The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah

The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah

The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah


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108 <strong>Transformasi</strong> <strong>Mind</strong>a: Memeta Wawasan Melaksana Amanah<strong>The</strong> <strong>Future</strong> <strong>Mind</strong>: Mapping <strong>The</strong> <strong>Future</strong>, Delivering <strong>The</strong> Trustour people better income, better quality of life, and be ableto attract and retain people who want to work in Malaysia.We can also source global talent, because to become aninnovative economy, you have to get global talents tochoose to work in Malaysia.Malaysians do not want to do jobs that are dangerous,dirty or demeaning. So, for us to get Malaysians towork, you have to change the working conditions and paythem a slightly higher rate. I believe employers shoulddo this and we should not make it too easy for themto have foreign workers. If we can increase the levy onforeign workers to be commensurate with the numbers thatthey want to hire, then there comes a point which makesmore business and economic sense for them to engageMalaysians and not foreigners.Ididn’t say we’ll do away with affirmative action (under theNew Economic Policy). I said affirmative action remains.What I said was that we would review its implementation;the way it is being implemented so it becomes fairer. Itbecomes more market friendly, more transparent and moremerit-based and also more needs-based. For example, Isaid that if you want to eradicate poverty, you shouldaddress the lower 40 per cent of the population withincome below RM1,500 a month. You must also take careof the non-Malay as well as the non-bumiputeras. When youtalk about bumiputeras, it is not synonymous with Malays.What about Ibans, Kadazans, Bidayuhs and the like? <strong>The</strong>yare also bumiputeras and they have the same rights. Sowhat I’m trying to say is, let us not be too caught up withcertain ways of looking at things, but let us look at them

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