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In hearing Joel’s description of the kaos-babalon current, I began to wonder if

there were only one current that is apprehended by individuals at different times. To use

a clumsy metaphor, explorers named the bits of North America in which they landed

by a host of different names, yet it was but one land mass.

If the current of creation is a constantly evolving, constantly changing phenomenon,

then any attempt to label it as the “xyz current” is error unless it is accepted that such a

current is in a state of constant evolution. This is difficult for any individual, no matter

how advanced: some concepts are not as easily discarded as others.

For instance, Crowley tapped into a live current in his invocations of Babalon, as did

Parsons. (Many of those who followed failed to appreciate the dynamic nature of life,

and looked in the places where the current was last found.) The existence and similarity

in nature of all these suggests to me the existence of one current, that has been accessed

by many individuals over time, under a myriad of names.

The nature of the feminine component of this current has been discussed, attacked

and censored over centuries, but it has been discussed. The nature of the male component

of this current has been sadly lacking in any substantive discussion or commentary

until relatively recently. Joel’s views would seem to be exceptionally useful no matter

how his ideas are viewed, precisely because they stimulate thought on this area.

It’s far more important, in the view from here, to try and consider the nature of

kaos-babalon than it is to discuss how kaos should be spelt. Too many words, which

almost guarantees misunderstanding. Lock and load.


Yes, I believe that the “same” (using the term loosely) current has attracted different

names at different times (though the “Lam current” is an absolute joke, a current based

on a lousy drawing of an alien by Crowley, I ask you!). But, and this I think is the

important point, “the” current progresses and changes its nature, as does a river, same

water maybe but different landscape, different terrain, different force of current too. I

believe that kaos-babalon is the magical current for now, which is not the same

current as 93, for instance, but did emerge from it and left it behind, and that is the

nature of its “sameness”. kaos-babalon 156 current may well change its nature later on

and that name will no longer be so relevant. I trace it out of 93 and Babalon, and

possibly the Ma’at current played a part.

It’s interesting in tracing routes that my own contact with Babalon came because

she wrote to me asking to be put in touch with Maggie Ingalls, ie Nema, prophetess of

the Ma’at current, who I had published work by in KAOS (after the split with Grant),


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