Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONMesyuarat MajlisPersekutuan <strong>Akademi</strong>dan Persatuan <strong>Sains</strong> Asia(FASAS), BangkokMesyuarat ini telah diadakan dari 27–29 November secarabersama oleh Persatuan <strong>Sains</strong> Thailand, <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong>dan Teknologi Thailand dan Persatuan <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong>di Asia. Felo-felo ASM yang di ketuai oleh AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman dan seorangperwakilan Persatuan <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>, menghadiri acaraini yang di adakan sempena Persidangan AntarabangsaPendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> di Asia dan Pasifi k, Mesyuarat Pihakpihakberkenaan Pendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> dan MesyuaratMengenai Projet-projet Bersama FASAS.Persidangan telah bersetuju untuk menumpukan fokushanya terhadap pendidikan sains di peringkat sekolah,pembangunan bahan-bahan pembelajaran-E matapelajaran matematik, mengkaji status pendidikan sainsdi negara-negara ahli, bengkel untuk para pendidikbidang sains, dan program kem musim panas.Di Persidangan Pendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> tersebut, ASM yang telahmenumpukan penuh perhatian terhadap Projek No. 1FASAS mengenai, ‘Pengajaran <strong>Sains</strong> Demi MemupukKesedaran’ atau ‘Pengajaran <strong>Sains</strong> BerlandaskanKaedah Kesedaran’ telah membentangkan kemajuandan kesimpulan sampel projek kit cahaya yang dikenalisebagai PR2 (Perambatan, pantulan dan pembiasancahaya)’ dan juga satu kertas kerja berjudul ‘KitCahaya: Dari Amalan Bilik Darjah Membawa kePengkomersilan’.Persidangan danPameran NanoteknologiAntarabangsa, NanotechJepun 2007Persidangan di atas telah diadakan di Tokyo (19-23Februari) dengan melibatkan acara-acara berkaitannanoteknologi:Federation of AsianScientific Academies andSocieties (FASAS) CouncilMeeting, BangkokThe Meeting jointly organised with the Science Society ofThailand and Thai Academy of Science and Technologyand Association of Academies of Science in Asia, washeld from 27–29 November. ASM Fellows, headed byAcademician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman, anda representative of the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Scientifi c Association,attended the event which was held in conjunction withthe International Conference on Science Educationin Asia and the Pacifi c, Meeting of the Focal PointPersons on Science Education, and Meeting on FASASJoint Projects.The Conference agreed to focus its project only on scienceeducation at school level, development of E-learningmaterial on mathematics, survey on status of scienceeducation in member countries, workshop for scienceeducators, and a summer camp programme.ASM which anchored FASAS Project No. 1 on ‘ScienceTeaching with Enlightenment’ or ‘Science Teachingin Enlightened Ways’ presented the progress andoutcome of the project sample of the light kit calledPR2 (Light propagation, refl ection and refraction)’ andalso a paper entitled ‘Light Kit: From Classroom Practiceto Commercialization’ at the Science EducationConference.Nanotech Japan2007, InternationalNanotechnologyExhibition and ConferenceThe above Conference held in Tokyo (19–23 February)involving the following related events onnanotechnology:In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 93

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