The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah

The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah

The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah


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80 <strong>Transformasi</strong> <strong>Mind</strong>a: Memeta Wawasan Melaksana Amanah<strong>The</strong> <strong>Future</strong> <strong>Mind</strong>: Mapping <strong>The</strong> <strong>Future</strong>, Delivering <strong>The</strong> Trustperingkat masyarakat ke tahap yang maju, bersatu padu,selamat dan adil dengan kualiti kehidupan tinggi.Majlis Perjumpaan YAB Perdana Menteri Bersama Ulama’ Dan Umara’ SertaPelancaran Logo Baru Agensi Agama Dan Persekutuan Dan NegeriPutrajaya5 Februari 2010Jika kita inginberada dihadapan kelukkemakmuran,kita harus beranidan tegas bagimelaksanakanperubahan danpembaharuan.Nurturing of infant industriesmust be done differentlyand based on skills, technology,access to capital and marketingsupport, not on protection. Wemust develop not only domesticchampions but domesticchampions that can becomeregional and global champions.PM: Remove Subsidies<strong>The</strong> Star9 February 2010believe that the values, the vision and the commitmentI behind 1Malaysia will be vital to the long-term strength ofMalaysia. Business cannot succeed and economies cannotbe strong when our society is divided. We will not succeedin the new global era if we do not extend opportunity toall according to their needs and look to utilise the talentsof all our people, not just some.This entails not only bridging gaps across cultural andreligious groups, but ensuring fairness across all areas ofMalaysian life to establish level playing fields. For instance,the Government Transformation Programme does not see

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