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DAFTAR PUSTAKAAlfian, 2009. Strategi Manajemen Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.TAPM, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Terbuka. JakartaAllen, G. R., 1991. Damselfishes of the World. Aquarium Systems, Mentor, Ohio.Bahri, S., 2003. Struktur Komunitas dan Distribusi Spasial Vegetasi LamunSepanjang Perairan Pantai Majene. Skripsi Ilmu Kelautan UniversitasHasanuddin. Makassar.Baird, A., 1998. The length of larval phase in corals, new insights to patterns ofreef connectivity, Australian Coral Reef Society. Newsletter, 27; 6-8.Barnes, R.D., 1987. Invertebrate Zoology. Saunders College Publishing. HarcourtBrace Jonanovich College Publishers. 893 p.Barnes,R.S.K. and R.N. Huges, 1988. An Introduction to MarineEcology.Blackwell Scientific Publication, Oxford-Melbourne. AustraliaBenayahu, Y., 1985. Faunistic Composition and Patterns In the Distribution ofSoft Coral (Octocorallia Alcyonacea) Along the Coral Reefs of SinaiPeninsula. Proceedings of The Fifth International Coral Reef Congress,Tahiti.Boaden,P.J.S. and R.Seed, 1985. An Introduction to Coastal Ecology. Blackieand Son Ltd., New York, USA.Brower, J.E., Zar, J.H., and Von Ende, C.N., 1989. Field and Laboratory Methodsfor General Ecology. WMC. Brown Publisher, Dubuque, Indiana, USA.Brown, B. E. 1986. Human-induced damage to coral reefs. Results of a regionalUNESCO (COMAR) workshop with advanced training, DiponegoroUniversity, Jepara and National Institute of Oceanology, Jakarta,Indonesia. UNESCO Reports in Marine Science 40.Crosby, M.P., and Reese, E.S.,1996. A Manual for Monitoring Coral Reef withIndicator Species : Butterflyfishes as Indicator of Change on Indi PasificReefs. Office of Ocean and Coral Resource Management, NationalOceanic and Atmospheric administration, Silver Spring, MDDahuri, R., J. Rais, S.P. Ginting and M.J. Sitepu, 1996. Pengelolaan SumberDaya Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan Secara Terpadu. Pradnya Paramita,Jakarta.Dahuri, R., J. Rais, S. P. Ginting dan M.J. Sitepu, 2004. Pengelolaan SumberDaya Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan Secara Terpadu. Pradanya Paramita.Jakarta.Darmawan, 2001. Prosiding Pelatihan Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Terpadu.Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan. IPB. Bogor93

Effendi, H. 2003. Telaah Kualitas Air Bagi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya danLingkungan Perairan. Kanisius. Yogyakarta. 258 p.English, S., Wilkinson, C. and Barker, V., 1994. Survey Manual for TropicalMarine Resources. Australia Institute of Marine Science. Townsville,Australia.Fabricus, K., P. Anderslade., 2001. Soft Coral and Sea Fan. Australian Institudeof Marine Science, Queensland, Australia.Greenberg, D.A., Hodge, SE (1989). Linkage Analysis Under “random’’ and“Genetic” Reduced Penetrance. Genet epidemiol 6Grzimek, 1972. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. New York: Van NostrandReinhold Company.Halim, A., 1995. Struktur Ikan Karang dan Interaksinya dengan Life FormsKarang Penyusun Terumbu Karang Pulau Hoga dan Karang Kaledupa diKepulauan Tukang Besi Kabupaten Buton Sulawesi Tenggara. Skripsi,Fakultas Perikanan IPB-Bogor.Harrison, P.L., 1984. Mass spawing in tropical reef corals. Science, 223Hukom, F. D., 1998. Ekostruktur dan Organisasi Spasio-Temporal Ikan Karang diPerairan Teluk Ambon. Tesis S-2 Program Pasca Sarjana IPB, Bogor.Hutabarat, S. dan Evans, S.M., 1996. Pengantar Oseanografi. UI Press, Jakarta.Krebs, C.J. 1989. Ecological Methodology. Harper and Row Publishers, NewYork. 654 pp.Lalli, C.M. and Parsons, T.R., 1995. Biological oceanography: an introduction.Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. diakses tanggal 17 Maret 2010 pukul22.00 witaLevinton, J.S., 1982. Marine Ecology. Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.New York.Manuputty, A.E.W., Giyanto, Winardi, S.R. Suharti dan Djuwariah, 2006. Manualmonitoring kesehatan karang (Reef health monitoring). CRITCCOREMAP Indonesia. JakartaMapstone, G.M., 1990. Reef Corals and Sponges of Indonesia. National Museumof Natural Hystory, Leiden, Netrherlands.Martin, B.B., 2002. Influence of larval competence periods on coral larvalsettlement on reef conectivity : A modeling aproach. In Proceedings 9 thInternational Coral Reef Symposium, Bali,. Indonesia 23-27 October2000, Vol.1. Ministry of Environtment Indonesian, Institute of Science,International Society for Reef Studies.94


Alfian, 2009. Strategi Manajemen Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.

TAPM, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Terbuka. Jakarta

Allen, G. R., 1991. Damselfishes of the World. Aquarium Systems, Mentor, Ohio.

Bahri, S., 2003. Struktur Komunitas dan Distribusi Spasial Vegetasi Lamun

Sepanjang Perairan Pantai Majene. Skripsi Ilmu Kelautan Universitas

Hasanuddin. Makassar.

Baird, A., 1998. The length of larval phase in corals, new insights to patterns of

reef connectivity, Australian Coral Reef Society. Newsletter, 27; 6-8.

Barnes, R.D., 1987. Invertebrate Zoology. Saunders College Publishing. Harcourt

Brace Jonanovich College Publishers. 893 p.

Barnes,R.S.K. and R.N. Huges, 1988. An Introduction to Marine

Ecology.Blackwell Scientific Publication, Oxford-Melbourne. Australia

Benayahu, Y., 1985. Faunistic Composition and Patterns In the Distribution of

Soft Coral (Octocorallia Alcyonacea) Along the Coral Reefs of Sinai

Peninsula. Proceedings of The Fifth International Coral Reef Congress,


Boaden,P.J.S. and R.Seed, 1985. An Introduction to Coastal Ecology. Blackie

and Son Ltd., New York, USA.

Brower, J.E., Zar, J.H., and Von Ende, C.N., 1989. Field and Laboratory Methods

for General Ecology. WMC. Brown Publisher, Dubuque, Indiana, USA.

Brown, B. E. 1986. Human-induced damage to coral reefs. Results of a regional

UNESCO (COMAR) workshop with advanced training, Diponegoro

University, Jepara and National Institute of Oceanology, Jakarta,

Indonesia. UNESCO Reports in Marine Science 40.

Crosby, M.P., and Reese, E.S.,1996. A Manual for Monitoring Coral Reef with

Indicator Species : Butterflyfishes as Indicator of Change on Indi Pasific

Reefs. Office of Ocean and Coral Resource Management, National

Oceanic and Atmospheric administration, Silver Spring, MD

Dahuri, R., J. Rais, S.P. Ginting and M.J. Sitepu, 1996. Pengelolaan Sumber

Daya Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan Secara Terpadu. Pradnya Paramita,


Dahuri, R., J. Rais, S. P. Ginting dan M.J. Sitepu, 2004. Pengelolaan Sumber

Daya Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan Secara Terpadu. Pradanya Paramita.


Darmawan, 2001. Prosiding Pelatihan Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Terpadu.

Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan. IPB. Bogor


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