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ms. 3677, fol. 14 r —giving my eyes a break for the moment, and citing Ashmole’s

transcription instead of the original). Dee later implies (Ibid, fol. 18) he found multiple

designs in his library, and wondered how they might be compared or combined in order

to arrive at one best suited to the divine purpose.

The repetition of some material attributed to Agrippa is certainly one other instance

of such “borrowing”, on someone’s part. Noted references to other authors in the “Libri

Mysteriorum” seem to indicate Dee had extensive knowledge of previous work in the


agla written between the arms of a cross appears to be an apt symbol of “Earth”,

and therefore it makes some sense that it would be placed on the bottom, or underside

of the Sigillum. But that is a modern interpretation, based upon Golden Dawn usage of

agla. David Jones was of the opinion that “The Sigil of God” was an obvious precursor

of “The Sigil of God’s Truth”.

Good to hear of your slug hunting: hope you were successful. I’ve had a few bean

beetles on my “Jacob’s Cattle” bush beans, but so far no slugs. A woodchuck (groundhog,

“whistle pig”, or what have you), devastated the tomatoes soon after transplanting, but

that has been the extent of the damage inflicted by Mother Nature so far. Last year we

had a peculiarly wet summer, and I got to watch 15 gorgeous tomato plants, laden with

fruit, slowly rot from the ground up. I’m hoping the experience won’t be repeated.

Take care, SATYR


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