Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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DIREKTORAT DISEMINASI STATISTIKDIRECTORATE OF STATISTICAL DISSEMINATIONGedung 2 lantai 3/Building 2, 3 rd floorTelepon/Phone - Faksimile/Fax.: (021) 3863740Layanan <strong>Statistik</strong>Statistical ServicesPerpustakaanLibraryGaleri BukuSubdirektorat Layanan dan Promosi <strong>Statistik</strong> memberikan layanandata, informasi statistik berupa softcopy publikasi, data mikro sertakonsultasi statistikGedung 2, Lantai 3Telepon: (021) 3841195, (021) 3842508 psw.3230Telepon Langsung: (021) 3507057Email: bana@bps.go.id, Faksimile: (021) 3863740Subdirectorate of Statistical Promotion and Services serves statisticalinformation such as publication softcopy, micro data as well asconsultation on statistics.Building 2, 3 rd floorPhone: (021) 3841195, 3842508 Ext. 3230Phone direct: (021) 3507057Email: bana@bps.go.id. Faximile: (021) 3863740Subdirektorat Perpustakaan dan Dokumentasi <strong>Statistik</strong>, memberikanlayanan perpustakaan, berupa data/informasi yang tersedia dalambentuk publikasi BPSGedung 2 Lantai 1Telepon: (021) 3841195, (021) 3842508 psw. 3240, 3244Email: cbslib@bps.go.id. Faksimile: (021) 3863740Subdirectorate of Statistical Documentation and Library servescustomers in obtaining statistics information which is available in BPSstandard publication books.Building 2, 1 st floorPhone: (021) 3841195, 3842508 Ext. 3240, 3244Email: cbslib@bps.go.id. Faximile: (021) 3863740Subdirektorat Layanan dan Promosi <strong>Statistik</strong> melayani penjualanbuku-buku publikasi BPSGedung 2 Lantai 1Telepon: (021) 3841195, 3842508 psw. 7445Email: bookstore@bps.go.idBook GalleryInternetInternetSubdirectorate of Statistical Promotion and Services serves the sale ofBPS publication booksBuilding 2, 1 st FloorPhone: (021) 3841195, 3842508 Ext. 7445Email: bookstore@bps.go.idhttp://www.bps.go.idWeb BPS memberikan layanan informasi dalam bidang pertanian,industri, kependudukan dan ketenagakerjaan, perdagangan luar negeri,pendapatan nasional dan regional, keuangan dan harga-harga dan lainlain.http://www.bps.go.idBPS Website provides statistical information such as agriculture,manufacturing, population and employment, national and regionalincome, finance and prices, etc.Perkembangan Beberapa Indikator Utama Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia, <strong>Mei</strong> <strong>2011</strong>133

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