

WeDNesDAY, DeceMBeR 30, 202010DigiYou are notwith mesince 9 yrsTBT RepoRTAward of Cinemaking Int’l FilmFestival announcedTBT RepoRTThe award of three-day CinemakingInternational Film festival has beenannounced, reports UNB.'The Single Tumbler' from Sri Lankawas awarded the Best InternationalFilm while 'A biography of Nazrul'directed by Ferdous Khan bagged 'BestBangladeshi Full-length film' award.The festival started on December 24 inthe outskarts of the capital ciry Dhakaand ended on December 26. CIFFfounder and Festival DirectorMonjurul Islam Megh informed that150 films from 54 countries and 27films from Bangladesh has beenselected for competition in 11categories in this time. Among them, 17international films were awarded asbest award from eight competitioncategories.Ten international best awards weregiven in the main competition sectionfor International Feature filmCompetition. "Girl and the Sea"directed by Azizzhan Zairov andMukhamed Mamyrbekov fromKazakhstan were announced as BestAsian film while Apurba Kishor Birwon Best Asian director for"Antardhwani" from India."I'Father', directed by Mark Norfolkfrom Kosovo was selected as BestEuropean Film while Gultekin Bayirbagged Best European Director for "BirDenizcinin Dogum Gunu" fromTurkey. Yashpal Sharma for acting inthe "Mooso the Mouse" and SwapnaPati for acting in the "Antardhwani"from India were awarded as BestInternational Actor and BestInternational Actress respectively."The Final Code" from Italy willreceive the Best Original Score whileBest Cinematography for "Boluomi"from Taiwan and Best Screenplay for"Colorless Dreams" from UzbekistanAlia Bhatt starrer film'Gangubai Kathiawadi'lands in legal troublewere announced in the competition."Endless Walk" directed by YanPaing Htum from Myanmar baggedthe title of Best international mobilefilm while Best Bangladeshi mobilewas film "Mother" directed by AnondoKhaled."The Fiber" directed Nubelia LeyvaFerrer and Sorangel Solano Cleverfrom Cuba gained the title of BestInternational Short film while thefestival announced Best Bangladeshishort film "Separation" directed byAparajita Sangita.Best International Documentarywere "A Gift from God" directed byJorgen Lorentzen, Nafise OzkalLorentzen from Norway while BestInternational Kids award were achievedby Filmmaker Sandro Kintsureshvili for"Take It" from Georgia. The festitivalwas organised by Dhaka Festival whileFestival Partner was Mashud monchoand Rushda Film.Alia Bhatt-starrer GangubaiKathiawadi has landed in a legalsoup. A case has been filed againstAlia, director Sanjay Leela Bhansaliand writer Hussain Zaidi byKathiawadi's adopted son BabujiRawji Shah, reportedIndiaToday.in.In his complaint, Shah allegedthat the movie and its sourcematerial - the book Mafia Queensof Mumbai by author HussainZaidi - are defamatory in nature.The petition further stated that itinfringes upon Babuji Rawji Shah'sright to 'privacy, liberty and selfrespect'.Shah has stated that he is beingconstantly ridiculed by themembers of his locality ever sincethe first poster of the movie wasreleased.Babuji Rawji Shah's lawyerNarendra Dubey said that acriminal complaint can be filedagainst everyone named in thepetition for "defamation, indecentrepresentation of women, andcirculation of obscene and indecentmaterial."The first hearing of the casehappened on December 22 thisyear. The defendants have torespond by January 7, 2021.Gangubai Kathiawadi marks thefirst collaboration of Alia Bhatt andSanjay Leela Bhansali.Source : India TodayActress Prarthana Fardin Dighi,National Film Award winning childartiste is now a full-fledged heroine. Sheis now busy with several movies worksafter a long break. She was upset and notfeeling well as she lost her mother onDecember 29. The memory of hermother made her emotional.Once upon a time, Dighi used to go tothe shooting set holding her mother'shand. Her mother's dream was 'one dayher daughter would dominate the silverscreen as an actress'. That dream wasfulfilled, however, she could not see herdaughter's success. She passed away onTBT RepoRTNational Film Award winning directorMostafizur Rahman Manik is going tostart the 2009 film 'Monpura'. In thefilm, Krishnakoli's popular song 'JaoPakhi Balo Tare' became popular among29 December 2011.Remembering