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revolution I always intended (and still intend) that it should do. It is an occult device

ticking away awaiting its time. It will happen, I just don’t know when. It’s no longer, I

don’t think, for me to take forward, so don’t look to me (unless change induces the role

in me again and is more powerful than my resistance to taking on that mantle). More

likely it’ll be some drugged-up kid who plays bass in a band and is sufficiently fuckedup

to be inspired by what we created as the future of the Chaos current. And they’ll

receive the transmission of it. No matter how much I “explain”, that is not the same as

the transmission of it, it’s an initiation. Good luck to him or her, and who knows I may

be around to kick him or her up the arse. I’ll spare you the old adage about “when the

student is ready the teacher appears”. That’s the way it is, take it or leave it. So maybe I

did kill the Chaos current, but think of it as putting it out of its misery. But kaosbabalon,

that’s a different matter.


93 is dead, long live 156!

For me, and if I am understanding Joel correctly, when he states that 93 is dead, long

live 156, he is re-emphasizing something that I think Crowley suggests, but doesn’t

stress for purely practical reasons (ie, he wanted the oto to succeed).

Somewhere, and I don’t recall exactly where, Crowley states that the Beast and the

Scarlet Woman are to be considered as offices, meaning that they can at least theoretically

be filled by any conveniently warm bodies. The confusion arises when we insist on

attaching concrete entities to these theoretical concepts.

For a Crowleyite (what is mistakenly termed a Thelemite), Aleister Crowley WAS

the Beast. End of story, beginning of interminable argument. For the Caliphate, Aleister

Crowley, as 10 th degree oto, WAS the Beast, and his successor IS the Beast at this

latter date (too simplistic I know, but it will have to do for here). End of story, beginning

of interminable law suits.

For my admittedly hypothetical Joel Biroco, the Beast (approximating to chaos), is

anyone assuming that office, should they be so bold. He is deliberately and explicitly

emphasizing the injection of a random element: that who gets to be the Beast is in no

way determined by their acceptance by temporal power structures, or indeed, perhaps,

by any predictable process. Beginning, not ending, of story.

This is meant in no way to mean, “Oh, yeah, that’s been done, dude. Aleister said


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