Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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• Consumer Tendency Index aims to get a picture of a business situation and generaleconomic consumer opinion, based on consumer purchasing power and also onperceptions about business conditions and the economy.• Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an important economic indicator to show theeconomic condition of a country at certain period in time. GDP is defined as the totalvalue added of all production units in a certain country for a certain period (usuallyone year).• Per Capita Gross Domestic Product is GDP divided by the total mid-year population.• GDP at current prices shows the value added of goods and services at current pricesfor a certain year.• GDP at constant prices shows the value added of goods and services calculated at fixprices of a base year.• Household consumption expenditures consist of expenditures incurred by households,which are used for both individual or collective needs. Household consumptions areclassified into food and non-food (goods and services) expenditures that may takeplace in domestic or abroad. Expenditures here include expenditures of Nonprofitinstitutions serving households.• Government consumption expenditures consist of expenditures for the compensationof employees, capital consumption (depreciation) and intermediate consumption(including travel allowance, maintenance cost, and other routine expenditures) spentby either central or local government.• Gross fixed capital formation consists of resident producers acquisitions, lessdisposals, of fixed assets during a given period plus certain addition to the value ofnon produced assets done by the productive activity of producer or institutional units.Fixed assets are tangible and intangible assets produced as outputs from processesof production that are used by themselves and repeatedly, or continuously in processof production for more than one year. The expenditure for military purposes areclassified as government expenditure not as capital formation.• Exports of goods and services consist of transactions of goods and services fromresidents to non-residents.• Imports of goods and services consist of transaction of goods and services from nonresidentsto residents. Exports and imports of goods occur when there are changesin ownership of goods between residents and nonresidents (with or without physicalmovements of goods across frontiers).• Growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is derived from GDP at constantmarket prices. It is obtained by subtracting the value of GDP year n with the value ofGDP year n-1, divided by the value of GDP year n-1 then multiplied by 100 percent. Thegrowth rate of GDP explains the income growth during the given period.xxiiTrends of the Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, May <strong>2011</strong>

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