Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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1. KEADAAN GEOGRAFIGEOGRAPHICAL SITUATIONDaftar TabelList of TablesHalamanPagesTabel 1.1 Luas Wilayah, Panjang Perbatasan, dan Panjang Pantai, 2006Mainland Area, Borderlines Length, and Coastline Length, 2006........... 3Tabel 1.2 Luas Daratan Indonesia Menurut Provinsi, 2010Land Area of Indonesia by Province, 2010………...………………...............…. 4Tabel 1.3 Jumlah Daerah Administrasi di Indonesia, 2002-2010Number of Administrative Units in Indonesia, 2002-2010…………….....…. 5Tabel 1.4 Daerah Administrasi Menurut Provinsi di Indonesia, 2010Number of Administrative Units by Province in Indonesia, 2010…….…... 6Tabel 1.5Jumlah dan Persentase Desa Menurut Provinsi dan LetakGeografis, 2008Number and Percentage of Village by Province and GeographicalLocation, 2008.…………….........................................………………………........ 72. PENDUDUK DAN KETENAGAKERJAANPOPULATION AND EMPLOYMENTTabel 2.1 Jumlah Penduduk Indonesia (ribu), 1930-2010Number of Population in Indonesia (thousand), 1930-2010…………....... 11Tabel 2.2Penduduk Menurut Provinsi 1980, 1990, 2000, dan 2010 (ribu)Number of Population by Province 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010(thousand)…….......................................................................…….........…. 12Tabel 2.3 Penduduk Menurut Provinsi (ribu), 2006-2009Number of Population by Province (thousand), 2006-2009.……............. 13Tabel 2.4Tabel 2.5Tabel 2.6Tabel 2.7Jumlah Penduduk Menurut Provinsi, Jenis Kelamin, Rasio JenisKelamin, dan Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk (ribu), 2010Number of Population by Province, Sex, Sex Ratio, and Growth Rateof Population (thousand), 2010............................................................... 14Persentase dan Kepadatan Penduduk Menurut Provinsi,2000 dan 2010Percentage and Population Density by Province, 2000 and 2010……....... 15Kabupaten/Kota dengan Jumlah Penduduk Paling Sedikit dan PalingBanyak di Tiap Provinsi, 2010The Smallest and the Biggest Number of Population in Regencies/Municipalities by Province, 2010…….........................................…......….. 16Jumlah Rumah Tangga dan Rata-rata Banyaknya Anggota RumahTangga Menurut Provinsi, 2009-2010Number of Households and Average Households Size byProvince, 2009-2010…………………………………………………………..............….. 17Tabel 2.8 Perkiraan Penduduk Beberapa Negara (juta), 2007-2009Estimated Population of Selected Countries (million), 2007-2009.......... 18Tabel 2.9Penduduk Usia 15 Tahun ke Atas Menurut Jenis KegiatanSelama Seminggu yang Lalu (juta), 2008-2010Population 15 Years of Age and Over by Type of Activity,During the Previous Week (million), 2008-2010……......................…….... 19Tabel 2.10 Angkatan Kerja Menurut Golongan Umur dan Jenis Kelamin, 2010Economically Active by Age Group and Sex, 2010………………….........….... 19viTrends of the Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, May <strong>2011</strong>

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