(gred s48) universiti malaysia kelantan (umk) - Jabatan Pendaftar

(gred s48) universiti malaysia kelantan (umk) - Jabatan Pendaftar

(gred s48) universiti malaysia kelantan (umk) - Jabatan Pendaftar


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~------------------------------------------------------------------------~~-------UNIVERSITIMALAYSIAKELANTANIKLAN JAWATAN KENAIKAN PANGKATPermohonan adalah dipelawa daripada individu yang berkelayakan untuk memohonjawatan-jawatan kenaikan pangkat di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) seperti berikut:!. 1'1' ,I \' ) I -;: .!. \' \ ~ \ \" j ',, ~ I',' " f l' , ' -isu 81. JAWATAN PEGAWAI BEllA DAN 5UKAN(GRED 548)GRED 548P1T1 RM4348.05P2T1 RM4779.42- P1T8 RM5770.17- P2T8 RM6318.44KUMPULAN PERKHIDMATAN PENGURU5AN DAN PROFE510NALKl:A5IFIKASI-PERKHIDMATAN- PERKHIDMAiAN 50SIALKELAYAKAN LANTIKAN KE GRED 548(a) (i) Ijazah sarjana muda yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan daripada institusi -institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yang diiktirafsetaraf dengannya; atau(ii) Ijazah sarjana muda kepujian yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan daripadairistifusi - institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan atau kelayakan yangdiiktiraf setaraf dengannya.(b) Lulus Bahasa Malaysia/Bahasa Melayu (termasuk lulus Ujian Lisan) padaperingkat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia atau kelulusan yang diiktiraf setarafdengannya oleh kerajaan.dan Keutamaan, dib~Jikan keggda .calon, yang sedanq.berkhidmat dLIPTA-danmempunyai kemahiran bahasa kedua.1

Are Non-Democratic Elections Mechanisms of Authoritarian Stability or Democratization?teleological versions. As many countries, particularly in Africa and Eurasia, failed to consolidatedemocratic rule or backslid in a more authoritarian direction, while holding onto electoralinstitutions, a number of observers discussed the emergence of “hybrid” or “competitiveauthoritarian” regimes (Diamond 2002; van de Walle 2002, Schedler 2006, Levitsky and Way2002, and Schedler 2002). The most comprehensive treatment of the phenomenon to datedefines competitive authoritarian rule as “civilian regimes in which formal democraticinstitutions exist and are widely viewed as the primary means of gaining power, but in whichincumbents’ abuse of the state places them at a signifinicant advantage vis-a-vis theiropponents” (Levitsky and Way 2010, 5). Through a combination of unfair competition, stiltedmedia coverage, harrassment of political opponents, and irregularities in the voting process,competetive authoritarian rulers attempt to diminish the probability that they will loseelections. Under competitive authoritarianism rulers can reap at least some of the benefits ofdemocratic elections (legitimation, coalition building, international recognition) whilediminishing their prospects of losing power.Parallel to the literature on competitive authoritarianism, there is a second literaturethat reevaluated the importance of elections in existing authoritarian regimes. This is the newinstitutionalist literature on authoritarian stability which argues that elections and therepresentative institutions they generate help to explain the persistance of authoritarianism.Whereasthe “window-dressing” thesis was defensible in the context of communistmonopartism and its monopoly on political institutions, this literature showed thatinauthoritarian contexts that permit greater degrees of social and institutional pluralism suchclaims were not sustainable (e.g. Mubarak’s Egypt, Mexico under the PRI). For instance, Gandhi4

30hb APRIL 2011(a) Calon-calon yang berjaya disenarai pendek sahaja akan dipanggil temuduga.Permohonan yang tidak menerima sebarang jawapan daripada pihak UMK dalamtempoh enam (6) bulan dari tarikh tutup permohonan adalah dianggap TIDAKBERJA YA. ---(b) TEMPOH SAHLAKU permohonan adalah selama enam (6) bulan dari tarikh tutupiklan.3

SENARAIEDARAN1. <strong>Pendaftar</strong>Universiti Malaya (UM)Lembah Pantai50603 KUALA LUMPUR2. <strong>Pendaftar</strong>Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)43600 SerdangSELANGOR3. <strong>Pendaftar</strong>Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)43400 SerdangSELANGORn¥.ii:I <strong>Pendaftar</strong>~ Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)11800 MindenPulau Pinang5. <strong>Pendaftar</strong>Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)81310 UTM SkudaiJOHOR6. <strong>Pendaftar</strong> ~ -Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)06010 SintokKEDAH7. Pengarah EksekutifBahagian Perkhidmatan dan PengurusanUniversiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM)P.O.Box 1050728 KUALA LUMPUR8. <strong>Pendaftar</strong>Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)Kota Samarahan94300 KuchingSARAWAK9. <strong>Pendaftar</strong>Unitersiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)Aras 4, Bangunan PentadbiranBeg Berkunci 207388999 Kota KinabaluSABAH

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