MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali

MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali
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Bli Kacrut Edisi ini Bli Kacrut mengenang masa jaya Bali Surfing Club (BSC) dalam mengangkat karir surfingnya. Awalnya Bli Kacrut sendiri tidak paham mengenai BSC, ketika itu dia adalah bocah kelas SD yang sering sekali ikutan nongkrong ke tempat Pak Rizani (Koordinator BSC) di Losmen dan Resto Lasirawati. Ketika itu, Bli Kacrut berlatih surfing bersama surfer-surfer mancanegara dan ikut trip mereka “ya..pokoknya ngikut ajalah yang penting bisa dapet pinjaman alat-alat surfing lengkap dan gratis,heeee….” ujarnya spontan. Seringnya bergaul dengan para expat surfer, membuat wawasan surfing Bli Kacrut bertambah. Sehingga selalu memenangkan kontes yang diadakan BSC baik lokal maupun Internasional, bahkan bisa dibilang tidak tertandingi di kelasnya (wow…). Dari situ Pak Rizani semakin memberi atensi dan sering menuliskan artikel Bli Ceritakan tentang diri lo, Explain about your self ? Aku bukanlah siapa-siapa, hanya orang biasa saja……he,..he… nothing special…! Saat ini aku ikut bantu- bantu kerja di Gangsta surf,…yaw bantu- bantu lipat n bungkus clothing gitu lho… Awal kerja di Gangsta bagaimana ? Aku kerja sama Gangsta berawal dari pertama kali (th 200 ) aku kenal dengan Glen (discover of Gangsta surf) di pantai Uluwatu. Saat itu di Bali Gangsta surf Belum komersial seperti sekarang, saat itu clothing Gangsta surf diproduksi terbatas hanya untuk keperluan sendiri dan juga untuk teman dan sahabat - sahabat Glen. N then Glen bersama dengan sahabat yang lain ada niat untuk mengembangkan or memperkenalkan clothing - clothing Gangsta kepada dunia luar terutama Oz (negara asal Glen)dengan membuat Catalouge clothing - clothing Gangsta….. n Discover Gangsta surf nyuruh aku sebagai designer cataloguenya… wah… report banget, aku kan bukan siapa- sipa, juga bukan designer sungguhan….. kemudian di awal 2008 Glen nemuin aku lagi, dia minta agar aku bantu dia untuk bikin design-design light box and juga advert-advert utk dimajalah local and Australia……dan ujung-ujungnya di pertengahan 2008 dia minta aku sebagai manager Gangsta surf…..waduh makin repot bgt….! Awalnya tawaran itu aku tolak coz aku sibuk , gax ada waktu gitu...tapi dia desak aku terus, ya udah aku terima aja tawaran itu. Toh juga saat itu gangsta surf masih belum fokus pada penjualan, masih pengenalan brand dengan taruh advert di beberapa majalah local, majalah Australia and juga ngadain fashion fashion show , sexy dancer dll,….yaw masih taraf promosi……. Gimana sih kerja di Gangsta, apa enak n ga enaknya ? Dimana-mana orang kerja khan pasti ada suka dukanya…..Sukanya sih selalu dapat sample clothing-clothing baru, n dukanya ya pusing ngurus perusahaan MAGIC WAVE _March 2009 Tanpa BSC anak Bali tidak akan bisa surfing. Kacrut ke koran-koran nasional. Selain itu BSC juga mengantarkan pemilik Bali Barrel ke kontes dunia seperti di Oz, Hawaii, Jepang, dan seterusnya. Baginya BSC adalah badan yang berperan penting untuk surfing dan pariwisata Indonesia. Begitu banyak kontes internasional yang digawangi BSC pada masanya. Tanpa BSC anak Bali tidak akan bisa surfing. Sekarang terdapat Bali Surfing Assosiation (BSA) dan Bli Kacrut tergabung didalamnya. Sebuah badan yang bergerak dibidang yang sama, namun karena kesibukkan masingmasing anggotanya membuat BSA kurang aktif membuat kontes terlebih lagi dengan kendala tempat yang tidak dimiliki BSA. Harapannya agar pemerintah lebih memperhatikan BSA dan memberi tempat khusus untuk pertemuan para anggota BSA. Bisa cerikan tentang job desc, sekalian keunggulan dari brand Gangsta? Kalo job desc-ku sama aja kayak manajer diperusahan lain. Ya…menjalankan and control perusahan agar berjalan sesuai dengan target & prosedurnya…N keunggulan brand Gangsta ? yaw…brand Gangsta tampil beda dengan perpaduan target “ Gangster, Surfer and Chick” Lo hoby dugem ato party juga ga, punya pengalaman dugem mabok yg parah gax? Kalo soal dugem ato party aq gax begitu srek, apa lg mabok parah… lebih senang main ke pantai sambil lihat sunset….relax gitu lho. tp pernah sih datang ke club , yaw bila Gangsta surf lg ngadaiin fashion show or sexy dancer . Coz Gangsta surf selalu ngadakan fashion show di club Kalo tempat clubbing favorite ? Karena aq gax begitu suka clubbing otomatis ga ada tempat clubbing favorite Kalo dilihat ni, kan model-modelnya Gangsta selalu cewek sexy, pernah gax ada yang nanya ama lo bisa kenalan ama cewe tu