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and I was myself involved in a Ma’at grouping for a period organised by Alistair

Livingstone and his partner Pinki/Tanith, whose work is little known among occultists

but I found highly inspiring, and contact with them did advance a lot of ideas for me

and there was a mutual cross-fertilisation in “the scene” at that time. This was a five

year period, 1985–89, during which I met and learnt from an extraordinary variety of

very talented individuals, all of whom must be credited with adding in pieces of the

puzzle that was later formulated as kaos-babalon 156 current. It is a pity that many

Thelemites are so ignorant of these changes, interactions, and subtleties that they remain

stuck in 93 as if the world did not go forward. 93 was formulated by a handful of people

and now a mass of people blindly follow it, 156 was similarly formulated by a handful

of people, and who knows how many will eventually follow it. I just hope they do not

do so blindly and that similar talented individuals will emerge who recognise when it

has changed its nature and what to do about it for the reformulation that will become

necessary. Constant regurgitation of the past is not a service to the future.


Epiphany of the few

Yes Joel, I agree with your statements on currents. That which we call a current is, in my

view, a point in a process rather than a thing. By “process” I do not mean an orderly

series of phenomena or reactions, but an ongoing change and evolution, constantly in


93 was the name applied to a point in the process at the time. Change in the current

is almost guaranteed, unless the individual using it sees past the nomenclature to the

process itself, which is pretty much the nature of dynamic magick.

Such an individual will likely, at that point, either develop a revised set of symbols to

describe their vision, or change their understanding of the symbols they are using to

conform to their new views.

There are as few Thelemites as there ever were, methinks. There is, however, an

embarrassment of Crowleyites. No surprise that a few formulated 93 and now many

blindly follow it.

The epiphany of the few becomes the litany of the many. I predict that, like any

living current, it will attract those who blindly follow. For every Parsons there will be a

Hubbard, for every worker a thousand drones.


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