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SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYSyarahan PerdanaPada 12 Januari bertempat di Universiti MalayaProf Soh Aik Chin, FASc yang dilantik dalam tahun 2006,menyampaikan syarahan beliau yang bertajuk, ‘WhatYou See is Not Necessarily What You Get! (Breedingand Selecting the Ideal Oil Palm)’. Prof Soh tergolongdi antara pembiak dan ahli genetik kelapa sawit yangtersohor di arena antarabangsa. Beliau memberitahubahawa kaedah memilih untuk menghasilkan pokokindividu berdasarkan pengasingan di peringkat awalkitar pilihan merupakan cara yang tidak tepat. Masalahini disebabkan oleh genotip yang tidak stabil, dayawarisan yang rendah dan kemampuan bersaing yangtidak sekata. Sesi yang dipengerusikan oleh Dato’ SeriDr Salleh Mohd Nor, FASc ini dihadiri ramai ahli biologi,Felo <strong>Akademi</strong>, para penyelidik dan penuntut.Inaugural LectureProf Soh Aik Chin, FASc appointed in 2006, delivered hisLecture on 12 January at the University of Malaya on thetopic entitled ‘What You See is Not Necessarily WhatYou Get! (Breeding and Selecting the Ideal Oil Palm)’.Prof Soh is a leading oil palm breeder and geneticistof international standing. He discussed issues on yieldselection in single plants by segregating populationsin the early selection cycle and that it was unreliablebecause of unstable genotypes, low heritability andhad differential plant competitive abilities. The session,chaired by Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FASc wasattended by many plant biologists, Fellows of theAcademy, researchers and students.Soalan yang ditimbulkan salah seorang peserta syarahan.An enquiry by a participant attending the lecture. ▲Siri Syarahan SterlingSiri Syarahan Sterling disampaikan oleh Universiti-universitiBritain di bawah naungan Kumpulan Sterling. Syarahanini ditujukan kepada mahasiswa/wi agar teruja danberminat dalam bidang kejuruteraan. Syarahan inijuga mempromosi kecemerlangan UK dalam bidangkejuruteraan. Royal Academy of Engineering menyokongkumpulan ini yang membiayai perbelanjaan sendiri danmengiktirafnya sebagai sebuah perantaraan pentingdalam menjaga reputasi keunggulan pendidikankejuruteraan UK. Sempena kunjungan Kumpulan Sterlingini, <strong>Akademi</strong> dengan kerjasama KBU InternationalUniversity College dan Multimedia University, menganjursyarahan-syarahan berikut.Prof Soh menyampaikan syarahan beliau.Prof Soh delivering his lecture. ▲Sterling Lecture SeriesThe Sterling Lecture Series is delivered by the SterlingGroup of British Universities to undergraduate studentswith the intention of exciting students about a future inengineering and promoting UK excellence in engineering.The self-fi nancing group is recognized and supportedby the Royal Academy of Engineering as a valuablemeans of maintaining the reputation of UK engineeringeducation. In conjunction to the visit of the SterlingGroup, the Academy organized the following lecturesin collaboration with the KBU International UniversityCollege and Multimedia University.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 73

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