The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah

The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah

The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah


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164 <strong>Transformasi</strong> <strong>Mind</strong>a: Memeta Wawasan Melaksana Amanah<strong>The</strong> <strong>Future</strong> <strong>Mind</strong>: Mapping <strong>The</strong> <strong>Future</strong>, Delivering <strong>The</strong> Trusthave been introducing through my blog a set of values whichI I believe are fundamental in shaping us into formidableMalaysians befitting the 1Malaysia vision. Integrity completesthis set of eight values, and is a key tool in ensuringpromises are kept and principles are upheld. Once we areable to deliver what is promised and be more transparentand open with others, we will have built a solid foundationfor trust.believe that all eight values of 1Malaysia - a cultureI of excellence, perseverance, humility, acceptance, loyalty,meritocracy, education, and integrity - are paramount in ourcollective efforts to add value to Malaysia as a developingnation. No one single value can be imbued without theother in order for 1Malaysia to truly take shape. While thesevalues have long been taught in our culture, the applicationof these values must be renewed. I urge all Malaysians toinculcate and cultivate thesePenjawat awamadalah khadampemeliharakepentingan awamatau custodian ofpublic interest.Jika tidak memilikiintegriti makakepercayaan dankeyakinan rakyatakan hilang.values in our daily practicesand actions not just amongstclose friends and family, butin the workplace and ourcommunity at large.www.1malaysia.com.my(Accessed on 24 March 2010)Kita perlu menerangkanbahawa apa jua kita buat,kita akan mengambil kirakesesuaian dengan pasarandan juga sokongan daripada

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