Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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TabelTable 9.12Nilai Tukar Petani Nasional Bulanan Menurut Sektor (2007=100),Januari-April <strong>2011</strong>Monthly Farmer Terms of Trade by Sector (2007=100), January-April <strong>2011</strong>Sektor, Kelompok dan Sub KelompokSector, Group and Sub Group1 Tanaman Pangan/Food Cropsa. Nilai tukar petaniFarmer term of tradeb. Indeks harga yang diterima petaniPrice indices received by farmersJanuariJanuaryFebruariFebruaryMaretMarchAprilApril100,04 100,37 100,29 101,09133,53 134,14 134,02 134,47- Padi/Paddy 130,47 130,66 130,19 130,02- Palawija/Secondary crops 139,60 141,18 141,73 143,44c. Indeks harga yang dibayar petaniPrice indices paid by farmers- Index konsumsi rumah tanggaHousehold consumption index- Indeks biaya produksi & penambahanbarang modal/Cost of productionand capital formation index2 Hortikultura/Horticulturea. Nilai tukar petaniFarmer term of tradeb. Indeks harga yang diterima petaniPrice indices received by farmers133,47 133,64 133,63 133,03135,30 135,40 135,32 134,47126,08 126,52 126,85 127,26104,64 105,79 106,23 107,61136,81 138,75 139,35 140,57- Sayur-sayuran/Vegetables 136,81 138,75 139,35 140,57- Buah-buahan/Fruits 130,74 131,16 131,18 130,63c. Indeks harga yang dibayar petaniPrice indices paid by farmers- Index konsumsi rumah tanggaHousehold consumption index- Indeks biaya produksi & penambahanbarang modal/Cost of productionand capital formation index3 Tanaman Perkebunan RakyatSmallholdings Cropsa. Nilai tukar petaniFarmer term of tradeb. Indeks harga yang diterima petaniPrice indices received by farmers- Tanaman perkebunan rakyatComercial crops indexc. Indeks harga yang dibayar petaniPrice indices paid by farmers- Index konsumsi rumah tanggaHousehold consumption index- Indeks biaya produksi & penambahanbarang modal/Cost of productionand capital formation index133,80 134,26 134,24 133,47120,52 120,79 120,94 121,17122,50 122,79 122,95 123,17104,64 105,79 106,23 107,61136,81 138,75 139,35 140,57136,81 138,75 139,35 140,57130,74 131,16 131,18 130,63133,80 134,26 134,24 133,47120,52 120,79 120,94 121,17Perkembangan Beberapa Indikator Utama Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia, <strong>Mei</strong> <strong>2011</strong>113

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