Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONPusat ini akan bertindak sebagai satu pentas antarabangsauntuk Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan dalam bidang STIdan menggunakan jaringan G7 campur China danPertubuhan Islam Antarabangsa. Menerusi konsultasi,matlamat keseluruhan Pusat telah dikenal pasti iaituuntuk meningkatkan keupayaan pengurusan STI diseluruh negara-negara membangun.Keutamaan Pusat ini termasuklah latihan jangkapendek dan panjang untuk para saintis, penguruspusat penyelidikan/institusi dan perumus polisi sains;bengkel; pertukaran lawatan oleh saintis; penyelidikanusaha sama dan projek pembangunan; dan jaringanpembangunan ekonomi berasaskan pengetahuan.Program jangka pendek akan menjurus kepadakawasan-kawsasan berkepentingan khusus mengikutkeperluan dan keutamaan yang dikenal pasti.Persidangan Majlis <strong>Sains</strong>Asia KetujuhPersidangan ini telah diadakan di Okinawa, Jepundengan tema, ‘Tenaga dan Persekitaran’, dari14–16 Jun. Sebelas negara-negara ahli dengan limapemerhati dari pertubuhan antarabangsa, serantaudan kebangsaan telah menghadiri dua PerhimpunanAgung dan Mesyuarat Lembaga, tiga sesi bengkelselari dan Majlis <strong>Sains</strong> Asia (SCA)/Persatuan <strong>Sains</strong> Pasifi k(PSA) Joint Symposium. <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah diwakili olehProf Nordin Hasan, FASc dan Prof Mazlin Mokhtar ofthe Institute for Environment and Development, UKM.Prof Mazlin juga telah menyampaikan satu kertas kerjabertajuk ‘Sustainability Governance: A Study on Science-Governance Symbioses’, satu Projek Bersama SCA yangkini sedang berjalan. Satu Panel Perbincangan jugatelah diadakan mengenai: ‘Tenaga dan Persekitaran’;‘Pendidikan dan Persekitaran’; dan ‘Sumber Air’.Semasa persidangan, SCA telah berjanji akan meneruskanperanannya dalam jaringan di Asia di mana saintis darirantau ini boleh membuat laporan dan berbincangmengenai penemuan penyelidikan mereka yangmungkin mempunyai potensi untuk menyumbangke arah pembangunan lestari di Asia. Ini juga akanmenjadikan SCA lebih releven sebagai kelompok saintisserantau pada masa akan datang dan umumnya untukpembangunan sains di Asia.The Centre will act as an international platform forSouth-South co-operation in STI and make use of thenetwork of the G77 plus China and the Organization ofthe Islamic Conference. Consultations have identifi edthat the overall goal of the proposed Centre wouldbe to increase the capacity for management of STIthroughout developing countries.The priorities of the Centre would include short- andmedium-term training for scientists, managers of researchcentres/institutes and science policy makers; workshops;exchange visits by scientists; collaborative research anddevelopment projects; and networking in knowledgebasedeconomic development. Short-term programmeswill cater to specifi c areas of interest in keeping withthe needs and priorities identifi ed.Seventh Science Councilof Asia ConferenceThe above Conference was held in Okinawa, Japanwith the theme ‘Energy and Environment’, from 14–16June. Eleven member countries with fi ve observersfrom international, regional and national organisationsattended the two General Assemblies and BoardMeetings, three parallel workshop sessions as well asthe Science Council of Asia (SCA)/ Pacifi c ScienceAssociation (PSA) Joint Symposium. <strong>Malaysia</strong> wasrepresented by Prof Mohd Nordin Hasan, FASc andProf Mazlin Mokhtar of the Institute for Environmentand Development, UKM. The latter also presented apaper entitled ‘Sustainability Governance: A Study onScience-Governance Symbioses’, a SCA Joint Projectwhich is currently in progress. A Panel Discussion wasalso held on: ‘Energy and Environment’; ‘Educationand Environment’; and ‘Water Resources’.At the Conference, SCA pledged to continue thenetworking role in Asia where scientists from the regioncould report and discuss their research fi ndings that wouldhave the potential to make signifi cant contributionstowards the sustainability of development in Asia. Thiswould also make the SCA more relevant as a regionalgrouping of scientists in future and for the developmentof the sciences in Asia in general.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 85

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