dimana ? wah klo masalah cewek sexy, jarang yg gax suka…..normalnya sih banyak yang nanya klu aku lagi jalan bareng sama cewek2 sexy, ada yg mau kenalan, ada yg minta no hp n ada jg yang minta yg aneh2,… itu normal n syah2 aja. yaw klu mau tahu lebih lanjut, langsung aja sama orangnya….more This edition Bli Kacrut reflects on the Bali Surfing Club (BSC) and its influence on furthering his surfing career. At the beginning, when he was still a kid in year elementary school, Bli Kacrut didn’t know much about the BSC but he used to go to Pak Rizani’s (BSC coordinator) place at the losmen and resto Lasirawati. As a result he was able to surf with international surfers and join their surf trips “yeah..I went so I could borrow their boards for free, hehehe…” he said. gentle khan…..! Tell us about yourself ? Trus I’m kalo just an harapan ordinary kedepan person ……he..he… lo di Gangsta nothing gmn ? special…! At the moment I’m harapannya agar gangsta surf terus berkembang helping out at sesuai Gangsta target surf..…yeah and menyusul help brand fold and brand pack yang the sudah clothing… gede. Yup How ,last did word you get donk the buat job at MW… Gangsta ? Be I worked the best with surf them magazine, when peace…. they started in 200 . I met Glen (Gangsta Surf founder) at Uluwatu Beach. Back then Bali Gangsta surf wasn’t commercial like it is now. Production was only done for our own needs and for Glen’s friends. Later on Glen and some friends wanted to develop the Gangsta clothing and introduce it to the world, especially Australia (where Glen comes from) by making a Gangsta clothing catalogue and they asked me to design the catalogue… was really hard, I’m not anyone and not a real designer… At the beginning of 2008 I met Glen again and he asked me to help him design a light box and ads for local and Australian magazines…and in the middle of 2008 he asked me to be the Gangsta Surf manager…. wow…really hard!! At first I had to turn him down because I was busy and didn’t have time but he kept asking me until I finally accepted his offer. At that time Gangsta surf wasn’t focused on sales, more on introducing the brand through ads in several local and Australian magazines, fashion shows, sexy dancers etc…still working on promotion. Bali kids couldn’t surf without BSC. Hanging out with the expat surfers enriched Bli Kacrut’s surfing and he was able to win the local and international BSC contests even though he was competing outside his own class (wow…) Pak Rizani noticed and started writing articles about him for national newspapers. BSC also helped him go to international contests in Oz, Hawaii, Japan and others. For Bli Kacrut BSC had an important role in Indonesian surfing and tourism. It organized a lot of international contests in its time and Bali kids couldn’t surf without the BSC. Now there is the Bali Surfing Association (BSA) which Bli Kacrut is a part of. Because the members are busy the BSA is not very active in organizing contests and they also don’t have a headquarters. Hopefully the government will pay more attention to the BSA and provide a meeting place for BSA members. How is it working at Gangsta, the good and the bad ? Where ever you work there will be good and bad…the good is that we always get new clothing samples and the bad is it’s sometimes a headache organizing the business. Tell us about your job description and the Gangsta brand specialty? My job description is the same as a manager of any company. Running and controlling the business so it Reachesits targets and procedures…. Gangsta’s specialty ? yeah…Gangsta has different looks for different targets “ Gangster, Surfer and Chick” Do you like to go out & party? Any experiences being really drunk? I don’t really like to go out & party or get really drunk…I prefer to hang out at the beach until sunset …relax …but I do go to a club if Gangsta has a fashion show or sexy dancers, which is quite often. Your favourite clubbing venue? Because I don’t really like clubbing I don’t have a favourite venue. �Gangsta models are always sexy girls, do your friends ever ask you to introduce them? Everyone likes sexy girls…lots of my friends ask me to introduce them or for the girls’ hand phone numbers or for other strange things…it’s normal….if you want to know more you’ll have to ask them yourself! Your hopes for the future for Gangsta? I hope that Gangsta Surf keeps on progressing as per target and takes after the brands that are already big. Yup ,last word for MW… Be the best surf magazine, peace….

