MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali

MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali
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Hot Grommets Under 15 I Ketut Ediana Putra, this month’s under surfer, is from Lembongan and is the younger brother of Bali pro surfer Agus Purnawan. Magic Wave interviewed Edi at the Rusty contest at Keramas, Gianyar. If you want to know more about this surfer who also loves the band SID, read on... Ketut Ediana Putra ,surfer kita I kali ini berasal dari Lembongan dan juga merupakan adik dari Agus Purnawan, salah satu pro surfer Bali, keduanya merupakan anak dari seorang guru. Magic Wave berkesempatan mewawancarai Edi pang- gilan surfer cilik ini pada saat kontes Rusty di Keramas – Gianyar. So kalau kamu ingin lebih tau tentang surfer yang juga menyukai band SID ini simak sedikit perbincangan siang itu dengan Edi. 6 MAGIC WAVE _March 2009 Halo, apa kabar? Kabar baik. Hehehe, rada cape ni abis surfing soalnya Bisa cerita sedikit awal mula surfing gimana? Bisa. Gini ceritanya awalnya saya liat surfing itu sangat ngeri, tapi lama lama saya jadi suka dan ketagihan sama surfing. Saya surfing sudah dari tahun lalu. Siapa yang ngajarin? Temen temen yang ngajarin. Dimana biasanya surfing and ama sapa aja? Biasanya saya surfing di Shipwreck dan di Leceration, trus banyak deh. Kenapa suka surfing dibanding olahraga lain? Karena menurut saya surfing itu menarik dan seru banget. Pertama kali surfing pake papan apa, dapet darimana? Pertama kali saya pakai papan yang lumayan jelek, tapi saya pakai juga. Hehehe Dan saya dapet papan dari temen. Siapa surfer idola kamu? Lee Wilson dan Mick Fanning Pernah ada pengalaman mengerikan selagi surfing? Ceritain dong.. Aku rasa, kayanya gak ada deh, asik semua hehehe Pernah ikut kontes? Dapet juara berapa? Pernah, pernah dapet juara , juara 2 dan lain lain. hehehehe Apa pendapat kamu tentang surfer yang kulitnya hitam dan rambutnya merah ? Komentar saya, itu Wajar, kan kalo surfing berjemur. Tapi surfing itu menyenangkan Kalo seandainya ditaksir ama surfer girl yang kulitnya item mau ngga ? Gak Tau ! Udah pernah trip kemana aja ? Belom pernah trip kemana mana, Cuma di bali aja. Kapan terkahir kali bolos sekolah untuk surfing? Mungkin sampai selesai kontes ini deh. Kegiatan kamu kalo ngga surfing ngapain aja? Paling main main ama temen kalo enggak ya main Voli Apa keinginan kamu yang berhubungan dengan surfing yang belum kesampean? Aku pingin punya pengalaman surfing yang lebih luas lagi. Cheers Hello, how are you? > I’m good. Hehehe, a bit tired after surfing. Tell us how you started surfing? > When I first saw surfing it looked really scary but after a while I liked it and became addicted to surfing. I have been surfing for years. Who taught you? >My friends Where do you usually surf and who with? > I usually surf at Shipwreck and Lacerations, with lots of people. Why do you like surfing compared to other sports? > Because I think surfing is interesting and really exciting. What board did you use the first time you went surfing and where did you get it? > The first time I used a really bad board, but I used it anyway hehehe and I got boards from friends. Who is your surfing idol? Ø Lee Wilson and Mick Fanning An bad experiences surfing? Tell us about it... > I don’t think I’ve had’s all good hehehe Have you been in contests? What result did you get? > I have …I have come first, second and others hehehe What do you think of surfers with dark skin and red hair ? >Ø It’s only natural because surfers are out in the sun and surfing is fun. Would you like a surfer girl with dark skin ? > Don’t know ! Have you been on any trips yet? > Not yet..just to Bali. When was the last time you skipped school for surfing? > Maybe until this contest is finished !! What do you do when you’re not surfing? > Hang out with friends, play volleyball. What do you still want to do in surfing? > I want to get a lot more surfing experience. Cheers

