Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

Edisi Mei 2011 - Badan Pusat Statistik

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5. PERTANIANAGRICULTURETabel 5.1Perkembangan Luas Panen, Produktivitas, dan Produksi PadiMenurut Subround, 2009-<strong>2011</strong>Harvested Area, Productivity, and Production of Paddyby Subround, 2009-<strong>2011</strong>...........…………………………………………………..……... 57Tabel 5.2 Produksi Padi Menurut Provinsi (ton), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>Production of Paddy by Province (tons), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>……………………..…….. 58Tabel 5.3Perkembangan Luas Panen, Produktivitas, dan Produksi JagungMenurut Subround, 2009-<strong>2011</strong>Harvested Area, Productivity, and Production of Maizeby Subround, 2009-<strong>2011</strong>.............……………………………………………...……….. 59Tabel 5.4 Produksi Jagung Menurut Provinsi (ton), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>Production of Maize by Province (tons), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>…………………..……….. 60Tabel 5.5 Perkembangan Luas Panen, Produktivitas, dan Produksi KedelaiMenurut Subround, 2009-<strong>2011</strong>Harvested Area, Productivity, and Production of Soybeanby Subround, 2009-<strong>2011</strong>…………………………………………………………............ 61Tabel 5.6 Produksi Kedelai Menurut Provinsi (ton), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>Production of Soybean by Province (tons), 2008-<strong>2011</strong>…….…………..…..... 62Tabel 5.7 Produksi Jambu Mete Menurut Provinsi (ton), 2009-<strong>2011</strong>Production of Cashew by Province (tons), 2009-<strong>2011</strong>............................. 63Tabel 5.8Perkembangan Produksi Tanaman Sayuran Menurut JenisTanaman (ton), 2008-2009Production and Growth of Vegetables Plant byKind of Plant (tons), 2008-2009....................................…………………….…. 64Tabel 5.9 Perkembangan Produksi Tanaman Buah-buahan MenurutJenis Tanaman (ton), 2008-2009Production Growth of Fruit Plant byKind of Plant (tons), 2008-2009….………................................……….…….... 65Tabel 5.10 Perkembangan Produksi Tanaman Biofarmaka MenurutJenis Tanaman (ton), 2008-2009Production Growth Medicinal Plant by Kind of Plant (tons),2008-2009…………………..................................................................……….. 66Tabel 5.11 Populasi Ternak di Rumah Tangga Menurut Provinsi, 2010Livestock Population in Households by Province, 2010...............……….... 67Tabel 5.12 Produksi Ikan di Indonesia, 1991-2009Fish Production in Indonesia, 1991-2009 ………………...................……….... 68Tabel 5.13 Produksi Ikan Tangkap di Indonesia, 1991-2009Fish Capture Production In Indonesia, 1991-2009…………......…………….... 69Tabel 5.14 Penanaman Hutan Rakyat/Kebun Rakyat (ha), 2006-2009Establishment of Community Owned Forest (ha), 2006-2009…………….. 706. INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR DAN KONSTRUKSIMANUFACTURING AND CONSTRUCTIONTabel 6.1Tabel 6.2Pertumbuhan Produksi Industri Manufaktur Besar danSedang Bulanan, 2009-<strong>2011</strong>Monthly Production Growth of Large and MediumManufacturing Industry, 2009-<strong>2011</strong>………..........………………………..…….... 73Indeks dan Pertumbuhan Produksi Industri Manufaktur Besar danSedang Triwulanan (2000=100), 2001-<strong>2011</strong>Quaterly Production Indices and Growth of Large and MediumManufacturing Industry (2000=100), 2001-<strong>2011</strong>…………….............……… 74Perkembangan Beberapa Indikator Utama Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia, <strong>Mei</strong> <strong>2011</strong>ix

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