Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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TabelTable 5.8Perkembangan Produksi Tanaman Sayuran Menurut Jenis Tanaman (ton),2008-2009Production and Growth of Vegetables Plant by Kind of Plant (tons), 2008-2009Jenis TanamanKind of Plant2008 2009Perkembangan/Growth2008-2009Absolut (%)Bawang Merah/Shallot 853 615 965 154 111 549 13,07Bawang Putih/Garlic 12 339 15 419 3 080 24,96Bawang Daun/Scallion 547 743 549 365 1 622 0,30Kentang/Potato 1 071 543 1 176 304 104 761 9,78Kubis/Cabbage 1 323 702 1 358 113 34 411 2,60Kembang Kol/Cauliflower 109 497 96 038 -13 459 -12,29Petsai/Chinese Cabbage 565 636 562 838 -2 798 -0,49Wortel/Carrot 367 111 358 014 -9 097 -2,48Lobak/Chinese radish 48 376 29 759 -18 617 -38,48Kacang Merah/Red bean 115 817 110 051 - 5 766 -4,98Kacang Panjang/VignaUnguiculata455 524 483 793 28 269 6,21Cabe Besar/Great Chili 695 707 787 433 91 726 13,18Cabe Rawit/Cayenne pepper 457 353 591 294 133 941 29,29Cabe/Chili 1 153 060 1 378 727 225 667 19,57Paprika/Paprika 2 114 4 462 2 348 111,07Jamur/Mushroom 43 047 38 465 -4 582 -10,65Tomat/Tomato 725 973 853 061 127 088 17,51Terung/Egg plant, Aubergin 427 166 451 564 24 398 5,71Buncis/French bean 266 551 290 993 24 442 9,17Ketimun/Cucumber 540 122 583 061 43 017 7,96Labu Siam/Pumpkin chajota 394 386 321 023 -73 363 -18,60Kangkung/Swamp cabbage 323 757 360 992 37 235 11,50Bayam/Spinach 163 817 173 750 9 933 6,06Melinjo/Melinjo 230 654 221 097 -9 557 -4,14Petai/Twisted cluster bean 213 536 183 679 -29 857 -13,98Jengkol/Jengkol 80 008 62 475 -17 533 -21,91Sumber: <strong>Statistik</strong> Tanaman Sayuran dan Buah-buahan Semusim Indonesia, BPSSource: Statistics of Seasonal Vegetables and Fruit Plants Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia64Trends of the Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, May <strong>2011</strong>

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