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Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONtelah menjelaskan minat terperinci untuk terlibat samadalam (1) Pengawalan Penyakit sedang Menular, dan(2) Kualiti Khidmat Kesihatan dalam Perspektif Global.Bengkel ini yang dijalankan di Shanghai (11–12 Jun),menumpukan fokus kepada tiga aspek berhubungpenyakit berjangkit, iaitu Kesihatan Awam, Vaksinasidan Terapi anti-microbial. Prof L.M. Looi, FASc telahdijemput membentangkan kertas kerja mengenai,‘Lesson from Nipah Virus Outbreak in <strong>Malaysia</strong>’.Beberapa usul mengenai cara menangani ancamanpenyakit berjangkit baru dibuat berkaitan (1) Keperluanmenggunakan teknologi baru dalam mendiagnos danmengawas penyakit-penyakit baru, (2) Vaksinasi dan(3) Antibiotik dan Rintangan Antiviral.Mesyuarat TahunanLembaga Majlis Antara<strong>Akademi</strong> (IAC) 2007Mesyuarat ini yang diadakan di Amsterdam pada29–31 Januari, telah dihadiri oleh Setiausaha AgungASM (beliau menghadiri mesyuarat ini selaku wakil AhliLembaga IAC). Perhatian telah diambil mengenai drafperyataan bersama oleh <strong>Akademi</strong>-akademi G8+5 yangdibentangkan di Persidangan Kemuncak G8 (telahdiadakan pada bulan Jun di Jerman), dan penerbitandalam Women for Science dan laporan Toward aSustainable Energy Future. Mesyuarat ini juga telahmenerima masuk ahli lembaga ex-offi cio baru yangmerangkumi wakil-wakil yang mengwakili Panel Antara<strong>Akademi</strong>, Panel Perubatan Antara <strong>Akademi</strong>, dan Majlis<strong>Akademi</strong> Kejuruteraan dan <strong>Sains</strong> Teknologi Antarabangsa.Pembentukan satu kumpulan perancang yang diseliaoleh IAMP juga telah diberi persetujuan. Kumpulan iniditugaskan untuk mengariskan skop, pelan kerja danpunca pembiayaan kajian IAC-IAMP baru mengenailangkah-langkah mempertingkat pengawasan globalterhadap penyakit zoonotik, seperti selesema burungdan SARS.Mengenai soal masa depan IAC, Lembaga telahbersetuju akan perluya rancangan 10 tahun. Dalamhal ini Lembaga bersetuju agar IAC memulakanproses perbincangan untuk mengubal skop idealmengenai kajian dan program IAC dan dan seterusnyamembangunkan satu pelan strategik pada tahun 2007untuk merealiasasikan matlamat tersebut.participate in (1) Control of Emerging Infections, and(2) Health Care Quality in a Global Perspective. TheWorkshop held in Shanghai (11–12 June), focussed onthree aspects of emerging infectious diseases, namelyPublic Health, Vaccination and Anti-microbial Therapies.Prof L.M. Looi FASc was invited to present a paper entitled‘Lessons from the Nipah Virus Outbreak in <strong>Malaysia</strong>’.Some recommendations on combating the threat ofnew emerging infections were made concerning (1)The need to implement new technologies for diagnosisand surveillance of novel infections, (2) Vaccinations,and (3) Antibiotic and Antiviral Resistance.2007 Annual InterAcademy Council (IAC)Board MeetingThe Meeting, held in Amsterdam on 29–31 January,was represented by the ASM Secretary General (whoattended the meeting as an IAC Board Member).Note was taken of the draft joint-statements by G8+5Academies to the G8 Summit (held in June, Germany),and the publication on Women for Science and thereport Toward a Sustainable Energy Future. The meetingalso approved the new ex-offi cio board members whoincluded representatives from the Inter-Academy Panel,Inter-Academy Medical Panel, and the InternationalCouncil of Academies of Engineering and TechnologicalSciences. The convening of an organizing group inconsultation with IAMP to consider a scope, plan ofwork, and potential funding of a new IAC-IAMP studyon improving global surveillance for emerging zoonoticdiseases, such as avian infl uenza and SARS, was alsoapproved.Regarding the future of IAC, the Board also agreedthat a 10-year plan was necessary for the future ofIAC. In this regard, the Board agreed for IAC to begin aconsultative process to envision an ideal scope of IACstudies and programmes and to develop a strategicplan for realizing goals for 2007.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 89

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