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appear to assume that this has some meaning to the reader and yet neither actually refer

the phrase back to what appears to be its only genuine occurrence, namely in the 8 th

Enochian Key received by Dee and Kelly. Now it could be that they took this knowledge

for granted, but the fact remains that they went on to use the phrase in what to me is an

obscurantist fashion and I am not convinced their obfuscations shed a great deal of

light on the use of the term in the 8 th Key. In a note on his skrying of the 10 th Æthyr

Crowley says: “The doctrine of the ‘Fall’ and the ‘Stooping Dragon’ must be studied

carefully.” I am inclined to think this is in the nature of a marginal reminder to himself

to do just that some time. But he is certainly right that these ideas have a great bearing

on the question of the Abyss.

The Dweller in the Abyss, Choronzon, comes in two spellings. Coronzon is the

original spelling of John Dee and Edward Kelly, Choronzon is the “corrected” spelling

by Aleister Crowley that adds up to 333 (actually churunzun, ie }wznwrwx). In The Vision

and the Voice (Liber 418) Crowley was specifically told that the number of Choronzon

was 333 in his skrying of the 10 th Æthyr. Yet he obviously already knew this because he

used the spelling in the previously skryed Æthyrs 17, 15, 12, and 11. The 17 th was

skryed on Dec 2, 1909, and the 10 th on Dec 6. So far as I am aware, The Vision and the

Voice, published in 1911, was the first time Crowley ever wrote about Choronzon, Liber

333 (The Book of Lies) was published in 1913 (note Chapter 42, “Dust-Devils”). He

shows that he was aware of the original spelling of Dee and Kelly because like them he

refers to the demon as “that mighty devil”. In the 28 th Æthyr Crowley received what he

regarded later as a prophecy concerning his experience of Choronzon in the 10 th : “Thou

shalt be vexed by dispersion.” Dispersion also adds up to 333 in Greek (a)kolasia).

In the 10 th Æthyr it is even stated explicitly: “Choronzon is Dispersion.” Yet in a footnote

Crowley claims not to have realised at the time that there was any correspondence

between “Dispersion” and “Choronzon”. Dee’s spelling of “Coronzon” adds up to 345

in Hebrew (Donald Tyson gets 365 by taking Nun final as 70). So why exactly did

Crowley change the spelling from Dee’s original before he was told the demon’s number

in the 10 th , if not because he wished to link Choronzon to the forewarning of being

vexed by dispersion mentioned in the 28 th , and present the demon as responsible for

mental scattering and distraction. Did he perhaps, either consciously or subconsciously,

desire to have his change legitimised and this is why he had the demon state its number?

It’s fascinating that the spelling “Choronzon” is already in use before the 10 th Æthyr but

the “Babalon” spelling is not, Crowley was still spelling her name “Babylon”, and it is in

the 10 th Æthyr that he first uses the correct spelling alluded to in the 12 th Æthyr (in the

phrase “Gate of the God On” }(l)b)b, ie Babalon: bab b)b = gate; al l) = God; on

}( = On) where it becomes representative of a “victory over Choronzon” and mark of


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