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suggests that without Jean Brayton’s Solar Lodge the Caliphate oto may never have

come into existence at all (http://home.sunrise.ch/~prkoenig/manson.htm). The Solar

Lodge brought the oto into opposition with the fbi when they kept a six-year-old boy

chained in a hotbox in the Mojave desert for 56 days. The Washington Post for October

31, 1969, carries the report: “Boy Tells of Chaining By Cultists”. Charles Manson,

though not formally a member of the Solar Lodge, was a visitor and was invited to Jean

Brayton’s parties. The complex story of the founding of the Caliphate oto, essentially

based on historical revisionism, is dealt with in detail by Herr Koenig and on the webpage

mentioned above there is also an email discussion between Koenig and Heidrick on

whether the present-day Caliphate oto includes any members of the original Solar

Lodge who were involved in the “boy in a hotbox” scandal.

The claim of the Caliphate oto to be the oto in the United States comes from a

court case in May 1985, in California. US Army Major Grady McMurtry of Berkeley,

ca, the oho of the Caliphate oto, and “Society Ordo Templi Orientis” under Marcello

Ramos Motta from Brazil got into a legal battle, initiated by McMurtry, over trademark

and copyright infringement but which turned into an unconstitutional ruling on who

was the actual chartered oto in the US (and thereby who controlled the copyright on

Crowley’s work). McMurtry won and, bizarrely, died the very same day. Colonel Michael

Aquino of US Military Intelligence, who left Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan to form

the Temple of Set, watched the legal battle, and wrote this wonderfully arch comment

in the Scroll of Set Vol. XII, No. 5 (Oct 1986):

While sitting in the courtroom watching Judge Legge preside sternly over the slug-out,

I couldn’t help wondering if he had any idea he was ruling on which group had legal

claim to anal sex as the supreme religious sacrament in the United States.

This is a reference to the 11 th degree, which even today the oto is still coy about admitting

whether or not it is a “per vas nefundum” or “reversionist” rite. (The 11 th degree or

“Order of Shiraz” has now been disbanded in the Caliphate oto by Breeze, since it

implied power he felt undermined by.) But the essential point is that a terrestrial

courtroom had no jurisdiction to decide in favour of one oto grouping over another

and the Caliphate oto has used this legal decision in their own favour ever since to

bolster its territorial ambitions, utterly at odds with the Great Work. The transcript of

the courtroom proceedings is well worth reading, topics ranging from the 9 th degree

secret to the size of Mr Motta’s sexual organ.

William Breeze (the “bastard linguistic mongrel” Hymenæus Beta) took over as

Caliph when Grady McMurtry (Hymenæus Alpha) died in 1985, a fourth degreer who


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