Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONProgram Air Panel Antara<strong>Akademi</strong> (IAP)Satu Mesyuarat Penilaian dan Perancangan Strategiktelah diadakan di Trieste, Itali dari 29–31 Mei. Mesyuaratini dihadiri oleh 14 peserta dari akademi-akademi yangmenjadi penganjur dan jaringan serantau. Mesyuarat iniyang dianggap amat berhasil kerana penglibatan baikpara hadirin. Sebanyak 60 buah akademi telah bersetujumemberikan sokongan terhadap Program Air IAP ini.ASM diwakili oleh Tan Sri Shahrizaila, Pengerusi KumpulanBengkel Air ASM/ASM Workshop Group on Water.Kumpulan Kerja ASM yang terbukti dan berperananmenyelenggara Program Air IAP di peringkat kebangsaantelah menumpukan fokusnya terhadap dua bidangiaitu Eutrofi kasi Tasik dan Pengurusan Air dalam Tanah.Kumpulan ini terlibat dalam Bengkel IAP dalam memacuagenda berhubung Eutrofi kasi dan telah terus bekerjadengan Institut Penyelidikan Hidraulik Kebangsaan<strong>Malaysia</strong> (NAHRIM). Tujuh cadangan projek baru telahdikemukakan untuk permohonan pembiayaan dalamtahun 2008. Melalui Kumpulan Kerjanya, ASM akanmemantau segala pembangunan secara rapi dengankesedian untuk menceburkan diri jika diperlukan.Kolokium PengurusanTasik dan Takungan Air di<strong>Malaysia</strong>Kolokium kelolaan bersama dengan Institut PenyelidikanHidraulik Kebangsaan <strong>Malaysia</strong> (NAHRIM) ini telahdijalankan di Putrajaya pada 2-3 Ogos untuk menyuntikkesedaran yang lebih mendalam terhadap status danisu berkaitan tasik dan takungan air di <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Seramai 120 peserta mendapat manfaat dari sumbanganpensyarah antarabangsa semasa ucaptama oleh ProfMaciej Zalewski, Pengarah European Regional Centrefor Ecohydrology, Lodz, Poland: Prof Eduardo MarioMendiondo, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, dan ProfMasahisa Nakamura, Pengerusi, International LakeEnvironment Committee, berpusat di Jepun. Merekamenyampaikan syarahan mengenai isu-isu berhubungtasik dan takungan air di <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Kolokium ini bermula dengan pembentangan kertaskerja ulung secara bersama oleh NAHRIM dan UTM yangInter-Academy Panel(IAP) Water ProgrammeAn Evaluation and Strategic Planning Meeting was heldin Trieste, Italy from 29–31 May which was attended bysome 14 participants from the host academies andregional networks. The meeting was fruitful with goodparticipation by all present. Some 60 Academies haveconfi rmed support to the IAP Water Programme. ASMwas represented by Tan Sri Shahrizaila, Chairman ofASM Workshop Group on Water.ASM’s established Working Group to oversee the IAPWater Programme at national level has kept its focus ontwo areas, namely Eutrohication of Lakes and GroundWater Management. It has participated in relevant IAPworkshops in carrying the agenda forward on Eutrohicationand has continued to work with the National HydraulicResearch Institute of <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Regarding the continuingIAP Water Programme seven new project proposalswere put up for funding in the year 2008. ASM throughits Working Group would monitor developments closelywith a view of active participation where relevant.Colloquium onManagement of Lakesand Reservoirs in <strong>Malaysia</strong>The colloquium held on 2–3 August at Putrajaya wasjointly organised with the National Hydraulic ResearchInstitute of <strong>Malaysia</strong> (NAHRIM) to create and fostergreater awareness on the status and issues pertainingto lakes and reservoirs in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Some 120 participants benefi ted from the participationof international speakers during the keynote addressesby Prof Maciej Zalewski, Director, European RegionalCentre for Ecohydrology, Lodz, Poland ; Prof EduardoMario Mendiondo, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, andProf Masahisa Nakamura, Chairman, InternationalLake Environment Committee, based in Japan. Theyspoke on global trends and prospects in sound lakemanagement and research.The Colloquium commenced with a lead paperpresented jointly by NAHRIM and UTM highlighting the86In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

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