

PREFACE A training in surgery is very much an apprenticeship and requires the trainee to spend long periods in the operating theatre, observing what is done and assisting other surgeons to do it. When it is judged your time to perform the operation you will be assisted by someone more senior for the first few occasions. After that you may well be on your own and although you will be familiar with the basic manoeuvres of the operation, there will be nobody to remind you of the order in which they are done and to point out the tricks which can make the operation easier to perform. Our book is an attempt to remedy this by serving as an aide memoire to which you can refer before commencing an operation. Very few of the procedures are original for they have been accrued over many years from colleagues, both senior and junior. Nor are these operations exclusive, for there are many variations that give just as good results. The techniques described here are those that we have come to prefer and continue to practise. Unlike other books on operative surgery, this one is designed to be portable to allow you to carry it on your person whilst going about your daily duties. To achieve this goal, the text has been kept to a minimum and only the more important aspects of each operation are discussed. As a consequence the diagnostic features of the condition and appropriate preoperative investigations, although important, have been omitted. The scope of the book is aimed to cover the period from the first basic surgical training post up to the third year of the specialist registrar training. As such it covers many operations .regarded by the trainee as being mundane but which are often poorly performed. We have chosen not to include proprietary names of sutures or eponymous instruments (unless one is invaluable) as there are many alternatives available. M. E. Foster G. Morris-Stiff 2000 iii

DAFTAR ISI 1. MULAI DAN AKHIR OPERASI 1 Persiapan operasi 3 Insisi 4 Laparotomi 6 Penutupan luka 7 Laparoskopi 9 Diatermi 12 2. NODUS, NODULUS DAN LAIN-LAIN 15 Eksisi lesi kulit 16 Eksisi lipoma 17 Eksisi kista sebasea 18 Eksisi kelenjar getah bening 19 Eksisi radikal kuku jari kaki –Operasi Zadik 20 3. HERNIA 21 Herniotomi inguinal 22 Herniorafi inguinal 24 Herniorafi femoral 26 Repair hernia umbilikal 28 Repair hernia paraumbilikal 31 Repair hernia insisional 32 4. PAYUDARA 35 Eksisi benjolan payudara 36 Biopsi untuk menentukan lokasi 37 Eksisi lebar dan pembersihan aksila 38 Mastektomi Patey modifikasi 40 Mastektomi subkutan 42 Mikrodokektomi 43 Insisi duktus utama –Operasi Hadfield 44 Insisi dan drainase abses payudara 45 5. GASTROINTESTINAL ATAS 47 Esofago gastro-duodenoskopi 48 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy 50 Gastroenterostomi 52 Operasi untuk perforasi tukak peptik 54 Operasi untuk perdarahan tukak peptik 55 Kolesistektomi laparoskopik 56 Kolesistektomi terbuka 59 Splenektomi 62 5. GASTROINTESTINAL BAWAH 65 Apendektomi 66 Reseksi usus halus 68 Divertikulektomi Meckel 70 Hemikolektomi dekstra 71 Hemikolektomi sinistra 73 Operasi Hartmann 75 Pembentukan end colostomy 77 Pembentukan loop colostomy 78 Penutupan loop colostomy 79 Pembentukan end ileostomy 80 Pembentukan loop ileostomy 82 Penutupan loop ileostomy 84 7. ANAL/ PERIANAL 87 Proktoskopi dan sigmoidoskopi 88 Banding hemoroid 89 Injeksi hemoroid 90 Hemoroidektomi 91 Lateral internal sphincterektomy 92 Eksisi fistula ani 93 Evakuasi hematoma perianal 94 Abses perianal 95 Eksisi sinus pilonidal 96 8. VASKULAR 97 Vena varikosa (varises) 98 Embolektomi femoral 100 Amputasi ekstremitas bawah 102 9. KEPALA DAN LEHER 105 Tiroidektomi 106 Eksisi kista tiroglosus 109 10. UROLOGI 111 Sirkumsisi 112 Vasektomi 114 Hidrokel 116 Varikokel 118 Eksisi kista epididimis 119 Orkidopeksi 120 Eksplorasi testis untuk torsi 122 INDEKS 125 iv


A training in surgery is very much an apprenticeship<br />

and requires the trainee to spend long<br />

periods in the operating theatre, observing what<br />

is done and assisting other surgeons to do it.<br />

When it is judged your time to perform the operation<br />

you will be assisted by someone more<br />

senior for the first few occasions. After that you<br />

may well be on your own and although you will<br />

be familiar with the basic manoeuvres of the<br />

operation, there will be nobody to remind you<br />

of the order in which they are done and to point<br />

out the tricks which can make the operation<br />

easier to perform. Our book is an attempt to remedy<br />

this by serving as an aide memoire to which<br />

you can refer before commencing an operation.<br />

Very few of the procedures are original for they<br />

have been accrued over many years from colleagues,<br />

both senior and junior. Nor are these<br />

operations exclusive, for there are many variations<br />

that give just as good results. The techniques<br />

described here are those that we have<br />

come to prefer and continue to practise.<br />

Unlike other books on operative surgery, this one<br />

is designed to be portable to allow you to carry<br />

it on your person whilst going about your daily<br />

duties.<br />

To achieve this goal, the text has been kept to a<br />

minimum and only the more important aspects<br />

of each operation are discussed. As a consequence<br />

the diagnostic features of the condition<br />

and appropriate preoperative investigations, although<br />

important, have been omitted.<br />

The scope of the book is aimed to cover the period<br />

from the first basic surgical training post up<br />

to the third year of the specialist registrar training.<br />

As such it covers many operations .regarded<br />

by the trainee as being mundane but which are<br />

often poorly performed.<br />

We have chosen not to include proprietary<br />

names of sutures or eponymous instruments (unless<br />

one is invaluable) as there are many alternatives<br />

available.<br />

M. E. Foster<br />

G. Morris-Stiff 2000<br />


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