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decades. After his death Marjorie Cameron came to regard herself in some sense as the

avatar Jack had wished to produce and got into her own trip. I noticed in a letter Parsons

wrote to her on February 6, 1950, he mentions the book by Joseph Campbell The Hero

with a Thousand Faces, and he says he’ll get her a copy of Crowley’s Book of Lies. He’s

pointing her in directions, exciting her in things that he’s excited by. Shortly after reading

this letter I came across a letter from Joseph Campbell to Cameron, dated November

14, 1965. Fifteen years after Jack

turned her attention to Campbell’s

work Cameron sent a set of slides of

her paintings to him, and he was

delighted by her work. And I got a

sense of the cyclic working out of

different fates, just a glimpse but of

something much deeper than the

bare facts of a person’s life dredged

up from fbi files, newspaper reports,

employment records, and suchlike. It

is interesting to ponder whether in

later years Marjorie Cameron became

the Babalon that Jack would have

recognised. Had he lived maybe he

would have seen his crude 1946

objective distilled by time into something

of tangibly rich essence and

under his nose all the time. There is

a painting of Cameron’s called “Fossil

Angel” that is very beautiful (shown

here). It made me think when I saw

it, who is to say Parsons, had he lived,

may not have one day seen in a painting by Cameron “the sign delivered by Our Lady

Babalon Incarnate”. The Book of Babalon was intended to be a book of guidance for this

Incarnate Babalon—recounting her magical birth you might say—as indeed this book

became for Cameron in later years after his death. There is the sense here of a deeper

more real story, one that John Carter doesn’t come close to telling, but nonetheless Sex

and Rockets is still a valuable book so long as readers are aware that it contains some

shoddy workmanship in the biographer’s art and are prepared to go back to the original

sources for themselves.


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