Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONPada hari penamat simposium (tema’ Global Scenarioand the World Perspective of Science, Technologyand Innovation’) satu lagi ucaptama bertajuk, ‘GlobalScenario of STI: Perspective of Developing Countries’ telahdisampaikan oleh Prof Yves Quere dari <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong>Perancis. Acara kemuncak simposium ini ialah satu forumbertajuk, ‘Islamic Development on Science, Technologyand Innovation: The Way Forward,’ dipengerusikan olehYang Berhormat Menteri.Bengkel BeliaAntarabangsa Mengenai<strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi danInovasi, Kuala LumpurBengkel ini kelolakan dengan tema, ‘Towards a Properousand Secure Islamic World’ dianjur oleh ASM dengankerjasama MOSTI dan UNESCO. Bengkel dua hari ini (6–7Ogos, bertempat di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur)juga disokong oleh Bank Pembangunan Islam, IslamicWorld Academy of Science, Academy of Sciences inthe Developing World, OIC Standing Committee onScientifi c and Technological Co-operation, and IslamicEducational Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation.Bengkel ini diadakan seiring dengan InternationalSymposium on Science, Technology and Innovation.Bengkel ini bermatlamat membangunkan satu forumbelia dan jaringan STI; memperluaskan jaringanprofesional; untuk mempromosi konsep pembangunanmodal manusia dari prespektif Islam Hadhari; danmenyediakan resolusi untuk diketengahkan ke SimposiumSTI Antarabangsa.Sejumlah 90 saintis muda (berumur kurang dari 40tahun) menghadiri bengkel ini. 65 peserta dari jumlahini berasal dari 14 buah negara OIC. Menerusi satusesi sanggar kerja yang panjang dan memanfaatkantiga fokus telah dipersetujui iaitu pembangunan modalmanusia, budaya kerja cemerlang dan pengurusan STIuntuk penjanaan kekayaan. Di penghujung bengkel,satu resolusi mengenai belia Islam dalam bidang STItelah dirumus. Para peserta juga komited dalammengwujudkan portal-portal pengurusan pengetahuanSTI selain berkongsi serta membangunkan secara bersama(berasaskan konsep sumber terbuka) perantaraan baruuntuk pengurusan penyelidikan untuk para penyelidikmuda di negara-negara Islam dengan menggunakanK-Chart.On the fi nal day of the Symposium (theme ‘GlobalScenario and World Perspective of Science, Technologyand Innovation’) another keynote addressentitled ‘Global Scenario of STI: Perspective of DevelopingCountries’ was presented by Prof Yves Quereof the French Academy of Sciences. The Symposiumculminated with a forum on ‘Islamic Developmenton Science, Technology and Innovation: The WayForward,’ chaired by the Honourable Minister.International YouthWorkshop on Science,Technology andInnovation, Kuala LumpurThis Workshop with the theme ‘Towards a Prosperousand Secure Islamic World’ was organised by ASM incollaboration with MOSTI and UNESCO. This two-dayworkshop (6–7 August, held at the KL Convention Centre)was also supported by Islamic Development Bank, IslamicWorld Academy of Science, Academy of Sciences inthe Developing World, OIC Standing Committee onScientifi c and Technological Co-operation, and IslamicEducational Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation.The Workshop was organised in conjunction with theInternational Symposium on Science, Technologyand Innovation. The objectives of the workshop wereto establish a youth forum and networking in STI; tobroaden a professional network; to promote a conceptof human capital development from the perspective ofIslam Hadari; and to prepare resolutions for submissionto the International Symposium on STI.A total of 90 young scientists (less than 40 years’ old)attended the Workshop. All but 25 were from 14 OICcountries. Human capital development, excellent workculture, and management of STI for wealth creation werethe three areas of focus during a fruitful and lengthybrainstorming session. At the end of the Workshop, aresolution on Muslim youths in STI was produced. Theparticipants of the workshop were also committed toestablish a STI knowledge management portal and toshare and co-develop (based on open source concept)new tools for research management for young scientistsin the Islamic countries using the K-Chart.96In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

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