What is skin cancer? It is a tumor, an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, on the skin. The skin appears to change in texture or color and a sore or nodule may develop on your skin. These skin changes usually can be seen with the naked eye, and 90% can be cured if treated early. There are types of skin cancer: • basal cell carcinoma • squamous cell carcinoma • melanoma (basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are usually referred together as non-melanoma carcinoma). The outer layer of the skin is made up of squamous cells. Basal cells are found below the squamous cells. Melanocytes are in the deepest layer of epidermis. Melanoma develops from melanocytes. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (non-melanoma skin cancer) are the most common forms of skin cancer. The number of new cases of skin cancer appears to be increasing each year. The number of deaths due to skin SURFING MEN- JADI KOMODITI MEDIA TELEVISI Di tengah berkembangnya Bangsa Indonesia tercinta yang semakin maju, berkembang pula media hiburan salah satunya televisi swasta. Berkembang pula kompetisi tayangan yang semakin menarik, yang aka menarik perhatian para penontonnya. Surfing adalah sasaran mereka ( media Televisi) . Indonesia yang kaya akan ombak, dan surfing sebagai salah satu asetnya. Beberapa TV show menayangkan surfing diantaranya TV one, Trans TV, Anteve, JTV (TV lokal Jawa Timur) dan masih banyak lagi. Di pacitan beberapa kali didatangi beberapa stasiun Televisi untuk meliput surfing. Tentunya dengan kemasan yang berbeda- beda. Salah satunya presenter dikonsep untuk masuk ke komunitas surfer dan mencoba untuk berselancar, mulai dari berkenalan dengan lokal Pacitan, mencari informasi tentang surfing, Training surfing sampai dengan mencoba ombak. Hendri AKA Gepeng surfer dan life guard sebagai trainer surfing dengan tulus mengikuti scenario dari sutradara. Piping ( yang kebetulan namanya sama dengan bosnya Magic Wave) dari salah satu presenter TV Swasta merasa sangat berkesan “Saya tidak akan lupa dengan new experience ini. Saya nggak mimpi ya mas?” katanya susah dijelaskan apa yang ada dalam pikiran Piping waktu itu. Yang pasti sangat senang . “Saya akan datang lagi dengan teman – teman surfing lagi tanpa TV Show”, katanya. OK…Bro Selamat datang di dunia ombak. masih banyak lagi yang bisa di kemas dari komonitas surfing... VIVA SURFING INDONESIA …… Skin Cancer B ali is located just 8 degrees south of the Equator, so it’s important to remember the dangers of the sun. One most important is skin cancer. The key is early detection… Read on. cancer, however, is fairly small. How does it occur? The most common and easily preventable cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light (sunlight or tanning beds). Genetic (hereditary) factors play a part in the tendency to develop skin cancer. Some diseases and some chemicals, such as petroleum products, increase your risk of developing skin cancer. Also, if you have another type of cancer, the cancer may spread to your skin. In addition, pipe and cigar smoking can cause squamous cell carcinoma on the lip. It is common on the lower lip. Skin cancer develops very slowly. The sunburn you receive this week may take 20 years or more to become skin cancer. What are the symptoms? Many skin cancers occur on the face, but they can appear anywhere on the skin. Symptoms of skin cancer may include: • sores or changes in the skin that do not heal • a craterlike lesion (ulcer) on the skin that may not hurt • change in color, shape, or thickness of a mole • bleeding • itching • pain Who is likely to develop skin cancer? People whose skin tans poorly or burns easily after sun exposure are particularly susceptible to non-melanoma skin cancer. People whose skin tans poorly or who have a large number of abnormal moles may have an increased risk of developing melanoma skin cancer. Professions such as farmers, other sun-exposed outdoor workers, and vehicle drivers (their sun-exposed arm) are also high-risk for skin cancer. How is it diagnosed? Besides examining your skin and asking about your symptoms and medical history, your doctor might request a biopsy, for microscopic examination of the skin. How is it treated? The choice of treatment depends on the type of cancer and its size and position on the skin. A few methods include: • shaving off the growth flat with the skin surface, then cauterizing (electrically burning) the surrounding area • cutting out the affected area and closing the wound with (stitches) • Mohs’ chemosurgery (a method of removing and analyzing layers of the growth and surrounding skin) • freezing the affected area using liquid nitrogen. How can I help prevent skin cancer? Avoid exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is a stream of invisible high-energy rays coming from the sun. Artificial sources such as tanning booths and sunlamps also produce ultraviolet radiation. Sun exposure can be reduced by changing patterns of outdoor activities to reduce time of exposure to high-intensity UV radiation (the sun is strongest from 0 am to pm), and wearing protective clothing (such as long sleeves and hats) when exposed to sunlight. When you must be outdoors, use sunscreen lotions to protect against UV light. Use a lotion with an SPF value of or more. The higher the SPF (sun protection factor), the greater the protection. If you are allergic to PABA, use PABA-free sunscreen lotions. UV rays from the sun can penetrate clouds and cause sunburn or damage even on cloudy days. Also remember that sunscreen is not a substitute for avoidance of sun exposure. Skin cancer that is untreated or partially treated may result in more severe cancer problems. Unless they are removed, the cancer cells can spread to lymph nodes and internal organs. Learn the characteristics of potentially dangerous skin growths, and see your health care provider at the first sign of anything suspicious forming on your skin. Source: • MdConsult • Skin Cancer Foundation MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009

