Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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TabelTable9.4Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) dan Laju Inflasi Bulanan Gabungan 66 Kota(2007=100), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Composite Inflation Rate (Month on Month)of 66 Cities (2007=100), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>BulanMonthIHKCPI2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong>InflasiInflationIHKCPIInflasiInflationIHKCPIInflasiInflationIHKCPIInflasiInflationJanuari/January 158,26 1,77 113,78 -0,07 118,01 0,84 126,29 0,89Februari/February 159,29 0,65 114,02 0,21 118,36 0,30 126,46 0,13Maret/March 160,81 0,95 114,27 0,22 118,19 -0,14 126,05 -0,32April/April 161,73 0,57 113,92 -0,31 118,37 0,15 125,66 -0,31<strong>Mei</strong>/May 164,01 1,41 113,97 0,04 118,71 0,29Juni/June 110,08 2,46 114,10 0,11 119,86 0,97Juli/July 111,59 1,37 114,61 0,45 121,74 1,57Agustus/August 112,16 0,51 115,25 0,56 122,67 0,76September/September 113,25 0,97 116,46 1,05 123,21 0,44Oktober/October 113,76 0,45 116,68 0.19 123,29 0,06November/November 113,90 0,12 116,65 -0,03 124,03 0,60Desember/December 113,86 _ 0,04 117,03 0,33 125,17 0,92Sumber: Berita Resmi <strong>Statistik</strong>, BPSSource: Official Release, Statistics IndonesiaCatatan: Sebelum Juni 2008, penghitungan Indeks Harga Konsumen didasarkan pada pola konsumsi yangdiperoleh dari Survei Biaya Hidup tahun 2002 di 45 kota (2002=100)Note: Before June 2008, CPI was based on a consumption pattern obtained from the 2002 Cost of LivingSurvey in 45 cities (2002=100)TabelTable9.5Laju Inflasi Tahun ke Tahun Gabungan 66 Kota (2007=100), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>Composite Inflation Rate of Year on Year of 66 Cities (2007=100)2008-<strong>2011</strong>BulanMonth2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong>Januari-Januari/January to January 7,36 9,17 3,72 7,02Februari-Februari/February to February 7,40 8,60 3,81 6,84Maret-Maret/March to March 8,17 7,92 3,43 6,65April-April/April to April 8,96 7,31 3,91 6,16<strong>Mei</strong>-<strong>Mei</strong> /May to May 10,38 6,04 4,16Juni-Juni /June to June 11,03 3,65 5,05Juli-Juli/July to July 11,90 2,71 6,22Agustus-Agustus/August to August 11,85 2,75 6,44September-September/September to September 12,14 2,83 5,80Oktober-Oktober/October to October 11.77 2,57 5,67November-November/November to November 11.68 2,41 6,33Desember-Desember/December to December 11.06 2,78 6,96Sumber: Berita Resmi <strong>Statistik</strong>, BPSSource: Official Release, Statistics IndonesiaCatatan: Sebelum Juni 2008, penghitungan Indeks Harga Konsumen didasarkan pada pola konsumsi yangdiperoleh dari Survei Biaya Hidup tahun 2002 di 45 kota (2002=100)Note: Before June 2008, CPI was based on a consumption pattern obtained from the 2002 Cost of Living Survey in45 cities (2002=100)106Trends of the Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, May <strong>2011</strong>

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