her mother'smemory, Dighi posted a picture withher mother on Facebook with a statuson Tuesday.She wrote, "Yesterday was mymother's 9th death anniversary. It'sbeen nine years, mother, you are notwith me.I miss you every moment. I love youso much. I urge all to pray for mymother." Actress Dighi started hercareer on the silver screen as a childthe viewers. This time the movie is beingmade under the title of this song.Mahiya Mahi and Fair and Handsomewinner AK Azad Ador are going to act forthe first time in the film. The shooting ofthe film will start from January. Songrecording and pre-production work is"Contagion" might be nine years old, butSteven Soderbergh's well-receivedpandemic thriller became one of 2020'smost-discussed films as the coronaviruspandemic swept throughout the UnitedStates. Soderbergh revealed during arecent interview on the Happy SadConfused podcast that he is developing a"philosophical" sequel to "Contagion"alongside Scott Burns, who served asscreenwriter on the 2011 film. Theproject appears to be in its early stagesand will unlikely be a direct sequel to"Contagion," but Soderbergh noted thatit may touch on similar themes and ideas."I've got a project in development thatScott Burns is working with me on, that's akind of philosophical sequel to 'Contagion,'but in a different context," Soderbergh said."You'll kind of look at the two of them askind of paired, but very different haircolors. So, Scott and I had been talkingabout, 'So, what's the next iteration of a'Contagion'-type story?' We have beenworking on that; we should probably hotfootit a little bit." "Contagion" centered ona fictional viral outbreak in the UnitedStates, the chaos that ensued, and thegovernment's attempts to handle thesituation. The plot of "Contagion"contained more than a few parallels toartist. Since then, she has won thehearts of millions of fans. She gainedfame in a short time through herskillful acting in several movies.Dighi's mother Doyel was a silverscreen actress. She has acted in manymovies including 'Rajlakshmi-Srikanta'.Born on 25 September 1966 inBikrampur, Dhaka, Doyel made her bigscreendebut in 1982 through the film'Chandranath' directed by Chashi NazrulIslam. Her last film was 'Kabuliwala'directed by Kazi Hayat.Mahi-Adorin ‘Jao PakhiBolo Tare’going on now. Director MostafizurRahman Manik said, "I am going tomake the film with the story of acompletely rural background. Love andseparations are the main issues. For along time no perfect village movie wasmade in Bangladesh. Moreover, I havenever made such a movie. It can becalled a challenge.Ador said, my first movie is withdirector Manik. He is a renowneddirector. I learned a lot from him. Hopeeverybody enjoys the movie.Steven Soderbergh Working on'Philosophical' Sequel to 'Contagionthe real-world coronavirus pandemic,which caused the film to skyrocket inpopularity earlier in the year."Contagion" enjoyed a spike in viewsthrough FandangoNOW and iTunesshortly after the pandemic beganspreading throughout the United States.Soderbergh and the "Contagion" casthave shared their thoughts on thecoronavirus in recent months.Soderbergh, who said he was taken abackby the United States' response to thepandemic earlier in the year, beganleading a Director's Guild of Americacommittee regarding safe filmingpractices in April. "Contagion" castmembers such as Matt Damon, LaurenceFishburne, Kate Winslet, MarionCotillard, and Jennifer Ehle recordedsafety PSAs earlier in the year, while IanLipkin, who served as a medicalconsultant on "Contagion," stressed thedangers of the pandemic after hecontracted the coronavirus in March.Source: indiewire.comH o R o s c o p eARIes(March 21 - April 20) : Intense emotionsare apt to dominate the scene today,Aries. Don't do anything halfway. It'stime to give it your all or nothing. Youhave the power to cut to the heart of the issue. Don'thesitate. If you meet opposition, stay strong. There'sa valuable lesson to be learned. If you're being true toyourself, you should have no trouble overcoming anyobstacle that stands in your path.TAURUs(April 21 - May 21) : There's anoverwhelming intensity about the daythat might make it difficult for you tomaintain the peace, Taurus. Strongopinions and courageous emotions are clashing in