What is skin cancer?<br />

It is a tumor, an uncontrolled growth<br />

of abnormal cells, on the skin. The skin<br />

appears to change in texture or color and<br />

a sore or nodule may develop on your<br />

skin. These skin changes usually can be<br />

seen with the naked eye, and 90% can<br />

be cured if treated early.<br />

There are types of skin cancer:<br />

• basal cell carcinoma<br />

• squamous cell carcinoma<br />

• melanoma<br />

(basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell<br />

carcinoma are usually referred together<br />

as non-melanoma carcinoma).<br />

The outer layer of the skin is made up<br />

of squamous cells. Basal cells are found<br />

below the squamous cells. Melanocytes<br />

are in the deepest layer of epidermis.<br />

Melanoma develops from melanocytes.<br />

Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell<br />

carcinoma (non-melanoma skin cancer)<br />

are the most common forms of skin<br />

cancer. The number of new cases of skin<br />

cancer appears to be increasing each<br />

year. The number of deaths due to skin<br />




Di tengah berkembangnya<br />

Bangsa<br />

Indonesia tercinta<br />

yang semakin maju,<br />

berkembang pula media<br />

hiburan salah satunya televisi<br />

swasta. Berkembang<br />

pula kompetisi tayangan<br />

yang semakin menarik,<br />

yang aka menarik perhatian para penontonnya. Surfing adalah sasaran mereka (<br />

media Televisi) .<br />

Indonesia yang kaya akan ombak, dan surfing sebagai salah satu asetnya. Beberapa<br />

TV show menayangkan surfing diantaranya TV one, Trans TV, Anteve, JTV (TV lokal<br />

Jawa Timur) dan masih banyak lagi. Di pacitan beberapa kali didatangi beberapa stasiun<br />

Televisi untuk meliput surfing. Tentunya dengan kemasan yang berbeda- beda.<br />

Salah satunya presenter dikonsep untuk masuk ke komunitas surfer dan mencoba<br />

untuk berselancar, mulai dari berkenalan dengan lokal Pacitan, mencari informasi<br />

tentang surfing, Training surfing sampai dengan mencoba ombak.<br />

Hendri AKA Gepeng surfer dan life guard sebagai trainer surfing dengan tulus<br />

mengikuti scenario dari sutradara. Piping ( yang kebetulan namanya sama dengan<br />

bosnya <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Wave</strong>) dari salah satu presenter TV Swasta merasa sangat berkesan<br />

