MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali

MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali

MAGIC WAVE _ March 2009 - Magic Wave Bali


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Bli Kacrut<br />

Edisi ini Bli Kacrut mengenang<br />

masa jaya <strong>Bali</strong><br />

Surfing Club (BSC) dalam<br />

mengangkat karir surfingnya.<br />

Awalnya Bli Kacrut sendiri tidak<br />

paham mengenai BSC, ketika itu dia<br />

adalah bocah kelas SD yang sering<br />

sekali ikutan nongkrong ke tempat<br />

Pak Rizani (Koordinator BSC) di Losmen<br />

dan Resto Lasirawati. Ketika itu,<br />

Bli Kacrut berlatih surfing bersama<br />

surfer-surfer mancanegara dan ikut<br />

trip mereka “ya..pokoknya ngikut<br />

ajalah yang penting bisa dapet pinjaman<br />

alat-alat surfing lengkap dan<br />

gratis,heeee….” ujarnya spontan.<br />

Seringnya bergaul dengan para<br />

expat surfer, membuat wawasan surfing<br />

Bli Kacrut bertambah. Sehingga<br />

selalu memenangkan kontes yang<br />

diadakan BSC baik lokal maupun Internasional,<br />

bahkan bisa dibilang tidak<br />

tertandingi di kelasnya (wow…). Dari<br />

situ Pak Rizani semakin memberi atensi<br />

dan sering menuliskan artikel Bli<br />

Ceritakan tentang diri lo, Explain<br />

about your self ?<br />

Aku bukanlah siapa-siapa, hanya orang<br />

biasa saja……he,..he… nothing special…!<br />

Saat ini aku ikut bantu- bantu kerja di<br />

Gangsta surf,…yaw bantu- bantu lipat n<br />

bungkus clothing gitu lho…<br />

Awal kerja di Gangsta bagaimana ?<br />

Aku kerja sama Gangsta berawal<br />

dari pertama kali (th 200 ) aku kenal<br />

dengan Glen (discover of Gangsta<br />

surf) di pantai Uluwatu. Saat itu di <strong>Bali</strong><br />

Gangsta surf Belum komersial seperti<br />

sekarang, saat itu clothing Gangsta surf<br />

diproduksi terbatas hanya untuk keperluan<br />

sendiri dan juga untuk teman<br />

dan sahabat - sahabat Glen. N then<br />

Glen bersama dengan sahabat yang<br />

lain ada niat untuk mengembangkan<br />

or memperkenalkan clothing - clothing<br />

Gangsta kepada dunia luar terutama<br />

Oz (negara asal Glen)dengan membuat<br />

Catalouge clothing - clothing Gangsta…..<br />

n Discover Gangsta surf nyuruh aku<br />

sebagai designer cataloguenya… wah…<br />

report banget, aku kan bukan siapa-<br />

sipa, juga bukan designer sungguhan…..<br />

kemudian di awal 2008 Glen nemuin<br />

aku lagi, dia minta agar aku bantu dia<br />

untuk bikin design-design light box and<br />

juga advert-advert utk dimajalah local<br />

and Australia……dan ujung-ujungnya<br />

di pertengahan 2008 dia minta aku sebagai<br />

manager Gangsta surf…..waduh<br />

makin repot bgt….! Awalnya tawaran<br />

itu aku tolak coz aku sibuk , gax ada<br />

waktu gitu...tapi dia desak aku terus,<br />

ya udah aku terima aja tawaran itu. Toh<br />

juga saat itu gangsta surf masih belum<br />

fokus pada penjualan, masih pengenalan<br />

brand dengan taruh advert di beberapa<br />

majalah local, majalah Australia<br />

and juga ngadain fashion fashion show<br />

, sexy dancer dll,….yaw masih taraf<br />

promosi…….<br />

Gimana sih kerja di Gangsta, apa<br />

enak n ga enaknya ?<br />

Dimana-mana orang kerja khan pasti<br />

ada suka dukanya…..Sukanya sih selalu<br />

dapat sample clothing-clothing baru, n<br />

dukanya ya pusing ngurus perusahaan<br />

<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>March</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

