L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus

L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus

L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus


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BUILDING ON QUALITY AND VALUEMEMBINA BERDASARKAN KUALITI DAN MUTUBy planning our integrated townships on a mega scale,UM Land Group has been able to build in the valuethat has captured the hearts of homebuyers, thebusiness community and property investors who wantquality and value as a matter of fact in their dailylives.Whether for homebuyers or the business community,we believe in providing a wide choice of properties,pricing them to make them affordable in a competitivemarket.Our residents will benefit from having so much at theirdoorstep – re c reational facilities, shopping centre s ,medical centres, systematic network of internal roadsand dedicated interchanges with ease of access toexpressways.To create an atmosphere of tranquillity and freshness,we landscape extensively throughout our townships.Bandar Seri Alam has received landscaping awards forthree years in a row, testimony to our commitment togreening our townships.UM Land Group has also allocated land in ourtownships for kinderg a rtens, primary and secondaryschools, and even for colleges and institutes of higherlearning.R a n c a n gan pembinaan bandar besar beri n t egrasi telahmembolehkan Kumpulan UM Land menawan hati parapembeli rumah, komuniti perniagaan dan pelabur-pelaburh a rtanah yang mengutamakan kualiti dan mutu ya n gmenjadi perkara penting dalam kehidupan seharian mereka.Samada pembeli rumah atau ko muniti pern i aga a n , k a m ipercaya bahawa pilihan hartanah yang banyak, harga yangberpatutan mampu bersaing dalam pasaran yang sengit.Penghuni kami akan mendapat manfaat daripada pelbagaike mudahan yang tersedia – ke mudahan re k re a s i , p u s atmembeli belah, pusat perubatan, jaringan jalanraya yangsistematik dan persimpangan bertingkat khas yang memberilaluan masuk mudah ke lebuhraya.Untuk mencipta suasana yang aman dan nyaman, terdapatlanskap meluas diseluruh bandar kami. Bandar Seri Alamtelah menerima anugerah lanskap tiga tahun berturut-turut,bukti komitmen kami untuk menghijaukan bandar kami.Kumpulan UM Land telah juga memperu n t u k k a nsebahagian tanah dalam bandar kami untuk tadika, sekolahrendah dan menengah juga kolej dan institusi pengajiantinggi.2

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