time to have to argue about the past, when what really

matters is the present task of developing Thelema and radiating the 93 Current. Some

people and organisations seem to see Crowley, Thelema and the oto as glamorous museum

pieces, fixed in perpetuity, to be preserved and cherished here and hereafter. According

to this notion, the structure of the Order is sacrosanct, bequeathed to us by the Great

Man himself. Thus they admit of no development, no innovation, no change. In short,

Thelema becomes a cult of Crowley, and his personality a prime focus. Nothing could be

more laughable, more pitiable, than such a notion. It is surely a grotesque distortion of

Thelema, and a negation of all that Crowley strove for. Things are in a constant state of

flux and flow, unless they are dead. Of course if people hide from change, it is often

because they are scared of the challenge of thinking afresh, of innovation.

[“The oto After Crowley”, Starfire Vol. I, No. 2 (1987)]

It remains to be seen whether Staley will feel the same about the extent of the innovation

and fresh thinking represented by the kaos-babalon 156 current, which renders

Thelema, 93 current, redundant. Another thing for time to reveal. In this respect, in

“It’s An Ill Wind That Bloweth…”, Staley notes concerning the Caliphate oto:

They must learn to accept their true status as one amongst several legitimate groupings;

otherwise, the course of the current will surely and justly dissolve them as hindrances to

its expression.

Here is the essential point: it won’t be the 93 current that dissolves the Caliphate but

the 156 current. Time will reveal whether the 156 current will also dissolve the Typhonian

oto, certainly it will if they are serious about their recent turn towards terrestrial kingship,

but if “creative occultism” is their prime motivation then, who knows, they might even

tune into kaos-babalon and the 156 current as being the true magical current. Michael


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