Tanpa BSC anak <strong>Bali</strong><br />

tidak akan bisa surfing.<br />

Kacrut ke koran-koran nasional. Selain<br />

itu BSC juga mengantarkan pemilik <strong>Bali</strong><br />

Barrel ke kontes dunia seperti di Oz,<br />

Hawaii, Jepang, dan seterusnya.<br />

Baginya BSC adalah badan yang<br />

berperan penting untuk surfing dan pariwisata<br />

Indonesia. Begitu banyak kontes<br />

internasional yang digawangi BSC pada<br />

masanya. Tanpa BSC anak <strong>Bali</strong> tidak<br />

akan bisa surfing.<br />

Sekarang terdapat <strong>Bali</strong> Surfing<br />

Assosiation (BSA) dan Bli Kacrut tergabung<br />

didalamnya. Sebuah badan<br />

yang bergerak dibidang yang sama,<br />

namun karena kesibukkan masingmasing<br />

anggotanya membuat<br />

BSA kurang aktif membuat<br />

kontes terlebih lagi<br />

dengan kendala tempat<br />

yang tidak dimiliki BSA.<br />

Harapannya agar pemerintah lebih memperhatikan<br />

BSA dan memberi tempat<br />

khusus untuk pertemuan para anggota<br />

BSA.<br />

Bisa cerikan tentang job desc, sekalian<br />

keunggulan dari brand Gangsta?<br />

Kalo job desc-ku sama aja kayak manajer<br />

diperusahan lain. Ya…menjalankan<br />

and control perusahan agar berjalan<br />

sesuai dengan target & prosedurnya…N<br />

keunggulan brand Gangsta ? yaw…brand<br />

Gangsta tampil beda dengan perpaduan<br />

target “ Gangster, Surfer and Chick”<br />

Lo hoby dugem ato party juga ga,<br />

punya pengalaman dugem mabok yg<br />

parah gax?<br />

Kalo soal dugem ato party aq gax begitu<br />

srek, apa lg mabok parah…..aq lebih<br />

senang main ke pantai sambil lihat<br />

sunset….relax gitu lho. tp pernah sih<br />

datang ke club , yaw bila Gangsta surf<br />

lg ngadaiin fashion show or sexy dancer<br />

. Coz Gangsta surf selalu ngadakan<br />

fashion show di club<br />

Kalo tempat clubbing favorite ?<br />

Karena aq gax begitu suka clubbing otomatis<br />

ga ada tempat clubbing favorite<br />

Kalo dilihat ni, kan model-modelnya<br />

Gangsta selalu cewek sexy, pernah<br />

gax ada yang nanya ama lo bisa kenalan<br />

ama cewe tu dimana ?<br />

wah klo masalah cewek sexy,<br />

jarang yg gax suka…..normalnya<br />

sih banyak yang nanya<br />

klu aku lagi jalan bareng<br />

sama cewek2 sexy, ada yg<br />

mau kenalan, ada yg minta<br />

no hp n ada jg yang minta<br />

yg aneh2,…..tp itu normal n<br />

syah2 aja. yaw klu mau<br />

tahu lebih lanjut,<br />

langsung aja sama<br />

orangnya….more<br />

This edition Bli Kacrut reflects on<br />

the <strong>Bali</strong> Surfing Club (BSC) and its<br />

influence on furthering his surfing<br />

career.<br />

At the beginning, when he was still<br />

a kid in year elementary school, Bli<br />

Kacrut didn’t know much about the BSC<br />

but he used to go to Pak Rizani’s<br />

(BSC coordinator) place<br />

at the losmen and resto<br />

Lasirawati. As a result he<br />

was able to surf with<br />

international surfers<br />

and join their surf<br />

trips “yeah..I<br />

went<br />

so I<br />

could<br />

borrow<br />

their boards for<br />

free, hehehe…” he said.<br />

gentle khan…..!<br />

Tell us about yourself ?<br />

Trus I’m kalo just an harapan ordinary kedepan person ……he..he… lo di Gangsta<br />

