Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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TabelTable 5.9Perkembangan Produksi Tanaman Buah-buahan Menurut Jenis Tanaman(ton), 2008-2009Production Growth of Fruit Plant by Kind of Plant (tons), 2008-2009Jenis TanamanKind of PlantPerkembangan/Growth2008 2009 2008-2009Absolut (%)Alpukat/Avocado 244 215 257 642 13 427 5,50Belimbing/ Starfruit 72 397 72 443 46 0,06Duku,Langsat/Duku 158 649 195 364 36 715 23,14Durian/Durian 682 323 797 798 115 475 16,92Jambu Biji/Guava 212 260 220 202 7 942 3,74Jambu Air/Rose apple 111 495 104 885 -6 610 -5,93Jeruk Siam, Keprok/Tangerine 2 391 011 2 025 840 -365 171 -15,27Jeruk Besar/Pomelo 76 621 105 928 29 307 38,25Jeruk/Orange 2 467 632 2 131 768 -335 864 -13,61Mangga/Mango 2 105 085 2 243 440 138 355 6,57Manggis/Mangosteen 78 674 105 558 26 884 34,17Nangka, Cempedak/Jackfruit 675 455 653 444 -22 011 -3,26Nenas/Pineapple 1 433 133 1 558 196 125 063 8,73Pepaya/Papaya 717 899 772 844 54 945 7,65Pisang/Banana 6 004 615 6 373 533 368 918 6,14Rambutan/Rambutan 978 259 986 841 8 582 0,88Salak/Salacca 862 465 829 014 -33 451 -3,88Sawo/Sapodilla 120 649 127 876 7 227 5,99Markisa/Marquisa 138 027 120 796 -17 231 -12,48Sirsak/Soursop 55 042 65 359 10 317 18,74Sukun/Breadfruit 113 778 110 923 -2 855 -2,51Apel/Apple 160 794 262 009 101 215 62,95Anggur/Grape 21 970 9 519 -12 451 -56,67Melon/Melon 56 883 85 861 28 978 50,94Semangka/Watermelon 371 498 474 327 102 829 27,68Blewah/Blewah 55 991 75 124 19 133 34,17Stroberi/Strawberry 128 701 19 132 -109 569 -85,13Sumber: <strong>Statistik</strong> Tanaman Buah-buahan dan Sayuran Tahunan Indonesia, BPSSource: Statistics of Annual Fruit and Vegetables Plant Indonesia, Statistics IndonesiaPerkembangan Beberapa Indikator Utama Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia, <strong>Mei</strong> <strong>2011</strong>65

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