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KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCE4. D r Loh Hwei San (University of Nottingham <strong>Malaysia</strong>Campus)—RM30 000 untuk pembiayaan penyelidikanmengenai ‘Investigation on the Bioactive Compoundsof a Novel Rain Forest Plant for the Treatment ofCancers’.5. K haw Wan Fei (Universiti Putra <strong>Malaysia</strong>)—RM30 000 untuk menampung perbelanjaan kerja-kerjaP&P mengenai ‘Acceptability of Self-administeredDevice for Cervical Cancer Screening among<strong>Malaysia</strong>n Women in Rawang District, Selangor’.Dana ‘ScientificAdvancement FundAllocation’ (SAGA)Dana penyelidikan yang dikenali sebagai SAGA telahdiwujudkan dalam usaha untuk membiayai penyelidikanasas para saintis yang mempunyai rekod cemerlang didalam bidang sains. Matlamat utama dana ini adalahuntuk membolehkan para saintis mara ke hadapandan sekaligus memperoleh pengiktirafan antarabangsaatas usaha mereka dalam menjana pengetahuan danpenemuan baru.Projek di Bawah SAGAPada masa ini, 89 projek berjumlah RM19.2 juta sedangdibiayai di bawah dana SAGA. Bidang penyelidikanutama yang dibiayai merangkumi bidang-bidangfi siologi/perubatan, kimia dan fi zik saperti denggi, kanser,malaria, sel stem, produk bioaktif baru, nanostruktur/nanotiub baru, dan hablur cecair.Hasil analisis melalui pemantauan dan penilaian yangdilakukan berdasarkan Laporan Kemajuan ProjekBulan ke-20 untuk 59 projek (SAGA pusingan pertamadan kedua) menunjukkan sejumlah 400 penerbitansaintifi k (termasuk artikel-artikel jurnal, kertas kerja yangdikemukakan untuk persidangan/seminar/bengkel) telahdihasilkan melalui usaha penyelidikan. Daripada jumlahini, 309 artikel diterbitkan dalam jurnal antarabangsa.Pecahan penerbitan berdasarkan bidang penyelidikandipaparkan dalam Rajah 1.4. D r Loh Hwei San (University of Nottingham <strong>Malaysia</strong>Campus)—RM30 000 for research on the ‘Investigationon the Bioactive Compounds of a Novel Rain ForestPlant for the Treatment of Cancers’.5. K haw Wan Fei (Universiti Putra <strong>Malaysia</strong>)—RM30 000 to undertake R&D work on ‘Acceptabilityof Self-administered Device for Cervical CancerScreening Among <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Women in RawangDistrict, Selangor’.Scientific AdvancementFund Allocation (SAGA)In a move to support excellent scientists with a proventrack record in identifi ed priority areas of fundamentalsciences, a research fund was established under SAGA.The aim of such an allocation is to allow these scientists tomove to the next level of achievement including gaininginternational recognition for knowledge generationand new discoveries.Projects under SAGACurrently, 89 projects are being funded with SAGAfunds amounting to around RM19.2 million (Table 1). Themajor research areas funded in the fi elds of physiology/medicine, chemistry and physics are dengue, cancer,malaria, stem cell, novel bioactive products, novelnanostructures/nanotubes and liquid crystals.The monitoring and evaluation exercise carried out basedon the SAGA 20th Month Project Progress Reports for 59projects (SAGA fi rst and second rounds) showed thata total of 400 scientifi c publications (including journalarticles, and papers produced for conference/seminar/workshops) emanated from the research. Of this total,309 articles were in international journals.The breakdown of publications according to fi elds ofresearch is presented in Figure 1. Two patents were alsoattained through the SAGA funded research.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 67

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