The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah

The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah

The Future Mind Transformasi Minda - Pemudah


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Tiang Utama Ketiga 89facilitative business and regulatory environment, whichA unleashes the full potential of the private sectoris required, together with a New Economic Model totransform the nation towards a sustainable trajectory ofhigher growth.am confident that this spending injection into the domesticI economy and the related multiplier effects will help andcushion the impact of the sharp external downturn and setthe stage for economic recovery sometime in the secondhalf of this year.We have become a successful middle-income economy.But we cannot and will not be caught in the middleincomecountry trap. <strong>The</strong> challenge of managing such amajor transition is not easy and has been made moreconsiderable by the weakness in the global financialarchitecture and intensifying competitive pressures arisingfrom dramatic changes in the global economy.Keynote Address At Invest Malaysia Conference 2009Kuala Lumpur30 June 2009Kita akan meneruskan inisiatif-inisiatif di hadapan kelukperubahan bagi memastikan kejayaan pembaharuandan perubahan struktural kepada ekonomi Malaysiadalam merealisasikan satu model ekonomi baru berteraskankreativiti, inovasi dan nilai tinggi yang akan menjaminkelangsungan kemakmuran nasional.Majlis Perhimpunan YAB Perdana Menteri Bersama Anggota Pentadbiran DanPenjawat Awam Serta GLCPutrajaya27 Julai 2009

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