“Saya tidak akan lupa dengan new experience ini. Saya nggak mimpi ya mas?”<br />

katanya susah dijelaskan apa yang ada dalam pikiran Piping waktu itu. Yang pasti<br />

sangat senang . “Saya akan datang lagi dengan teman – teman<br />

surfing lagi tanpa TV Show”, katanya. OK…Bro<br />

Selamat datang di dunia ombak. masih banyak lagi yang bisa<br />

di kemas dari komonitas surfing...<br />


Skin Cancer<br />

B ali is located just 8 degrees south<br />

of the Equator, so it’s important to<br />

remember the dangers of the sun. One<br />

most important is skin cancer. The key is<br />

early detection… Read on.<br />

cancer, however, is fairly small.<br />

How does it occur?<br />

The most common and easily preventable<br />

cause of skin cancer is exposure to<br />

ultraviolet (UV) light (sunlight or tanning<br />

beds). Genetic (hereditary) factors play a<br />

part in the tendency to develop skin cancer.<br />

Some diseases and some chemicals, such<br />

as petroleum products, increase your risk<br />

of developing skin cancer. Also, if you have<br />

another type of cancer, the cancer may<br />

spread to your skin.<br />

In addition, pipe and cigar smoking can<br />

cause squamous cell carcinoma on the lip.<br />

It is common on the lower lip.<br />

Skin cancer develops very slowly. The<br />

sunburn you receive this week may take 20<br />

years or more to become skin cancer.<br />

What are the symptoms?<br />

Many skin cancers occur on the face, but<br />

they can appear anywhere on the skin.<br />

Symptoms of skin cancer may include:<br />

• sores or changes in the skin that do not<br />

heal<br />

• a craterlike lesion (ulcer) on the skin<br />

that may not hurt<br />

• change in color, shape, or thickness of<br />

a mole<br />

• bleeding<br />

• itching<br />

• pain<br />

Who is likely to develop skin cancer?<br />

People whose skin tans poorly or burns<br />

easily after sun exposure are<br />

particularly susceptible to<br />

non-melanoma skin cancer.<br />

People whose skin tans<br />

poorly or who have a large<br />

number of abnormal moles<br />

may have an increased risk<br />

of developing melanoma skin<br />

cancer. Professions such as<br />

farmers, other sun-exposed<br />

outdoor workers, and vehicle<br />

drivers (their sun-exposed<br />

arm) are also high-risk for<br />

skin cancer.<br />

How is it diagnosed?<br />

Besides examining your<br />

skin and asking about your<br />

symptoms and medical history, your doctor<br />

might request a biopsy, for microscopic<br />

examination of the skin.<br />

How is it treated?<br />

The choice of treatment depends on the<br />

type of cancer and its size and position on<br />

the skin. A few methods include:<br />

• shaving off the growth flat with the skin<br />

surface, then cauterizing (electrically burning)<br />

the surrounding area<br />

• cutting out the affected area and closing<br />

the wound with (stitches)<br />

• Mohs’ chemosurgery (a method of removing<br />

and analyzing layers of the growth<br />

and surrounding skin)<br />

• freezing the affected area using liquid<br />

nitrogen.<br />

How can I help prevent skin cancer?<br />

Avoid exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.<br />

Ultraviolet radiation is a stream of<br />

invisible high-energy rays coming from<br />

the sun. Artificial sources such as tanning<br />

booths and sunlamps also produce ultraviolet<br />

radiation.<br />

Sun exposure can be reduced by changing<br />

patterns of outdoor activities to reduce time<br />

of exposure to high-intensity UV radiation<br />

(the sun is strongest from 0 am to pm),<br />

and wearing protective clothing (such as<br />

long sleeves and hats) when exposed to<br />

sunlight.<br />

When you must be outdoors, use sunscreen<br />

lotions to protect against UV light.<br />

Use a lotion with an SPF value of or<br />

more. The higher the SPF (sun protection<br />

factor), the greater the protection. If<br />

you are allergic to PABA, use PABA-free<br />

sunscreen lotions. UV rays from the sun<br />

can penetrate clouds and cause sunburn<br />

or damage even on cloudy days. Also remember<br />

that sunscreen is not a substitute<br />

for avoidance of sun exposure.<br />

Skin cancer that is untreated or partially<br />

treated may result in more severe cancer<br />

problems. Unless they are removed,<br />

the cancer cells can spread to lymph<br />

nodes and internal organs. Learn the<br />

characteristics of potentially dangerous<br />

skin growths, and see your health care<br />

provider at the first sign of anything suspicious<br />

forming on your skin.<br />

Source:<br />

• MdConsult<br />

• Skin Cancer Foundation<br />

<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>March</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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