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Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYakan status sains dan teknologi di Carribean dantindakan terkini dalam menggalakkannya sebagai satuperantaraan pembangunan.<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan Inno-Biologics Sdn Bhd selakupenaja bersama telah menaja Prof Jonathan Epstein,ke 24th World Congress of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine yang diadakan pada 24 Ogos 2007 di PusatKonvensyen Sunway, Petaling Jaya. Syarahan plenoProf Jonathan Epstein berjudul ‘Pendekatan SistematikMendiagnosis Kanser Prostat’. Presiden Kongres tersebut,Academician Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc telah menjadipengerusi syarahan tersebut. Prof Epstein merupakanReinhard Professor of Pathology, Department of PathologyUrulogy and Oncology, John Hopkins University Schoolof Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Dalam syarahanyang dihadiri oleh para peserta kongres tersebut, beliautelah menjelaskan pendekatan mendiagnosis penyakitadenokarsinoma kelenjar prostat.Syarahan UmumPada 18 Ogos bertempat di <strong>Akademi</strong>, ASM dengankerjasama University of Queensland Alumni Association<strong>Malaysia</strong> telah menganjurkan satu Syarahan Umumbertajuk, ‘How to stay young, healthy and cancer-free(Anti aging Therapies for women and men)’. Syarahanini dipengerusikan oleh Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad Babjee,FASc. Pensyarah, Dr Amir Farid Isahak merupakanpakar runding perubatan, pakar sakit puan, pakarperubatan anti penuaan dan pakar bedah estetikadi samping merupakan seorang guru Qigong yangdisegani. Syarahan ini dihadiri oleh Felo-felo <strong>Akademi</strong>,ahli University of Queensland Alumini Association <strong>Malaysia</strong>,media dan orang ramai.<strong>Akademi</strong> telah menganjurkan Syarahan Umum bertajuk,‘The Establishment and Implementation of R&D inAgricultural Biotechnology in Australia’ pada 22 Junbertempat di ASM. Syarahan ini disampaikan oleh ProfMichael G.K. Jones, Pengarah, Western Australia StateAgricultural Biotechnology Centre, Perth, Australia Barat.Syarahan ini telah dipengurusi oleh Prof Emeritus Dato’Mohamed Mahyuddin Mohd Dahan, FASc.Pada 27 Mac bertempat di Auditorium, Institute forPost-graduate Studies, Universiti Malaya, ASM secarakerjasama dengan INTI Foundation, telah menganjurkanSyarahan Saintifi k berjudul, ‘Organ-like Cell CultureModels as Test Objects in Discovery and Pre-clinicalSciences’. Syarahan tersebut yang disampaikan olehProf Wendy Purcell, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Universitya critical look at the status of Science and Technologyin the Caribbean and recent efforts to promote it as atool for development.The Academy and Inno-Biologics Sdn Bhd co-sponsoredProf Jonathan Epstein, at the 24th World Congress ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine held on 22 August2007 at Sunway Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya. ProfJonathan Epstein’s plenary lecture, entitled ‘A SystematicApproach to Diagnosing Prostate Cancer’ was chairedby Academician Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc, Presidentof the Congress. Prof Epstein is the Reinhard Professorof Pathology, Departments of Pathology, Urology andOncology, John Hopkins University School of Medicine,Baltimore, Maryland, USA. In his lecture, he explainedabout the approach of diagnosing adenocarcinoma ofthe prostate. The lecture was attended by participantsof the congress.Public LecturesThe Academy organised a Public Lecture on ‘Howto Stay Young, Healthy and Cancer-free (Anti-AgingTherapies for Women and Men’) in collaboration withthe University of Queensland Alumni Association <strong>Malaysia</strong>on 18 August at the Academy. The public lecture waschaired by Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad Mustaffa Babjee,FASc. The lecture was delivered by Dr Amir Farid Isahak,who is a medical consultant, gynecologist, anti-agingphysician and aesthetic surgeon as well as a respectedQigong master. The talk was attended by Fellows ofthe Academy, members of University of QueenslandAlumni Association <strong>Malaysia</strong>, media, and members ofthe public.The Academy organised a Public Lecture entitled ‘TheEstablishment and Implementation of R&D in AgriculturalBiotechnology in Australia’ on 22 June at the Academy.The lecture was delivered by Prof Michael G.K. Jones,the Director of Western Australia State AgriculturalBiotechnology Centre, Perth, Western Australia. Thelecture was chaired by Prof Emeritus Dato’ MohamedMahyuddin Mohd Dahan, FASc.On 27 March, ASM and INTI Foundation jointly organiseda Scientifi c Lecture entitled ‘Organ-like Cell CultureModels as Test Objects in Discovery and Pre-clinicalSciences’ at the Auditorium, Institute for Post-graduateStudies, University of Malaya. The lecture delivered byProf Wendy Purcell, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Universityof Hertfordshire, United Kingdom was attended by theIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 75

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