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L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus

L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus


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Audit CommitteeJawatankuasa AuditAUDIT COMMITTEE – TERMS OF REFERENCECompositionThe Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Boardfrom amongst the directors and shall consist of not lessthan three members, a majority of whom shall beindependent directors of the Company. The Chairmanof the Committee shall be an independent director.MeetingsMeetings shall be held not less four times a year. Aq u o rum shall be formed when majority of theCommittee members present are independent directors.The Chairman may call for a meeting upon the requestof any Committee member, the Managing Director orthe internal and external auditors. The attendance ofemployees, other directors, re p resentatives of theinternal and external auditors at such meetings will beat the Committee’s invitation.The Secretary to the Audit Committee shall be theCompany Secretary or Assistant Company Secretary orany other person appointed by the Committee. TheSecretary will be responsible for keeping the minutesof meetings of the Committee and circulating them toCommittee members and other members of the Boardof Directors.AuthorityThe Committee is authorised by the Board toinvestigate any activities within its terms of referenceand shall have unrestricted access to both the internaland external auditors and members of management ofthe Group. The Committee is also authorised by theBoard to obtain independent professional advice andto secure the attendance of outsiders with re l e v a n texperience and expertise if it considers this necessaryin the performance of their duties.DutiesThe duties of the Committee shall be:• To consider the appointment of external auditors,the audit fee and any questions of resignation anddismissal;• To discuss with the external auditors:– the audit plan;– their evaluation of the system of intern a lcontrols;– the audit report on the financial statements.JAWATANKUASA AUDIT – BIDANG KUASAKomposisiL e m b aga Pe n ga rah akan melantik Jawatankuasa Au d i tdaripada kalangan pengarah dan hendaklah terdiri tidakk u rang dari tiga orang ahli, m a j o riti adalah penga ra hb e rkecuali. Pe n ge rusi Jawatankuasa mestilah seora n gpengarah berkecuali.MesyuaratM e s y u a rat mestilah diadakan sekura n g - k u ra n g nya empatkali setahun. Ko rum mestilah terd i ri daripada majori t ip e n ga ra h - p e n ga rah berkecuali. Pe n ge rusi bolehmengadakan mesyuarat atas permintaan mana-mana ahliJawat a n k u a s a , Pe n ga rah Urusan atau para juru a u d i tdalaman dan luaran. Kehadiran kakitangan Syarikat, lainlainpengarah, wakil-wakil juruaudit dalaman dan luarandalam mesyuarat adalah atas jemputan Jawatankuasa.Setiausaha Sya ri k at atau Penolong Setiausaha Sya ri k atatau orang lain yang dilantik akan bertindak seb aga iSetiausaha kepada Jawatankuasa. Setiausaha Jawatankuasabertanggungjawab untuk mengambil minit mesyuarat danmengedarnya kepada ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa dan LembagaPengarah.Bidang KuasaJawatankuasa diberikuasa oleh Lembaga Pengarah untukm e ny i a s at seb a rang aktiviti yang terkandung di dalambidang kuasa mereka dan mempunyai akses tidak terhadkepada kedua-dua juruaudit dalaman dan luaran dan pihakp e n g u rusan dalam Kumpulan. Jawatankuasa jugad i b e rikuasa oleh Lembaga Pe n ga rah untuk mendap at k a nnasihat profesional bebas dan memastikan kehadiran pihakl u a ran yang mempunyai pengalaman yang berk a i t a nsekiranya difikirkan perlu.TugasTugas-tugas Jawatankuasa adalah:• M e m p e rtimbangkan dan menge s yo rkan perl a n t i k a nj u ruaudit luara n , b aya ran perk h i d m atan danperletakkan jawatan dan pemecatan mereka;• Membincangkan bersama juruaudit luaran berkenaan:– perancangan audit;– penilaian mereka terhadap sistem kawa l a ndalaman;– laporan audit bagi penyata kewangan.20

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