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A discussion on juxtapositional magick

HH: So grand poobah, how do you do it then? What’s the big secret?

Joel Biroco: Juxtapositional magick. But essentially we’re talking about things that are

experiential. I gave up trying to explain my own experience as a substitute for other

people’s lack of experience. Don’t ask me to explain it, if you want to know what it is

cast a sigil—and jack off on it if you must—to understand juxtapositional magick, and

then maybe one day you will and you might thank me for taking the scales off your


BPS: Hey, I was wondering if you could go into more depth. I’ve still got a LOT to

learn, but this sounds interesting.

Joel Biroco: It is beyond words, but if you think about what the term “juxtapositional

magick” might mean, and indeed cast a sigil to understand it (as simple as that), you will

begin to glimpse things that come under the heading of juxtapositional magick. But for

now: take a moment to study your room wherever you are reading this and take in the

juxtapositions that are already present. Make connections, join up things, visualize a

collection of objects as a one object, loosen the boundaries of objects. Notice your world

and its juxtapositions. Juxtapositional magick is not something one learns overnight, it

is a lifetime’s work, you must realise I can’t explain that to you, you must see it with your

own eyes. Don’t seek explanations, seek juxtapositions and study the natural placement

of objects in the world. The act of noticing should be a daily task until it becomes

natural, even if you have no idea what the juxtapositions mean all you have to do is

notice them. Understanding comes later. Then you can learn to manipulate juxtapositions

and learn to be a juxtapositional magician. Make a juxtapositional altar, which is one

that grows spontaneously over time without thought and is only one day noticed as

such. If you already have aptitude for this art then you will see that you have already

formed a juxtapositional magick altar without even realising it. Any conscious effort to

create such an altar will only destroy the possibility of producing it, so if you feel the

urge to create one and can’t see that you have one simply forget about creating one and

concentrate on noticing juxtapositions, then in time you will see where you have created

your juxtapositional altar. This is the essence of the power of juxtapositional magick, it

gives method to spontaneity.


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