Judge Made adalah salah satu kerabat dekat MW yang senantiasa berpartisipasi pada event MW dan kontes MSC. Dan di suatu siang yang sangat gerah, Bukit Board Rider Contest Director ini menyambangi kantor MW dengan jaket coklat tertutup rapet (lho….???). dengan senyum yang malu-malu tapi mau, peraih juara kategori 0- 00 m Nirmala Cup se Badung ini meceritakan kondisinya saat itu…”abis massage niy, kecape’an dari Lombok kemaren ikutan bantu-bantu di kontesnya Rip Curl”. Sembari mijit-mijit bahunya sendiri, dia mengawali kisah perkenalannya dengan ombak pada sebuah body board yang disewa seharga. Rp 000,-…. dijaman jebot dulu. “ Dulu siy, aku diajakin temen main body board dipantai, terus lama kelamaan ada temen baik hati dan kasih surf boardnya ke aku (^_^). Dari situ aku mulai coba surfing di depan Maharani Hotel. Gak ada yang ngajarin siy, waktu itu aku asal aja paddle sendiri trus take off sendiri, trus wipe out sendiri dey… (yaiyalah…wipe out ngajak-ngajak….huuuuuuww….)” “Kalo pengalaman buruk siy, dulu aku pernah dikerjain temen, karena aku belum tau banget tentang ombak, dia nyuruh aku cari ombak close, alhasil aku wipe out, legrope putus…yah…aku pasrah aja lah…pikiran ku cuma mati… mati…mati…., eh gak taunya aku masih bernyawa ampe sekarang (hehe… 666x), padahal waktu itu uda dateng life guard dan salah satu temenku si Aditya ( bukan yang ngerjain aku lho…) udah panik gak ketulungan ampe sekarang gak pernah surfing lagi dan cuma main sk8 aja….kalo temen yang ngerjain aku siy ketawa-ketiwi aja, emang geblek tuw anak…(peace…)” Singkat cerita diatas berlanjut kepengalamannya sebagai judge kontes. drummer sebuah band waktu Made is one of MW’s close friends who always participates in MW events and MSC contests. One really hot afternoon he dropped by our office dressed in a buttoned up brown jacket (???) and told us how he was …”I’ve just had a massage, I’m tired from Lombok yesterday, I was there helping at the Rip Curl contest” While he was rubbing his shoulders he told us about his introduction to the waves on a bodyboard he rented for Rp. ,000 in the old days. “My friend took me to the beach to bodyboard and finally a good friend of mine gave me a surfboard (^_^). From then I started trying to surf in front of Maharani Hotel. No one taught me, I used to just paddle out by myself , take off by myself and wipe out by myself…..” “I had a bad experience once, I was with a friend and I didn’t know much about waves then, so he decided to trick me and he told me to find a close wave and I wiped out, my legrope broke…I couldn’t do anything…I thought I was going to die…I don’t know how I survived to this day …hehe..then the lifeguard came and my friend Aditya (not the prankster!) but he panicked and he has never surfed again, he just skate now… if my friends play pranks on me hess just laugh…(peace…)” Following that experience Made became a contest judge, though he protested… “Who said I’m a judge? I just do the timer, flags, help with the contest operations and help the judges that need help ….maybe my title is judge assistant… yeah…” He may not be a judge yet but Made says judges must really know about tricks and scoring. He feels masih duduk di bangku sekolah dasar ini sempat menyangkal… “idih…siapa bilang aku judge? Aku cuma ngurusin timer, ngurusin bendera, bantuin operasional kontes dan bantu-bantu judge yang perlu bantuan (hehe…666x), mungkin istilah keren-nya aku ini judge assistant kali yaaa…” Penggila nasi goreng ala jawa ini belum pede jadi judge, katanya siy seorang judge itu harus tau bener tentang trik dan penilaian. Dia ngerasa belum pinter dalam penilaian. (ya udah deh…gak maksa kamu ngaku judge lagi). Yang ada justru surfer yang cinta mati sama ombak Bingin ini ngaku kalo kesibukannya diluar Bukit Board Rider adalah melatih anak-anak Kids Club English Lesson untuk olah-raga tiap rabu sore, bahkan kadang ngegantiin guru playgroup ngajar juga….(wow…mulia sekali tugasmu bro…salut!!!). Lebih salut lagi ketika ditanya tentang dunia gemerlap, dia bilang gak pernah mau dugem karena takut kena pengaruh buruknya kayak minum alkohol dan ngerokok jadi dengerin musik DJ kalo lagi main sk8 aja (biar ada backsoundnya gitu…). Ngomong- ngomong soal musik, MW iseng kasi pilihan 2 band spektakuler abad ini (ST 2 dan Kangen Band) ke Made dan diluar dugaan di ngejawab serius “aku milih KANGEN BAND.” Hahahahaha…666x thanks bro…c u. he is still learning about scoring (yeah ok De…we won’t keep forcing you to be a judge!) Apart from Bukit Boardriders, where he is the Contest Director, he also teaches Kids Club English Lessons sport every Wednesday afternoon and sometimes teaches Playgroup ….(wow…very noble occupations bro…kudos!!!). More kudos, Made never goes clubbing because he’s concerned about the negative influence of drinking alcohol & smoking, he listens to music while he is sk8ing (so there’s some background noise….) Talking about music, we asked him to choose between 2 spectacular bands of the century (ST 2 and Kangen Band) and he seriously answered “I choose KANGEN BAND” Hahahahaha…666x thanks bro…c u. MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 7

