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following though. For rank beginners, the juxtaposition of ideas according to a set

pattern like Kabbalah is a tool for seeing connections in the world that were, previously,

invisible. Now, I am not touting any one system or systems in general, only pointing out

that new ways of thinking arise from rearrangements of connected symbols (whether

they be ideas or physical objects existing in space).

For me juxtapositional magick is how I create music. The compositional control is

loosened so that the Universe can create through me. Each instrument is more or less

channelled, and interactions, mostly “accidental”, occur that Could Not Be Written

Out. No compositional system can hold them, or spew them out, because each system

is based on arbitrary restrictions which keep things from happening. In fact, it has been

my staunch refusal to learn a musical theory that has allowed me to explore in realms

no music theory can touch, so from that point of view, the system becomes a hindrance

to the manifestation of willed forms. All things that come out of these systems will

always be an extension of the relationships in the given system and will miss the multitude

of relationships not covered by the system. The results, for me, are always more real if I

abandon system constraints and just do.

Joel, you may not relate to this music analogy, but you do a type of visual art which,

I bet, bears relation to this type of magick.

Joel Biroco: Oh absolutely, and I was discussing this very point with some artist friends

only last night and gave a kind of spontaneous lecture on the relation between

juxtapositional magick and the creation of art. The essential difference is that in magick

there is a purpose in the creation of an object beyond aesthetics, in juxtapositional

magick the creation of an object is the means not the end. I suspect artists may grasp

the actual “doing” of juxtapositional magick more than many occultists, but not grasp

the magical side of what they are doing and not know how to use that for specific

magical ends. I have seen this many times in the artists’ group to which I belong and

often wish that occultists had this kind of talent for what is really magick, particularly

in performance art, quite a few of the members including myself having an interest in

performance art. One girl astonishes me every time with the sheer originality of her

created objects (cutting open an apple, staining the inside with red food dye and placing

a pomegranate in the cored-out centre, and stapling it back together like a Frankenstein

apple which she opens up to show us, all of her objects she opens up layer by layer to

show us, or she might bake silver foil spiders in Cornish pasty cases, or place a lightbulb

and sunflower seeds inside a hollowed-out loaf, stoppering it with a bread brain, and

her use of mold, and hair, and other found materials) and I have had conversations with

her about how I identify her manner of creation of art objects as being similar to my


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