nothing<br />

gmn ?<br />

special…! At the moment I’m<br />

harapannya agar gangsta surf terus<br />

berkembang<br />

helping out at<br />

sesuai<br />

Gangsta<br />

target<br />

surf..…yeah<br />

and menyusul<br />

help<br />

brand fold and brand pack yang the sudah clothing… gede.<br />

Yup How ,last did word you get donk the buat job at MW… Gangsta ?<br />

Be I worked the best with surf them magazine, when peace…. they started in<br />

200 . I met Glen (Gangsta Surf founder)<br />

at Uluwatu Beach. Back then <strong>Bali</strong> Gangsta<br />

surf wasn’t commercial like it is now. Production<br />

was only done for our own needs<br />

and for Glen’s friends. Later on Glen and<br />

some friends wanted to develop the<br />

Gangsta clothing and introduce it to the<br />

world, especially Australia (where Glen<br />

comes from) by making a Gangsta clothing<br />

catalogue and they asked me to design<br />

the catalogue…wow..it was really hard, I’m<br />

not anyone and not a real designer… At the<br />

beginning of 2008 I met Glen again and he<br />

asked me to help him design a light box<br />

and ads for local and Australian magazines…and<br />

in the middle of 2008 he asked<br />

me to be the Gangsta Surf manager….<br />

wow…really hard!! At first I had to<br />

turn him down because I was busy<br />

and didn’t have time but he kept<br />

asking me until I finally accepted<br />

his offer. At that time Gangsta surf<br />

wasn’t focused on sales, more on<br />

introducing the brand through<br />

ads in several local and<br />

Australian magazines,<br />

fashion shows,<br />

sexy dancers<br />

etc…still working<br />

on promotion.<br />

<strong>Bali</strong> kids couldn’t surf<br />

without BSC.<br />

Hanging out with the expat surfers<br />

enriched Bli Kacrut’s surfing and he was<br />

able to win the local and international<br />

BSC contests even though he was competing<br />

outside his own class (wow…) Pak<br />

Rizani noticed and started writing articles<br />

about him for national newspapers. BSC<br />

also helped him go to international contests<br />

in Oz, Hawaii, Japan and others.<br />

For Bli Kacrut BSC had an important<br />

role in Indonesian surfing and tourism. It<br />

organized a lot of international contests<br />

in its time and <strong>Bali</strong> kids couldn’t surf<br />

without the BSC.<br />

Now there is the <strong>Bali</strong> Surfing Association<br />

(BSA) which Bli Kacrut is a part of.<br />

Because the members are busy the BSA<br />

is not very active in organizing contests<br />

and they also don’t have a headquarters.<br />

Hopefully the government will pay more<br />

attention to the BSA and provide a meeting<br />

place for BSA members.<br />

How is it working at Gangsta, the<br />

good and the bad ?<br />

Where ever you work there will be good<br />

and bad…the good is that we always get<br />

new clothing samples and the bad is it’s<br />

sometimes a headache organizing the<br />

business.<br />

Tell us about your job description<br />

and the Gangsta brand specialty?<br />

My job description is the same as a<br />

manager of any company. Running and<br />

controlling the business so it Reachesits<br />

targets and procedures….<br />

Gangsta’s specialty ?<br />

yeah…Gangsta has different looks for<br />

different targets “ Gangster, Surfer and<br />

Chick”<br />

Do you like to go out & party? Any<br />

experiences being really drunk?<br />

I don’t really like to go out & party or<br />

get really drunk…I prefer to hang out<br />

at the beach until sunset …relax …but I<br />

do go to a club if Gangsta has a fashion<br />

show or sexy dancers, which is quite<br />

often.<br />

Your favourite clubbing venue?<br />

Because I don’t really like clubbing I<br />

don’t have a favourite venue.<br />

�Gangsta models are always sexy<br />

girls, do your friends ever ask you to<br />

introduce them?<br />

Everyone likes sexy girls…lots of my<br />

friends ask me to introduce them or for<br />

the girls’ hand phone numbers or for<br />

other strange things…it’s normal….if you<br />

want to know more you’ll have to ask<br />

them yourself!<br />

Your hopes for the future for Gangsta?<br />

I hope that Gangsta Surf keeps on<br />

progressing as per target and takes after<br />

the brands that are already big.<br />

Yup ,last word for MW…<br />

Be the best surf magazine, peace….

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