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L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus

L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus


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Notes to the Financial Statements (continued)For the financial period of seventeen months ended 31 December 200026 SHARE CAPITALGroup and Company31.12.2000 31.7.1999RMRMAuthorised:Ordinary shares of RM1.00 each 500,000,000 500,000,000The movements during the financial period in the options over shares of the Company were as follows:Group and Company2000 1999Option price Option price Option priceper share per share per shareat RM3.37 at RM3.52 at RM3.37At beginning of the financial period/year 4,577,000 – 4,859,000Granted – 4,118,000 –Exercised (134,000) (9,000) –Lapsed/cancelled (645,000) (189,000) (282,000)At end of the financial period/year 3,798,000 3,920,000 4,577,00027 TREASURY SHARESThe total number of shares purchased by the Company under its Share Buyback scheme as at the end of the financialperiod is 45,000 ordinary shares of the Company. The Company has retained these shares so purchased as treasuryshares in accordance with the provisions of Section 67A of the Companies Act, 1965.28 SIGNIFICANT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSIn addition to the related party disclosures mentioned elsewhere in the financial statements, set out below are othersignificant related party transactions.GroupCompany31.12.2000 31.7.1999 31.12.2000 31.7.1999RM RM RM RMGross dividends received and receivablefrom a subsidiary company – – 17,395,000 23,310,005Management fees received and receivablefrom subsidiary companies – – 4,250,000 3,000,000Management fees paid and payable toa related company 70,559 62,274 – –Interest received and receivable fromsubsidiary companies – – 7,707,263 6,600,291Rental of premises paid and payable toa related company 1,015,352 682,706 539,163 369,506Rental income received and receivablefrom related companies 39,500 4,000 – –Security fees paid and payable toa related company 837,594 – – –Disposal of fixed assets to a subsidiarycompany – – 30,728 198,140Progress billings in respect of sale ofdevelopment properties to Directorsand related parties 252,863 324,134 – –The above transactions have been entered into in the normal course of business and have been established under termsmutually agreed upon by the parties.UNITED MALAYAN LAND BHD61

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