L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus

L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus

L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus


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Chairman’s StatementPenyata PengerusiIt is my pleasure to present to you the Annual Reportand Financial Statements of the United Malayan LandG roup and Company (UM Land Group) for thefinancial period ended 31 December 2000.Following the economic crisis of 1997 and 1998, thec o u n t ry enjoyed two years of re c o v e ry, with gro s sdomestic product growth rates of 5.8 percent in 1999and 8.5 percent in 2000.While the turnaround has stimulated growth in varioussectors of the economy, the property market continuedto be weak. Nevertheless, I am pleased to report thatthe UM Land Group has shown its resilience byachieving a modest profit before tax of RM16.04million for the financial period ended 31 December2000.I wish to point out that our financial period underreview covers a 17-month period due to the change ofaccounting year-end from 31 July to 31 December.A p a rt from facilitating comparison of financialstatements with most of the other companies listed onthe Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, the change alsoserved to align our financial year-end with that of ourmajor shareholders, namely PERNAS Intern a t i o n a lHoldings Berhad and CapitaLand Limited.The financial period under review coincided withrather challenging times for the property market. Thesevere glut and overhang in property stocks curtailedthe momentum of the recovery. However, as mentionedabove, the UM Land Group managed to re c o rd amodest pre-tax profit for the financial period.STRATEGYWith the situation having changed little inthe financial period under review forUM Land Group, we adopted astrategy of ‘Just-In-Time’ pro d u c tlaunches and sales to avoid theb u rden of holding excessive unsoldproperties.UM Land Group also concentrated onbringing a better product mix to themarket, with emphasis on landedp ro p e rt y. Some examples are AcaciaDengan sukacitanya saya membentangkan LaporanTahunan dan Penyata Kewangan Kumpulan dan SyarikatUnited Malayan Land (“Kumpulan UM Land”) bagitempoh kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2000.Berikutan kemelesetan ekonomi dalam tahun 1997 dan1998, pemulihan telah dinikmati oleh negara melalui kadarpertumbuhan dalam negara kasar sebanyak 5.8 peratusdalam tahun 1999 dan 8.5 peratus dalam tahun 2000.Meskipun pemulihan telah merangsangkan pertumbuhandalam beberapa sektor ekonomi, namun pasaran hartanahmasih terus lemah. Walau bagaimanapun, sukacita sayamelaporkan bahawa Kumpulan UM Land telahmenunjukkan ketahanannya dengan mencapaikeuntungan sebelum cukai yang sederhana sebanyakRM16.04 juta bagi tempoh kewangan berakhir 31Disember 2000.Saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa tempoh kewangandalam pertimbangan merangkumi tempoh 17 bulan atassebab pertukaran tahun kewangan daripada 31 Julaikepada 31 Disember.Selain daripada mempermudahkan perbandingan penyatakewangan di antara kebanyakan syarikat-syarikat yangdisenaraikan di Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur, pertukaranini juga telah menyelaraskan tahun kewangan Syarikatdengan tahun kewangan pemegang-pemegang sahamterbesar, iaitu PERNAS International Holdings Berhaddan CapitaLand Limited.Tempoh kewangan dalam pertimbangan telah merempuhcabaran masa bagi pasaran hartanah. Bekalan berlebihandalam stok-stok hartanah telah membantutkan momentumpemulihan. Walau bagaimanapun, seperti yang dinyatakandi atas, Kumpulan UM Land mampu mencatatkankeuntungan sebelum cukai yang agak sederh a n adalam tempoh kewangan.STRATEGIDengan perubahan keadaan yangsedikit dalam tempoh kewangan dalamp e rtimbangan untuk KumpulanUMLand, kami telah melaksanakanstrategi ‘Tepat pada masanya’ bagipelancaran produk dan penjualan bagimenghindarkan masalah lebihan stok-stokhartanah yang tidak terjual.Turnover/PerolehanRM million/juta12

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