aclimactic fashion. You might find yourself in themiddle of conflicting forces if you aren't careful.Make sure you take care of yourself and your needsbefore you try to patch up things for everybody else.GeMINI(May 22 - June 21) : You may feel extra selfconfidenttoday, Gemini, making you moreable to say and do the things you mightnormally keep inside. Be warned, however,that you're apt to run into some powerful, unexpectedopposition. The genius in you wants to come out and showothers what you're made of, but other people may have reasonto find fault. Don't let others' disapproval hinder your progress.cANceR(June 22 - July 23) : You might findthat others' strong opinions dictatetoday's actions, Cancer. Theatmosphere is quite intense, so youmight want to lay low and let others have theirway. Don't try to put up a fight. Unexpectedopposition may come out of nowhere and takecontrol. There's a powerful force at work askingyou to do things with more passion than usual.Leo(July 24 - Aug. 23): Create your ownreality, Leo. It could be that you have thepuppet strings in your hands, but you'retoo afraid to use them. Don't shy awayfrom responsibility. Take your time and don't losesight of your goals. The stakes are extra high today, andyou will find that the slightest movement is magnifiedseveral times over. Be careful how you use your words.They won't be taken lightly.VIRGo(Aug. 24 - Sept. 23): Things that youthought were obvious may not seem quite asclear as you'd like them to be, Virgo. Beaware that there may be some intenseopposition to your plans. Take care of other people and theiremotions. You will find that a wall might suddenly go up,putting a harsh barrier between you and your goals.Consider your heart as well as your head.LIBRA(Sept. 24 - Oct. 23): Other people maytend to snap under the emotionalpressure of the day, Libra, but you're wellsuited to soar through with flying colors.You're ruled by your emotions and you have noproblem navigating rough waters. Other people maylook to you for strength and support. Trust yourselfand try not to get lured off course by conflictingopinions that don't seem to sit right with you.scoRpIo(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22): There's a need fordecisive action today, Scorpio, andyou're the one fit for the job. Strongwills and forceful opinions will winout. Others aren't likely to be easily manipulated.Everyone has a voice, and they won't be afraid touse it. Make sure that you speak up on yourbehalf or your best interests may be lost. Standup for yourself. It's now or never.sAGITTARIUs(Nov. 23 - Dec. 21): There may be tension andopposition today, Sagittarius, so be prepared. Itcould seem like everyone wants to rattle yourcage. Stand strong. There are forceful opinionscrying out to be heard. The more stubborn you are, the harder itwill be for important information to flow freely. Protect yourinterests by standing your ground, but make sure you don't step onother people's toes in the process.cApRIcoRN(Dec. 22 - Jan. 20): What ails you now canbe eliminated if you're willing to standup and say exactly what needs to besaid, Capricorn. Going with the flowmay be an easy route to follow, but it might notalways take you down a path that leads to thefulfillment of your dreams. Be a bit more aggressiveabout your position today and outwardly projectyourself as the true master of your destiny.AQUARIUs(Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) : It takes two totango, Aquarius. Remember that lifeisn't a one-way street. There needs to bea bit of give and take if you expect othersto treat you the way you want to be treated. Don't letpeople take control when it comes to taking charge ofyour own life. Others may be emotional andstubborn. Don't waste your breath with uselessdrivel. Say something meaningful.pIsces(Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) : It may be hard to resolveanything today, Pisces. It could be thatthere's an overwhelming resistance making itdifficult to act according to plan. Today isn'ta good day to fight. If things don't seem to be going yourway, don't push it. Trying to strong-arm the situation willonly aggravate things and make them worse. You may needto make some compromises in order to maintain the peace.

