Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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TabelTable 5.10Perkembangan Produksi Tanaman Biofarmaka Menurut Jenis Tanaman(ton), 2008-2009Production Growth Medicinal Plant by Kind of Plant (tons), 2008-2009Jenis TanamanKind of PlantPerkembangan/Growth2008 2009 2008-2009Absolut (%)Jahe/Ginger 154 964 122 181 -32 783 -21,16Lengkuas/Galanga EastIndian50 093 59 332 9 239 18,44Kencur/Galangal Java 38 531 43 635 5 104 13,25Kunyit/Turmeric 111 259 124 047 12 789 11,49Lempuyang/ZingiberAromaticum7 621 8 804 1 183 15,53Temulawak/Wild Ginger 23 740 36 826 13 086 55,12Temuireng/CurcumaAeruginosa8 817 7 584 -1 233 -13,99Temukunci/Medicinal Root 3 097 4 702 1 605 51,83Dringo/Arocus Calamus 687 1 075 388 56,46Kapulaga/Java Cardamon 21 231 25 179 3 948 18,60Mengkudu/MorindaCitrifolia16 306 16 267 -39 -0,24Kejibeling/Verbenaceae 1 202 944 -259 -21,52Sambiloto/Sambiloto 7 716 4 335 -3 382 -43,82Mahkota Dewa/Crownof God17 089 12 067 -5 023 -29,39Lidah Buaya/Aloe Vera 2 903 5 884 2 981 102,69Sumber: <strong>Statistik</strong> Tanaman Biofarmaka dan Tanaman Hias Indonesia, BPSSource: Statistics of Medicinal and Ornamental Plants Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia66Trends of the Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, May <strong>2011</strong>

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