Judge<br />

Made adalah salah satu kerabat<br />

dekat MW yang senantiasa<br />

berpartisipasi pada event MW<br />

dan kontes MSC. Dan di suatu siang<br />

yang sangat gerah, Bukit Board Rider<br />

Contest Director ini menyambangi kantor<br />

MW dengan jaket coklat tertutup<br />

rapet (lho….???). dengan senyum yang<br />

malu-malu tapi mau, peraih juara<br />

kategori 0- 00 m Nirmala Cup se<br />

Badung ini meceritakan kondisinya saat<br />

itu…”abis massage niy, kecape’an dari<br />

Lombok kemaren ikutan bantu-bantu di<br />

kontesnya Rip Curl”. Sembari mijit-mijit<br />

bahunya sendiri, dia mengawali kisah<br />

perkenalannya dengan ombak pada sebuah<br />

body board yang disewa seharga.<br />

Rp 000,-…. dijaman jebot dulu.<br />

“ Dulu siy, aku diajakin temen<br />

main body board dipantai, terus lama<br />

kelamaan ada temen baik hati dan<br />

kasih surf boardnya ke aku (^_^). Dari<br />

situ aku mulai coba surfing di depan<br />

Maharani Hotel. Gak ada yang ngajarin<br />

siy, waktu itu aku asal aja paddle<br />

sendiri trus take off sendiri, trus wipe<br />

out sendiri dey… (yaiyalah…wipe out<br />

ngajak-ngajak….huuuuuuww….)”<br />

“Kalo pengalaman buruk siy, dulu<br />

aku pernah dikerjain temen, karena<br />

aku belum tau banget tentang ombak,<br />

dia nyuruh aku cari ombak close, alhasil<br />

aku wipe out, legrope putus…yah…aku<br />

pasrah aja lah…pikiran ku cuma mati…<br />

mati…mati…., eh gak taunya aku masih<br />

bernyawa ampe sekarang (hehe…<br />

666x), padahal waktu itu uda dateng<br />

life guard dan salah satu temenku si<br />

Aditya ( bukan yang ngerjain aku lho…)<br />

udah panik gak ketulungan ampe sekarang<br />

gak pernah surfing lagi dan cuma<br />

main sk8 aja….kalo temen yang ngerjain<br />

aku siy ketawa-ketiwi aja, emang<br />

geblek tuw anak…(peace…)”<br />

Singkat cerita diatas berlanjut<br />

kepengalamannya sebagai judge<br />

kontes. drummer sebuah band waktu<br />

Made is one of MW’s close friends<br />

who always participates in MW<br />

events and MSC contests. One<br />

really hot afternoon he dropped by our<br />

office dressed in a buttoned up brown<br />

jacket (???) and told us how he was<br />

…”I’ve just had a massage, I’m tired<br />

from Lombok yesterday, I was there<br />

helping at the Rip Curl contest” While<br />

he was rubbing his shoulders he told us<br />

about his introduction to the waves on a<br />

bodyboard he rented for Rp. ,000 in the<br />

old days.<br />

“My friend took me to the beach to<br />

bodyboard and finally a good friend of<br />

mine gave me a surfboard (^_^). From<br />

then I started trying to surf in front of<br />

Maharani Hotel. No one taught me, I<br />

used to just paddle out by myself , take<br />

off by myself and wipe out by myself…..”<br />

“I had a bad experience once, I was<br />

with a friend and I didn’t know much<br />

about waves then, so he decided to<br />

trick me and he told me to find a close<br />

wave and I wiped out, my legrope<br />

broke…I couldn’t do anything…I thought<br />

I was going to die…I don’t know how<br />