WednesdAY, december 30, 202011More England Covid patientsin hospital than at April peakLONDON : England is "back in the eye" ofthe coronavirus storm, health chiefs warnedTuesday, with as many patients in hospital asduring the initial peak in April.A new strain of the virus appears to bebehind the recent upsurge in cases, heapingfurther pressure on the state-run NationalHealth Service during its busiest winter period.NHS England figures showed there were20,426 Covid patients in the country's hospitalson Monday, compared to the 18,974peak recorded during the first wave.The number of positive tests recorded overa 24-hour period also hit a new high of41,385 Monday, according to governmentfigures, although testing is now much moreextensive.However, case figures do not includeScotland and Northern Ireland, which didnot report over the Christmas period."Many of us have lost family, friends, colleaguesand - at a time of year when wewould normally be celebrating - a lot of peopleare understandably feeling anxious, frustratedand tired," said NHS England chiefexecutive Simon Stevens."And now again we are back in the eye ofthe storm with a second wave of coronavirussweeping Europe and, indeed, this country."Britain is pinning its hopes on its mass vaccinationprogramme, with theOxford/AstraZeneca jab expected to receiveapproval shortly, according to reports."We think that by late spring with vaccinesupplies continuing to come on stream wewill have been able to offer all vulnerablepeople across this country Covid vaccination,"said Stevens."That perhaps provides the biggest chinkof hope for the year ahead."Health trusts have been told to begin planningfor the use of Nightingale field hospitals,the temporary facilities created duringthe first wave that have largely gone unused.London and southeast England are currentlybearing the brunt of the outbreak, withparamedics in the capital saying they arereceiving up to 8,000 emergency calls eachday.London Ambulance Service said BoxingDay - December 26 - was one of its "busiestever days".A further 357 people testing positivefor the virus were announced onMonday to have died, bringing the UK totalto 71,109, the second worst toll in Europe.Prime Minister Boris Johnson has beenunder fire for his government's handling ofthe pandemic, and is now under pressure tointroduce even more social restrictions,including school closures after the Christmasbreak.Natundhara Bangladesh (NDB) organized a street rally yesterday to reduce the dailynecessaries price.Photo : TBTwe`ÿ r/Rb- 463(2)/29/12/2020GD- 1783/20 (6 x 3)Soldier charged with murder afterthree dead in US shootingWASHINGTON : A USGreen Beret has beencharged with murder after ashooting at a bowling alleyover the weekend left threedead in Illinois, the stateattorney said Monday.A further three peoplewere injured when a manopened fire in Rockford'sDon Carter Lanes bowlingalley on Saturday night.Duke Webb, 37, has beencharged with three counts offirst-degree murder andthree counts of attemptedfirst-degree murder anddenied bail, State Attorney J.Hanley said in a press conference.The highly decoratedGreen Beret was assigned tothe US Army's 7th SpecialForces Group, based inFlorida, and had served fourAfghan tours.Hanley named those killedas Thomas Furseth, 65, fromMachesney Park in Illinois,Jerome Woodford, 69, andDennis Steinhoff, 73, whowere both from Rockford.Of those wounded, thestate attorney said a 16-yearoldgirl was stable, whileanother teen - a 14-year-oldboy - and a 62-year-old manremain in a critical conditionin hospital."The defendant admittedto the shootings, and directedofficers to the locations ofthe firearms he used,"Fiji reviews quarantineprocesses beforereopening borderSUVA : Inbound passengerflights to Fiji will resume onTuesday with new adaptationsto border quarantine protocols,according to the COVID-19Risk Mitigation Taskforce.The Fiji BroadcastingCorporation reported that inlight of the discovery of a potentiallymore contagious strain ofcoronavirus in Britain, Fiji'sHealth Ministry has completedits extensive review of its borderquarantine processes.The Health Ministry said theentry swab test will be conductedover day three and four asthis will reduce the risk of a falsenegative result and improve theability to identify cases ofinflight transmission.Stricter in-room quarantineprotocols will be enforced, withno outdoor activity for newarrivals until a negative entryswab test result is received andheightened COVID-safe measureswill be implemented for allborder health unit personneland hospital isolation unitfrontline staff. The COVID-19Risk Mitigation Taskforce saidthe new strain of virus appearsto be more transmissible.However, it is transmitted inthe same manner as the existingstrain, and it is not consideredmore dangerous tohuman beings.Hanley told the press conference.Twoweapons wererecovered at the scene.Webb was on leave andreportedly visiting family atthe time of the attack.He is due to appear againin court on February 16, andcould face life imprisonmentwithout parole if convicted.A decorated Special Forcesassistant operations andintelligence sergeant, Webbfinished his most recent tourof Afghanistan in July, USmedia said.GD- 1782/20 (6 x 3)

