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L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus

L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 0 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t - ChartNexus


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Board of DirectorsLembaga PengarahThe Board of Directors comprises ten members. TheBoard meets on a scheduled basis, at least four times ayear. The Board met seven times during the financialperiod ended 31 December 2000.The profile of directors are as follows:-Ahli Lembaga Pe n ga rah dianggotai oleh sepuluh ora n gahli. Lembaga Pengarah bersidang mengikut jadual yangd i t e t apkan sekura n g - k u ra n g nya empat kali setahun.L e m b aga Pe n ga rah telah bersidang tujuh kali dalamtempoh kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2000.Profil Para Pengarah adalah seperti berikut:-Tunku Tan Sri Dato’ Shahriman bin Tunku SulaimanYM Tunku Tan Sri Dato’ Shahriman bin Tu n k uSulaiman, 69, was appointed as Chairman of the Boardsince October 1995. He holds a Bachelor of Art s(Honours) from the University of Malaya. He iscurrently the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ofPERNAS International Holdings Berhad andC h a i rman of Tradewinds (M) Berhad. He wasappointed to the Board of Perbadanan NasionalBerhad in May 1976 and served as its President andG roup Chief Executive. Prior to joining PerbadananNasional Berhad, he has served as the Dire c t o rGeneral in the Prime Minister’s Department and as theState Secretary of Pahang.YM Tunku Tan Sri Dato’ Shahriman bin Tunku Sulaiman,69 tahun, dilantik seb agai Pe n ge rusi Lembaga Pe n ga ra hsemenjak Oktober 1995. Beliau memegang Ijazah SarjanaMuda Sastera (Kepujian) dari Unive rsiti Malaya. Kinibeliau adalah Pe n ge rusi dan Ketua Pegawai EksekutifP E R NAS Intern ational Holdings Berhad dan Pe n ge ru s iTradewinds (M) Berhad. Beliau telah dilantik ke LembagaPengarah Perbadanan Nasional Berhad pada Mei 1976 danb e rk h i d m at seb agai Presiden dan Ketua EksekutifKumpulan. Sebelum menye rtai Perbadanan NasionalBerhad, beliau pernah berkhidmat sebagai Ketua Pengarahdalam Jab atan Pe rdana Menteri dan Setiausaha Nege riPahang.Tham Kui SengTham Kui Seng, 43, was appointed Deputy Chairmanin January 2001. He is currently the Chief ExecutiveOfficer of CapitaLand Residential Limited, a companyincorporated in the Republic of Singapore which is awholly-owned subsidiary of CapitaLand Limited(formerly known a Pidemco Land Limited). He holdsa Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) degree inEngineering Science from Oxford University. He wasp reviously the Chief Operating Officer of PidemcoLand Limited. Prior to joining Pidemco, he was theChief Executive of TPL Printers (UK) Ltd, a UKsubsidiary of Times Publishing Limited, a multinationalpublishing company headquartered in Singapore.Tham Kui Seng, 43 tahun, dilantik seb agai Ti m b a l a nPengerusi dalam bulan Januari 2001. Beliau adalah KetuaPegawai Eksekutif CapitaLand Residential Limited, sebuahs ya ri k at diperbadankan di Rep u blik Singap u ra ya n gmerupakan anak syarikat milik penuh CapitaLand Limited( d a h u l u nya dikenali seb agai Pidemco Land Limited).Beliau memegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sastera (KepujianKelas Satu) dalam Sains Kejuruteraan daripada UniversitiO x fo rd. Beliau seb e l u m nya merupakan Ketua Pegawa iO p e rasi Pidemco Land Limited. Sebelum menye rt a iPidemco, beliau merupakan Ketua Eksekutif TPL Printers(UK) Ltd. , anak sya ri k at Times Publishing Limited UK,sebuah syarikat penerbitan multi-nasional beribu pejabat diSingapura.8

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