Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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TabelTable 10.5Produk Domestik Bruto Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Menurut LapanganUsaha (miliar rupiah), 2008-2010Gross Domestic Product At Current Market Prices by Industrial Origin(billion rupiahs), 2008-2010Lapangan Usaha/Industrial Origin 2008 2009 * ) 2010 ** )Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan, PerikananAgricultural, Livestock, Forestry and FisheriesPertambangan dan PenggalianMining and Quarrying716 656,2 857 241,4 985 143,6541 334,3 591 912,7 716 391,2Industri Pengolahan/Manufacturing Industries 1 376 441,7 1 477 674,3 1 594 330,4Listrik, Gas dan Air BersihElectricity, Gas and Water Supply40 888,6 47 165,9 50 042,2Konstruksi/Construction 419 711,9 555 201,4 660 967,5Perdagangan, Hotel dan RestoranTrade, Hotel and RestaurantPengangkutan dan KomunikasiTransportation and CommunicationKeuangan, Real Estat & Jasa PerusahaanFinance, Real Estate & Business Services691 487,5 744 122,2 881 108,5312 190,2352 423,4417 466,0368 129,7 404 013,4 462 788,8Jasa-jasa/Services 481 848,3 574 116,5 654 680,0Produk Domestik Bruto/Gross Domestic Product 4 948 688,4 5 603 871,2 6 422 918,2Sumber: Pendapatan Nasional Indonesia, BPSSource: National Income of Indonesia, Statistics IndonesiaCatatan/Note: * ) Angka sementara/preliminary figures** ) Angka sangat sementara/Very preliminary figuresTabelTable 10.6Produk Domestik Bruto Atas Harga Dasar Konstan 2000 Menurut LapanganUsaha (miliar rupiah), 2008-2010Gross Domestic Product At 2000 Constant Market Prices by IndustrialOrigin (billion rupiahs), 2008-2010Lapangan Usaha/Industrial Origin 2008 2009 * ) 2010 ** )Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan, PerikananAgricultural, Livestock, Forestry and FisheriesPertambangan dan PenggalianMining and QuarryingSumber: Pendapatan Nasional Indonesia, BPSSource: National Income of Indonesia, Statistics Indonesia284 619,1 295 933,7 304 406,2172 496,3 180 159,0 186 435,4Industri Pengolahan/Manufacturing Industries 557 764,4 569 784,9 595 313,1Listrik, Gas dan Air BersihElectricity, Gas and Water Supply14 994,4 17 137,3 18 047,7Konstruksi/Construction 131 009,6 140 273,0 150 063,3Perdagangan, Hotel dan RestoranTrade, Hotel and RestaurantPengangkutan dan KomunikasiTransportation and CommunicationKeuangan, Real Estat & Jasa PerusahaanFinance, Real Estate & Business Services363 818,2 368 563,7 400 601,0165 905,5 191 616,2 217 394,7198 799,6 208 839,7 220 646,0Jasa-jasa/Services 193 049,0 205 434,2 217 782,4Produk Domestik Bruto/Gross Domestic Product 2 082 456,1 2 177 741,7 2 310 689,8Catatan/Note: * ) Angka sementara/preliminary figures** ) Angka sangat sementara/Very preliminary figures122Trends of the Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, May <strong>2011</strong>

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