I survived to this day …hehe..then the<br />

lifeguard came and my friend Aditya<br />

(not the prankster!) but he panicked and<br />

he has never surfed again, he just skate<br />

now… if my friends play pranks on<br />

me hess just laugh…(peace…)”<br />

Following that experience Made became<br />

a contest judge, though he protested…<br />

“Who said I’m a judge? I just do the<br />

timer, flags, help with the<br />

contest operations and<br />

help the judges that need<br />

help ….maybe my title is<br />

judge assistant… yeah…”<br />

He may not be a<br />

judge yet but Made<br />

says judges must really<br />

know about tricks<br />

and scoring. He feels<br />

masih duduk di bangku sekolah dasar ini<br />

sempat menyangkal…<br />

“idih…siapa bilang aku judge? Aku<br />

cuma ngurusin timer, ngurusin bendera,<br />

bantuin operasional kontes dan<br />

bantu-bantu judge yang perlu bantuan<br />

(hehe…666x), mungkin istilah keren-nya<br />

aku ini judge assistant kali yaaa…”<br />

Penggila nasi goreng ala jawa ini<br />

belum pede jadi judge, katanya siy<br />

seorang judge itu harus tau bener<br />

tentang trik dan penilaian. Dia ngerasa<br />

belum pinter dalam penilaian. (ya udah<br />

deh…gak maksa kamu ngaku judge<br />

lagi). Yang ada justru surfer yang cinta<br />

mati sama ombak Bingin ini ngaku kalo<br />

kesibukannya diluar Bukit Board Rider<br />

adalah melatih anak-anak Kids Club<br />

English Lesson untuk olah-raga tiap rabu<br />

sore, bahkan kadang ngegantiin guru<br />

playgroup ngajar juga….(wow…mulia<br />

sekali tugasmu bro…salut!!!).<br />

Lebih salut lagi ketika ditanya tentang<br />

dunia gemerlap, dia bilang gak pernah<br />

mau dugem karena takut kena pengaruh<br />

buruknya kayak minum alkohol<br />

dan ngerokok jadi dengerin musik DJ<br />

kalo lagi main sk8 aja (biar ada backsoundnya<br />

gitu…). Ngomong-<br />

ngomong soal<br />

musik, MW<br />

iseng kasi pilihan<br />

2 band spektakuler abad ini (ST 2<br />

dan Kangen Band) ke Made dan diluar<br />

dugaan di ngejawab serius “aku milih<br />

KANGEN BAND.” Hahahahaha…666x<br />

thanks bro…c u.<br />

he is still learning about scoring (yeah ok<br />

De…we won’t keep forcing you to be a<br />

judge!)<br />

Apart from Bukit Boardriders, where he is<br />

the Contest Director, he also teaches Kids<br />

Club English Lessons sport every Wednesday<br />

afternoon and sometimes teaches<br />

Playgroup ….(wow…very noble occupations<br />

bro…kudos!!!).<br />

More kudos, Made never goes clubbing<br />

because he’s concerned about the negative<br />

influence of drinking alcohol & smoking,<br />

he listens to music while he is sk8ing<br />

(so there’s some background noise….)<br />

Talking about music, we asked him to<br />

choose between 2 spectacular bands of<br />

the century (ST 2 and Kangen Band)<br />

and he seriously answered “I choose<br />


Hahahahaha…666x thanks bro…c u.<br />

<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>March</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 7

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