WednesdAY, december 30, 2020


More England Covid patients

in hospital than at April peak

LONDON : England is "back in the eye" of

the coronavirus storm, health chiefs warned

Tuesday, with as many patients in hospital as

during the initial peak in April.

A new strain of the virus appears to be

behind the recent upsurge in cases, heaping

further pressure on the state-run National

Health Service during its busiest winter period.

NHS England figures showed there were

20,426 Covid patients in the country's hospitals

on Monday, compared to the 18,974

peak recorded during the first wave.

The number of positive tests recorded over

a 24-hour period also hit a new high of

41,385 Monday, according to government

figures, although testing is now much more


However, case figures do not include

Scotland and Northern Ireland, which did

not report over the Christmas period.

"Many of us have lost family, friends, colleagues

and - at a time of year when we

would normally be celebrating - a lot of people

are understandably feeling anxious, frustrated

and tired," said NHS England chief

executive Simon Stevens.

"And now again we are back in the eye of

the storm with a second wave of coronavirus

sweeping Europe and, indeed, this country."

Britain is pinning its hopes on its mass vaccination

programme, with the

Oxford/AstraZeneca jab expected to receive

approval shortly, according to reports.

"We think that by late spring with vaccine

supplies continuing to come on stream we

will have been able to offer all vulnerable

people across this country Covid vaccination,"

said Stevens.

"That perhaps provides the biggest chink

of hope for the year ahead."

Health trusts have been told to begin planning

for the use of Nightingale field hospitals,

the temporary facilities created during

the first wave that have largely gone unused.

London and southeast England are currently

bearing the brunt of the outbreak, with

paramedics in the capital saying they are

receiving up to 8,000 emergency calls each


London Ambulance Service said Boxing

Day - December 26 - was one of its "busiest

ever days".A further 357 people testing positive

for the virus were announced on

Monday to have died, bringing the UK total

to 71,109, the second worst toll in Europe.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been

under fire for his government's handling of

the pandemic, and is now under pressure to

introduce even more social restrictions,

including school closures after the Christmas


Natundhara Bangladesh (NDB) organized a street rally yesterday to reduce the daily

necessaries price.

Photo : TBT

we`ÿ r/Rb- 463(2)/29/12/2020

GD- 1783/20 (6 x 3)

Soldier charged with murder after

three dead in US shooting


Green Beret has been

charged with murder after a

shooting at a bowling alley

over the weekend left three

dead in Illinois, the state

attorney said Monday.

A further three people

were injured when a man

opened fire in Rockford's

Don Carter Lanes bowling

alley on Saturday night.

Duke Webb, 37, has been

charged with three counts of

first-degree murder and

three counts of attempted

first-degree murder and

denied bail, State Attorney J.

Hanley said in a press conference.

The highly decorated

Green Beret was assigned to

the US Army's 7th Special

Forces Group, based in

Florida, and had served four

Afghan tours.

Hanley named those killed

as Thomas Furseth, 65, from

Machesney Park in Illinois,

Jerome Woodford, 69, and

Dennis Steinhoff, 73, who

were both from Rockford.

Of those wounded, the

state attorney said a 16-yearold

girl was stable, while

another teen - a 14-year-old

boy - and a 62-year-old man

remain in a critical condition

in hospital.

"The defendant admitted

to the shootings, and directed

officers to the locations of

the firearms he used,"

Fiji reviews quarantine

processes before

reopening border

SUVA : Inbound passenger

flights to Fiji will resume on

Tuesday with new adaptations

to border quarantine protocols,

according to the COVID-19

Risk Mitigation Taskforce.

The Fiji Broadcasting

Corporation reported that in

light of the discovery of a potentially

more contagious strain of

coronavirus in Britain, Fiji's

Health Ministry has completed

its extensive review of its border

quarantine processes.

The Health Ministry said the

entry swab test will be conducted

over day three and four as

this will reduce the risk of a false

negative result and improve the

ability to identify cases of

inflight transmission.

Stricter in-room quarantine

protocols will be enforced, with

no outdoor activity for new

arrivals until a negative entry

swab test result is received and

heightened COVID-safe measures

will be implemented for all

border health unit personnel

and hospital isolation unit

frontline staff. The COVID-19

Risk Mitigation Taskforce said

the new strain of virus appears

to be more transmissible.

However, it is transmitted in

the same manner as the existing

strain, and it is not considered

more dangerous to

human beings.

Hanley told the press conference.Two

weapons were

recovered at the scene.

Webb was on leave and

reportedly visiting family at

the time of the attack.

He is due to appear again

in court on February 16, and

could face life imprisonment

without parole if convicted.

A decorated Special Forces

assistant operations and

intelligence sergeant, Webb

finished his most recent tour

of Afghanistan in July, US

media said.

GD- 1782/20 (6 x 3)

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